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Countdown to Finals
December is the best month filled with holiday cheer, amazing food, and time spent with family but before this fun time happens, students have to get through the struggles of finals week. If you are anything like my student, finals week is a stressful one. And with finals going virtual this year, some students may be taking them from home.
If your student is taking them at home, we’ve got some fun door signs that you can get them including:
- Door hanger dry-erase Do Not Disturb Whiteboard that you can customize.
- Sorry It’s Study Time Door Hanger
We turned to our interns, many of whom are juniors and seniors for their top tips for finals week.
- Stay Organized – We recommend making a final exam calendar to plan out your entire week. It’s going to be a busy week so designate each day to study for a specific test. This will allow you to stay on top of things and will lower your stress levels by staying so organized. Do not CRAM! Most people push off studying and suddenly it’s the day of the test. A week or two before the exam, we recommend looking over the format of the test and figuring out all the material you need to know
- Space Out Your Tests If Possible – We all know it’s no fun having three tests on the same day. If you have the option to pick when your exam will be, make sure you spread them apart to give yourself some time to focus on that specific exam without having any other thoughts in mine.
- Study Guides – Make sure you have your study guides ready before exam week so all you have to do is study away! You can make your own or collaborate with your peers to compile your notes.
- Study Location – Finding a good location where you feel comfortable is definitely at the top of my week when it comes to studying for finals. I can’t stand the 50-year-old wood chairs in the library so I personally love finding a corner in a coffee shop with a table to myself, a big mug of coffee, and a cushioned chair.
- Test Location – Make sure you have a quiet spot to take tests considering most of them will be proctored online. We recommend locking the door so no one comes in and completely turning your phone off. After all your hard work and dedication when it comes to studying, no need to risk a 0 by a phone call or someone walking in your room.
- Test Your Webcam – With COVID-19 a lot of exams are utilizing ProctorHub, You will need a working camera in order to take these exams. And, make sure you have steady WiFi, add a LAN cable. Nothing is worse than taking an exam and being kicked out because the WiFi went out.
- Study With Friends – or in small groups of classmates. Studying with others allows you to collaborate and figure out material others may know that you do not. You can do this socially distanced, through Zoom or together.
- Go To Office Hours – to ask your professors and teaching assistants questions. These are the people that know what will be on your test and can answer any questions you may have regarding material or the test. You can also meet with TAs and Professors (over zoom) if you have questions and to get stuff cleared up
- Look Over Past Exams if Possible – Past exams allow you to really understand what is to be expected on the test. Another great tip is to take practice exams or do practice questions. This allows you to put your knowledge to the test.
- Quizlet – Is your best friend. Quizlet is a great tool to utilize when studying for exams.
- Have Your Notecard or Cheat Sheet Prepared – Some professors allow you to have a cheat sheet. Do not wait until the last minute and write three things on it. Fill up that paper- it can really help.
- Practice Timing Yourself – Time management skills are super important. By practicing timing you are practicing not going over the time allotment when in the actual test.
- Playlist – Create a study playlist or use a focus music app.
- Shut Off Your Phone – when you’re studying and when you’re taking the exam. It is a huge distraction and you do not need it. You also risk it going off while taking an exam invalidating your score.
- Breaks – Although your days may be jammed, it is so important to take time for yourself and allow your brain to simply not think! Whether it’s watching Netflix or baking cookies, take some breaks to have fun! This will allow yourself to not get too stressed out.
- Energizing Meals- Healthy snacks and meals are definitely going to keep you going throughout finals. I know it can be tempting to drink coffee and energy drinks all day long but that will result in you feeling sick and having a caffeine crash which is never fun. Make sure your breakfast, lunch, and dinner are full of protein, fruits, and veggies! Snacks are also great to fuel you throughout the day so skip the chips and choose peanut butter or hard-boiled eggs to get your energy levels up.
- Comfy Clothes- Honestly, I don’t think I change out of pajamas, a messy bun, and slippers all of exam week so make sure your loungewear is ready.
- Exercise – Leave time to exercise and get outside- Your week will most likely consist of you sitting inside for hours on end so it is important that on your breaks you get outside and be active. Sometimes things as little as the sunshine will bring you serotonin!
