Drop a Class, Like A Mic Drop, But Different.
When my daughter was a sophomore, she decided to take a heavy course load in addition to a math course. You’ll have to understand that math was always a struggle for my daughter. We discussed whether she should take this class along with such a heavy course load; however, my daughter believed she could do it. Four weeks into the class, she called me asking if we would pay for a private tutor. It was heartbreaking, as I knew that she had been attending every study session and doing review work every chance she got. While I tried to reassure her that an A in the class wasn’t necessary, I knew that I couldn’t bear to be in the class any longer that semester. The ultimate decision was hers; however, I believe she wanted my support and blessing in this decision. As her mom, her mental health was more important.
Students at FAU must drop a class by the 13th week of the class, which falls on October 30th for the fall semester and March 26th for the Spring Semester. This will give students a W on their transcript instead of an F. FAU does allow students to use grade forgiveness 3 times in their academic careers. In addition, the University’s Handbook explains the rules for undergraduates for dropping a class. Students can drop courses via the MyFau portal.
There are financial repercussions as well when your student drops a class. Your student will still be fee liable for dropped courses, and it is YOUR responsibility to know the requirements of any scholarships you have, including Bright Futures. Most course drops require repayment to Bright Futures and may require repayment to other programs. Please check with Financial Aid if you have concerns. Your academic advisor may be able to assist you with some financial issues, but Financial Aid is generally between you and Student Financial Affairs. Should you have any questions about the impact of dropping a class as it relates to Bright Futures, you can download the interactive tool – BFCreditHourTool (8)
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