Have U Heard we are hiring Mom Bloggers and Interns!
Are you an “IRL” (in real life) mom of a college student at one of the new schools we plan to be adding? Join the HaveUHeard team. HaveUHeard is a blog written by moms of college students or college students themselves at multi-state universities. We are the only detailed resource for parents looking for information about their student’s college town.
No other college web-resource supplies university-specific information from IRL parents & students. No other web-resource offers the ease of one-stop to get the necessary information needed for a positive college experience.
Our Next Schools
Florida A&M University
Penn State
Virginia Tech

We are an informational blog dreamed up by a couple of college students’ weary moms, twins, Janice & Tracey. Tired of the sticky notes all over their desks reminding them of tips or information for their college kids about their college kids’ University and surrounding community, they created a one stop place for all that learned advice.
Our blog site averages over 10k page visits per month. Be a part of our growing company as we expand to become the #1 college parent resource for insider useful information. Make your own hours. Part-time, work from home. Email janice@haveuheard.com with a cover letter outlining your experience (you’re a mom so you have plenty of experience) and the university you have a student attending.