- Don’t Overwork Yourself- When you are too tired, you won’t retain information. Make sure you get enough sleep and go to bed early. Even if it means waking up a few extra hours earlier, sleep is important!
- DND – Make sure your family knows when not to disturb you
Finally, we share this Ode to Finals Week
Good luck!
Arianna Powell, Madison Stutman, Carley Neer, Madeleine Morris, Lindsay Fine – HaveUHeard Interns
Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.

Charcuterie Creations For The Holidays
Photo by My Jewish Mommy Life IG
I am not sure if you noticed, but charcuterie boards are the latest popular item of the year. My young adult daughters have been making charcuterie boards on Thanksgiving for years. Even my nephew has one almost every Friday with wine, and he’ll tell you it’s one of his biggest accomplishments. In fact, I recently bought him a large bamboo cheese board with serving tools to up his charcuterie game. If you search #charcuterieboard on Instagram, you’ll find some exemplary works of art. Most charcuterie boards consists of mainly meats and cheeses, but it doesn’t stop there. The “fancier” ones can include bread, fruits, nuts, and condiments such as honey or mustard (or even honey mustard), pickles, and olives.
The latest trend is holiday charcuterie boards. You’ll find images all over IG with some of the sweetest, most decadent chocolate and candy masterpieces. I recently ordered a Winter Holiday themed hot cocoa charcuterie tray from a local company in my hometown called The Hodge Podge Baking Co. , and it was incredible. Even if I didn’t have my daughters living with me right now, I could 100% devour it on my own. Because treat yourself, right? They also have a Christmas Hot Coca Charcuterie Tray.
Photo by The Hodge Podge Baking Co
I don’t think the French (honestly, had to Google this) will mind that we have taken the traditional charcuterie board and given it a sweeter version. Who doesn’t love a huge spread of marshmallows, chocolate, candy canes, and hot cocoa bombs. You could even have a charcuterie board themed get together with friends and family (carefully, of course). There’s some great inspo on IG. If you want to be creative and make your own, all you will need are the items below. This one is Hanukkah themed, but you can make some quick substitutes to fit Christmas, Kwanza, New Years, or anything you celebrate!
(Pro Tip: HaveUHeard that it is less expensive to look for boy baby shower candy than holiday candy?):
- Round wooden tray
- Hershey’s Blue & Silver Foil Kisses
- Miniature marshmallows
- Hanukkah Chocolate Gelt
- Star of David Hanukkah Sprinkle Mix
- Blue Chocolate Covered Dipped Oreo Cookies
- Chocolate covered dipped gourmet pretzel rods
- Ghirardelli Dark & Sea Salt Chocolate Squares
- Blue gummi rings
Looking for a little salt and sweet combo? Add in some pretzel rods and candy melts along hot chocolate bombs if you want to be fancy.
Side Convo: What’s a Hot Chocolate Bomb?
If you haven’t heard of a hot chocolate bomb, it is the latest fad, and I hope it stays around. It’s essentially a sphere of chocolate that you create in a silicon mold with melted chocolate chips. They are filled with hot cocoa mix and miniature marshmallows. When you place it in a mug with either warm milk or water, the chocolate shell melts, opens, and BOOM – you have a decadent and delicious hot chocolate. You can make them yourselves by purchasing a chocolate sphere mold, hot chocolate mix, and any other items you may want to use. This may take some trials, so be patient! We found instructions to help guide you through it all. Sometimes it’s a little more exciting to just have them already done for you, so check it out and purchase yours here!
Not sure where to get your holiday treats for your charcuterie creation?
Check out Wondershop at Target for some holiday treats such as, chocolate dipped hot cocoa spoons, peppermint hot cocoa mix, chocolate coated pretzel rods, and we LOVE their Ghiradelli Hot Cocoa Bar Gift Set.
If you’re making a Christmas board, try using red and green M&M’s, Hershey’s Kisses, Peppermint Bark, chocolate covered pretzel rods, chocolate covered oreos, mini marshmallows, sprinkles – wherever your imagination takes you. If you are making this a family event, consider getting a holiday-themed mug for each person to keep. Plus, this makes for less dishes to clean AND allows for each individual to have their own cup (Covid-friendly).
I’m loving this trend and already thinking about making my own on Valentine’s Day. Let me know if you try you’re own this holiday season!

And So the Story Goes…
Winter break, visions of sugar plums dancing in your head, family time, and maybe a family vacation; and having your student home. But your vision and your student’s vision of winter break may just be polar opposites. Add to this vision is that students who leave for Thanksgiving will have the choice to finish up the semester online with the new semester not starting until mid to late January (some schools are even starting later). Many of us will have them home for 6 weeks or more.
Some will take COVID tests before coming home for Thanksgiving if they have not already tested positive. Some will still need to social distance from their family. And for those you go back after Thanksgiving, perhaps they will need another test before returning home for winter break.
With many students finishing up the semester at home, they will need a quiet space to study, have group chats with classmates or friends, take exams. Most of us are trying our best to give them the comforts they need but if you are like me, it has meant their bedroom is also their study room, their library room, and their classroom. I for one have sometimes forgotten when my daughter is on a call and screamed something across the house so I get having to make adjustments. That means making sure they have a quiet place to study and take exams without interruptions. (Of course, we’ve got some suggestions for Creating A Work and Study Home Space).
Hanging out with you every day may not be what your student was planning on doing. And while we are all excited to have our kids home, there needs to be a mutual meeting of the minds, so to speak. Yes, some have had very stressful semesters and may need this downtime. If that is the case, definitely give them a few days to get used to being home. Expect that they have changed; just as you too have changed as you both adjusted to a new family dynamic. You may notice a new sense of independence and self-sufficiency. And that is something to be excited about. Of course, how they handle this newfound independence may differ from your ideas but they are moving toward being able to handle a lot more on their own.
Perhaps they can go back to jobs they had prior to leaving for college if those are still available. Or maybe they can find a part-time job during the holiday season. Many cities belong to Nexdoor, a private social network where local residents post requests. Some may be looking for tutors, a babysitter, pet sitter, or even help with small tasks. They can offer their skills in Fiverr. Let’s face it, there are many small businesses that need to create a digital presence; who better to turn to than college students who know how to create websites, manage social media posts, and even code.
They need something to do other than lying in bed, watching Hulu, or Netflix every day. How you balance the “my house; therefore my rules” while they are home will require open dialogue and a lot of patience. Just like when they lived at home, I still have curfews and they must help with chores around the house. Family dinners and keeping the common areas clutter-free are two of my biggest issues. I know we want them to love being home again, however, there have to be some rules that still are respected.
Curfews become a tad more lenient as each college year passes, but basically, I can’t sleep well when I know they are into the very late hours. And there is the whole question of how comfortable you are with them going out and meeting up with friends. Are they meeting up in someone’s backyard or hitting up some of the more popular restaurants? My ask is that they are respectful of the fact that we (as opposed to them) are older and don’t really want to get COVID 19. Plus there is the whole issue of their grandmother and keeping her safe. As parents, we have to remember that our kids have been on their own for several months. They now answer only to themselves. They are learning valuable lessons. They probably enjoy being able to sleep all day or stay up into the early mornings talking with friends or going out at 11 pm after they finish studying and eating whenever and whatever they like.
So as a mom that has been there, done that, I have learned to pick my battles. They can keep their own bedrooms however they want, but the family areas are “clutter-free zones.” Don’t expect them to unpack right away. For Thanksgiving, the pre-pandemic excuse was they were only home for a short amount of time but a month of living out of a suitcase may make no sense to you or I. Trust me when I say that after the first week of them not being able to find anything, they will unpack. I’ve watched both my daughters do this. My niece, on the other hand, is a bit more organized and unpacked for the first hour she was home.
Everyone has their own method so maybe just close their door. My kids, like most, are thirsting for home-cooked meals and, since I love to cook, I actually enjoyed being able to prepare their favorite meals; I even had them go to the grocery store for me while I was working to pick up the ingredients I needed. Expect a lot more laundry. I must admit the first time each of my kids came home from school for Thanksgiving; I was so excited to have them home I actually did their laundry. Yes, that lasted one visit! I now keep them company while they do their own laundry, sometimes helping them fold it. Fine; I will do anything to spend a little extra time with them. Let them know ahead of time of any holiday commitments that are already scheduled whether this is Hanukkah, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. In between, let them have time to spend with their friends but make sure they are doing it safely. Allow them to adjust like you are and appreciate the time you do get to spend together. It is a whole new way of life for our students and for us too.
Our interns share their perspectives in We’re Coming Home for Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s. Perhaps that will be a good starting point for discussion about the next month and a half (unless your student is going back after Thanksgiving- bookmark it for the winter break.
Finally, because many are shopping online this year (or ordering online and picking up at the store), we share our holiday gift guides to make shopping easier! Our interns curated the gift suggestions… we’re just the messengers.
From all of us at HaveUHeard, we wish you a very happy & healthy holiday season!
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Let the Compromise Negotiations Begin!
Here we come, home for Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years, so we are going to need to compromise. For students, coming home for Thanksgiving this year doesn’t necessarily just mean a 3-day break where we come home on Wednesday and are gone by Sunday because most colleges have decided to go online after Thanksgiving. This means that we will likely not make our return to campus until mid-January of 2021, if not later if that is what we choose to do. Some students who have leases are choosing to return to school after Thanksgiving and ride out the three weeks of in-between. Students in dorms also have the option to come back, but others may choose to stay home. Most sorority houses will be open for the two weeks after Thanksgiving so women will have a place to take exams.
This year, it is totally understandable why returning to campus may not be something we choose to do and we want to emphasize that whether we decide to stay or go, the decision should be one that works best for us. However, with COVID-19 still in mind, it is also very important to have a family discussion about what your family will and won’t accept to keep the family safe, comfortable, and healthy. We recommend having this family chat at the beginning of break to ensure everyone is on the same page.
One of the main reasons we may want to return to campus after Thanksgiving is that we do not want to go two months without our friends and we know that the benefits from the quiet serene study spots at college are more conducive for preparing for finals. On the other hand, we know students who have chosen to pack up all of their stuff and come home for the two months because they are more comfortable being at home with their family. Neither is right, neither is wrong; it is just based on preference.
Chances are some students are definitely planning to be home for a long period of time, whether it be from Thanksgiving to January or from finals to January. You should be prepared to spend a lot of time cooking, a lot of time cleaning, and a lot of money on us collecting items we do not wish to pay for when we go back. Another thing to realize is that we do not have the same sleeping habits that you do and are used to being able to come and go literally all hours of the night.
Compromise #1
A good suggestion is to start off from day one coming up with some rules and possibly some compromises. I’m not sure your old curfews will work, but if you are like my parents who can’t sleep well until you know I am home safely, then, by all means, let’s find a concession. Perhaps a call or text alerting you that we are safe and will be home eventually is all you need to rest easy.
Compromise #2
There are all kinds of things that may need a bit of conciliation. For instance, I, personally, don’t mind helping out with their laundry, but I may not sort it like you do or fold it like you do or even, heaven forbid, separate out the whites and colors like you do. I also don’t really mind if I have to wade through a mess in my room to find my bed. As long as the disarray stays confined to my bedroom behind a closed door, I ask you to overlook this. These may not be the issues you will have to deal with. Perhaps your kids are tidy; apparently, I am not.
Compromise #3
We may arrive home to a potential job. If not, prepare as we try to find one along with all the other high school and college kids that are in the same boat. Please understand it isn’t easy to find a job for a few months, especially since most major stores that traditionally hire seasonal workers, may not have those jobs available this year. Let’s discuss what you intend to pay for and what our responsibilities will be throughout the 1-2 month time we will be home? Job, internship, etc?
Compromise #4
Chores. Sure, your parents handled all the things we are about to ask us to do while we were away, but really, it is only fair that we chip in; after all, we will be living at home. I prefer not to think of myself as a border while I am home. There is no reason we can’t pitch in. It takes little to no time for us to relearn our old dishwashing habits or how easy it is to vacuum the upstairs.
Compromise #5
Surely, we are excited about home-cooked meals, especially around the holidays. Be prepared for your food bill to multiply again. Speaking of food; college kids tend to eat A LOT and at odd hours. Perhaps you can make an agreement as to which meals we will be joining the family for. For those meals that we heat up when we come in just before the sun comes up, we can promise to use the kitchen quietly. And, empty containers in the fridge? We should make sure to throw them out and either go to the store to replace or put it on the grocery list.
Regardless, we know you are very happy to have us home, and we are just as happy to be home but we are also still dealing with the challenges of this pandemic and the many changes to what should have been “the best years of our life.” (Yes, I often heard my parents say college was the best four years of their lives). We will savor our time with you and make memories, but understand, we are not getting those best years of our lives right now.
Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.

What You Should Do Before You Head Out for Holiday Break
Right before students head out for Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break, they’ve spent the week finishing up assignments, holed up in the library studying for exams, living off coffee (or any form of caffeine), and a meager diet. By the time they are finished, almost ready to just get home and catch up on sleep and have a home-cooked meal, they forget that there are certain things they need to do before they head out.
Now we have said they are sleep-deprived so you may want to gently remind them of some items they should take care of before they leave, less they risk coming back to their dorm or apartment smelling of rotten food, possible bugs, missing items.
Here is that list:
- The Kitchen: Throw away all perishable food that may expire before they leave (or pack it in a refrigerated bag with ice to bring home). Make sure any dishes are cleaned. That dried on food will be much harder to clean when they get back and they risk having bugs.
- Take out the trash. Again, the last thing they will want to come back to is a room that smells of garbage which will not take long at all.
- Clean their rooms. This is just something that they will greatly appreciate when they return and their dorm/apartment is clean – one less thing to worry about.
- Bring home all valuables.
- Unplug their power strip or any other electronic that is left (not appliances but perhaps their television, if they have one. There is no reason to leave a power strip plugged in if nothing is connected to it. By the same logic, while most will bring home hair irons, blow dryers, regular irons, a quick sweep through will help decrease the chances of fires or other electrical issues while they are gone.
- Turn up the thermostat to 78. This being Florida, it is unlikely it will get too cold (even if there is a cold front, they are short-lived). If no one will be in their apartment, it is a good way to save on cooling costs.
- Make sure that all windows and doors are locked securely.
- Have them bring home anything they do not need to use their last month and a half of school including items that will not go in storage. This will make it much easier to pack up their rooms when, and if, they are planning to move out of their current residence.
Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.

Shop Now-Wrap Later
It is hard to believe that the holidays are right around the corner. For this year’s holiday gift guide, we’ve sent out our interns to pull together an unscientific list of gift ideas… we’re just the messengers. We asked them for ideas and they gave us everything from lowcost to lavish, from the newest releases to timeless picks… from the usual to the unique. We’ve even included some charities to donate to as that is part of our family tradition. I believe we are all just hoping for a holiday filled with family, good health, love, joy, and blessings.
To help you get a jump on your shopping, shop these items, we’ve added links to websites and products. However, we won’t be able to help with the wrapping! As a reader-supported blog, we may receive a small compensation if you purchase after clicking on a link. Thank you and happy holidays from HaveUHeard
From all of us at HaveUHeard, we wish you a very happy holiday!
Click on the image above for the gift guide!
2020 has been a difficult year for so many. We hope you will find it in your heart to make a charitable donation if you are able. Our favorite charities include:
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- American Humane Society
- Breast Cancer Research Foundation
- Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS’ COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund
- Cancer Research Institute
- Equal Justice Initiative
- Feeding America
- Meals on Wheels
- Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation
- Save the Children
- The Pap Corps
- The Trevor Project
Consider also supporting yours or your student’s university to alleviate unexpected student expenses such as housing, meals, technology for online learning, and other necessities.
For a list of other highly-rated nonprofits providing relief and recovery to communities impacted by the pandemic, we like CNN’s A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis and the NYTimes’ TIME for Giving of Frontline Organizations Helping in Fight Against Coronavirus. Or consider donating your credit card reward points to a charity.
Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.

Coming up with Gift Ideas
We know how busy you are and how sometimes thinking about gift-giving is the last thing on the list. Coming up with a clever, thoughtful, and decent gift can be a challenge. HaveUHeard spends a lot of time coming up with great ideas for you and your college student. Then we find ways to save you money too. Most of our gift guides feature some kind of savings. Take a look at these simple ideas, presented to you as a theme. You could theme your holiday and have everything surrounding just one theme. that certainly will narrow down all the speculation. Your kids will remember the yoga Christmas or the Apple Hanukkah. That just might make this 2020 holiday time easier to swallow.
Yoga ho ho ho
Students look to yoga as an outlet for stress, anxiety, and to practice mindfulness. A basket filled with their yoga favs is a great gift that supports their need for balance.
- Yoga mat– We are big fans of the Manduka Mat
- Resistance Bands
- Lululemon headbands
- Lululemon Align leggings
- Lululemon Biker Shorts
- Men’s Lululemon ABC pants
- Vital proteins
Video Games
When my young adult daughters came home to quarantine, a friend gave them their gaming system. I had not thrown away some of their older games so they’ve been playing vintage stuff. Games are still so popular and with the new Playstation 5 coming out this November (11/12/20 to be exact) you’ll want to secure one. Perhaps preordering it or go for the PS4 and take advantage of sales on PS4 games once the new console is released.
Someone’s in the Kitchen
College students have learned a lot and are quite capable in the kitchen (don’t let them fool you!) Being able to cook or bake is a life skill that everyone should master. It will enhance your life and bring much joy. Check out these ideas to gift your college student to help out in the kitchen!
- Air fryer
- Instant Pot
- Keurig
- French Press
- Espresso Machine and Coffee Machine
- Crock-Pot
- Wine glasses
- Moscow Mule glasses
- Vitamix
All Things Apple
Apple revolutionized personal technology with the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984. Today, Apple leads the world in innovation with iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. Apple’s four software platforms — iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS — provide seamless experiences across all Apple devices and empower people with breakthrough services including the App Store, Apple Music, Apple Pay, and iCloud. Apple’s more than 100,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than they found it.
These Boots Were Made For Walkin’
We have to admit it, we are addicted to shoes and boots. You can never have enough! So we really love gifting treasured footwear. How fun for the holidays!
Arianna Powell (UMD), Madison Stutman (FSU), Madeleine Morrison (UGA), Carley Neer (UCF), Lindsay Fine (USF)- HaveUHeard Interns
Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.

Great Holiday Gifts Under $50
Finding a great holiday gift is not about spending a lot of money, it’s about considering the receiver and what would make them really happy. Don’t get hung up on the prices, we are all tightening our belts after the roller coaster ride that was 2020. Maybe you just need a bit of inspiration to spark your gift buying muscle.
Professional tool for professional results. Get simple, beautiful blowouts with one tool.
Every season, FabFitFun members receive a selection of 8-10 products, some of which are curated by our team of experts, while others can be customized based on personal taste and preferences. The FabFitFun Box includes products from both premium and emerging brands.
Dishwasher safe water bottle allows quick and easy cleaning; Slip-free powder coating won’t sweat. Hydro Flask metal water bottles keep the coldest drinks icy cold and hot drinks piping hot for hours. The reusable water bottle is BPA-free, phthalate-free, and made of stainless steel.
Too Faced, Fenty, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Urban Decay are all favs. Capture all the sexy fall feels with Too Faced too cute Pumpkin Spice Eyeshadow Palette baked with 18 scented warm & spicy shades that wrap you in the cozy, sexy warmth of the season. Rich, creamy colors in a variety of finishes make transitioning your look from daytime dreamy to nighttime sultry as easy as pie!
Sephora has a cute limited-edition advent calendar with 24 special gifts. Each day, uncover a Sephora Collection beauty, skincare, or accessories item to get you excited for the holiday season. This advent calendar features 15 full-size, nine mini, and all exclusive gifts waiting behind each door.
A seven-piece toolset for creating a flawless manicure. This deluxe manicure set gives you all the essentials to create your perfect manicure at home. Each tool is full size and fits comfortably in your hand. The set comes in a durable zippered case for safe travel and storage.
The most popular smart speaker with a fabric design. The most compact smart speaker that fits perfectly into small spaces.
Starbucks To Go Travel Coffee Tea Tumbler, Recyclable, Size Grande 16 oz. Set of 3, complete with lids.
New look, new sound – Echo delivers clear highs, dynamic mids, and deep bass for a rich, detailed sound that automatically adapts to any room.
Pick your favorite team, This shop got multiple 5-star reviews in the past 7 days.
Abundance will follow when you give some good attention to where you keep your money!
Bomba’s mission since day one has been to help those experiencing homelessness. For every item purchased, they donate an item on your behalf. They’ve donated more than 40 million items to more than 2,500 community organizations to date—all thanks to supporters like you.
Give your dedicated fan the gift of official sports gear from our NCAA and college Shop. NCAA Indiana Hoosiers 27IN WHLD Duffel Nylon bag.
Stay warm and cozy while displaying your school pride with the Collegiate Basic Raschel Throw Blanket. Anything but basic, its soft and comfy oversized design features your favorite college team’s name across the top and logo under it.
From the steel of the blades to the sulfate-free skin-care formulations, quality always comes first. Every year, they donate 1% of our sales to nonprofits that provide mental health care services to men in need.
This personalized leather toiletry bag is perfect for traveling or just to carry it in your everyday bag. Men’s Dopp kit will help you to keep all necessary toiletry things in one place during travel or business trip.
Let the shopping commence!
Arianna Powell (UMD), Madison Stutman (FSU), Madeleine Morrison (UGA), Carley Neer (UCF), Lindsay Fine (USF)- HaveUHeard Interns
Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.

Shop Now-Wrap Later!
Goal! Team! Spirit! We love sports! We love to shop! But we really love, love, love our sports fans. No matter the state of sports attendance this year, we know your dyed-in-the-wool dedicated sports fan would love some great themed sports gifts. Let’s come together and continue the theme of this year’s College Colors Day® United We Fan.
Perhaps you know of a sporty type that is out there day after day pounding the pavement or sweating in the gym (if it’s open), their dedication to keeping fit makes it easy for you to get them the right holiday gift! HaveUHeard has these great gifts for the sports fan in your life, sure 2020 changed the landscape of college and professional sports but as they say “Winter is coming!” Which means the holiday season!
Sports Shop
Decorate your space with fun quirky ornaments. You don’t need a tree, really you can hang them anywhere. Choose any college sports teams, or even a favorite NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS, or golf!
You’ll need plenty of room to stuff other gifts you’ve bought and the perfect way is a themed stocking!
Year-round fun! Keeping everyone active! Whether you play outside or in the basement or party room, this corn hole game and others will be the hit for this holiday.
What? You haven’t heard of pickleball??? No way it is the newest and most fun team sport for all ages. Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong and is also fun, social, and friendly.
Oh yeah, this is right up my alley! Hey, I promise it’s not filled with wine! (ok it is) Best insulated drinkware ever. I love how it doesn’t sweat and drip!
Want your work to also look sporty? Can you believe how fun this school-themed keyboard is? For the real die-hards out there, for them to keep on working but supporting the team!
Looking for something that is a bit different than the usual? We loved the options Erin Andrews WEAR collection offers.
There are some new looks to the classic sweaty, so be sure to find a cool style for them…and you!
Shall we pretend that we haven’t been wearing sweat pants for the last 6 months? So maybe time to update your ‘pant’ wardrobe. New sweatpants proclaiming your favorite team.
Good hair day? Bad hair day? Any day… throwing on your favorite team cap will complete whatever look you’ve got going on. (Yes we know you are wearing sweats still.)
You’ll also want to keep your spirits up! So be sure to have a nice team-spirited flask to keep a swig or two handy. It may just be the best way to get through the final month of 2020.
Switching from your day sweats into your night-time PJ pants? Yep, us too.
Classic! Varsity jackets have always been really cool, so up your cool-quotient with one of these.
They have so many cool styles, I am in love with the camo print! Sneaks are the best shoe to match with your sweat pants!
We especially love their vintage collection, choose from soft hoodies, crew neck sweatshirts, and more for NFL, College, and MLB fan gear.
We love the message on these shirts and they have many options whether you love the Gators, Seminoles, Bulldogs, or a professional team like the Yankees.
NFL Game-Used Uniform Friendship Bracelet
These bracelets are actually crafted from authenticated regular season, game-worn NFL jerseys.
And for the ultimate sports fan in your life, check out all the Collectibles.
Arianna Powell (UMD), Madison Stutman (FSU), Madeleine Morrison (UGA), Carley Neer (UCF), Lindsay Fine (USF)- HaveUHeard Interns
Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.

College Kids Still Love Stocking Stuffers!
I had a really big holiday stocking which meant lots of good loot! The heavy stuff always slipped down into the toe. There would be, an apple or orange, candy, funny stuff, useful stuff, and one really really good prezzi. Ok so here in Florida there aren’t many fireplaces to hang stockings, nor are there many staircases to hang them from either. So you’ll need to get creative! Let us know where you hang your stockings! While you’re figuring that out shop for some of these great stocking stuffers for your favorite student!
To have a healthy holiday, you’re going to need some festive masks.
Traditional Christmas candy canes and peppermint bark or Hanukah gelt, make sure you fill their stockings with some sweets.
Games: Cards Against Humanity, What Do You Meme, New Phone, Who Dis?, For the Girls
Gift Cards: Amazon, Target, Starbucks, Grub Hub, Trader Joes, FandangoNOW, Shipt, Walmart, Dunkin, Uber, UberEats, Ulta
Greetabl: A little love goes a long way to make their holiday magical. Choose any holiday design, add a unique gift item, and pair a gift card to places such as Starbucks, Target, Nordstrom, Sephora, UberEats, DoorDash, Bath & Body Works, Gap, Ulta, Zappos, Nordstrom, and more.
Stickers – Spread positivity or show your school spirit with these fun stickers. Perfect for decorating laptops, phone cases, water bottles, backpacks, iPad, journals, planners, tablets, and more. Stickers, adult style!
Get fancy, look fancy with expertly crafted claw clip, extended grippy teeth, and a new glossy coat, all to fit your hair better.
Use them to keep your hair secure & without the headache or snags! PLUS you can get yours in your favorite gameday colors or holiday colors! Use code HaveUHeard for a bonus gift
Can’t travel, you can get the view or anything else that would help to adorn your bare walls, think about your zoom call background! A nice poster would look better than the empty wall.
Show off your individuality and get a super fun case for an iPhone. Dress it up. Dress it.
Keeping gear organized and easy to find. Those airpods will not get lost so fast if they have a fun home to store them.
Every year, I buy myself one of these, my special gift to me. Now Voluspa, an internationally renowned home fragrance label, beloved for their signature coconut wax blends and luxurious packaging also have minis. Perfect for stuffing stockings!
Ready to (safely) smooch? Get a quick ‘procedure’ with Too Faced Lip Injection Power Plumping Lip Gloss. It’s a lip plumper with glossy color. Drench lips in beautiful, plush, multidimensional juicy color combined with this scientifically advanced lip volumizing technology. Achieve immediate proven results with a blend of powerful hydrators that help your pout appear fuller, plumper, and smoother from the very first swipe.
The OG Morphe Babe never half-sasses somethin’. It’s extra to the extreme. Just like her dramatic-AF Morphe X Jaclyn Hill Palette Volume II. She’s created 35 vivid shades to help you live your best life, 24/7. These bossy brights won’t back down. Fits boldly in the stocking!
Hulu offers unlimited instant streaming of current and classic TV shows and hit movies you love. Watch current season episodes of select top shows.
Amazon Prime Student is a Prime membership program created for college students. As a Prime Student member, you receive a six-month trial that includes Free Two-Day Shipping on over 50 million items, unlimited streaming of Prime movies and TV shows, unlimited photo storage with Prime Photos, exclusive deals and savings, and more! After your six-month trial ends, your Prime Student membership makes you eligible to receive 50% off Amazon Prime and includes access to all Prime benefits.
The box isn’t going to fit in the stocking, but the subscription will! Every season, FabFitFun members receive a selection of 8-10 products, some of which are curated by our team of experts, while others can be customized based on personal taste and preferences. The FabFitFun Box includes products from both premium and emerging brands.
Make any at-home coffee as special as one from the barista. The Zyliss Milk Frother is a lightweight, easy-to-use milk frother that froths milk in less than 30 seconds. The unique frother head design allows air in the milk, making it ideal for cappuccinos, lattes, and milkshakes.
There you have it, our list of fun cool stocking stuffers for your college student, or for you!
Arianna Powell (UMD), Madison Stutman (FSU), Madeleine Morrison (UGA), Carley Neer (UCF), Lindsay Fine (USF)- HaveUHeard Interns
Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.