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University of Maryland
University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 (301) 405-1000 Congratulations! If you are on this page, you have or are a University of Maryland student. Read on to find out the inside scoop. Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at
Hotels near University of Maryland
Hotels…A Nice Place to Stay Though College Park is a college town, it is home to some lovely hotels that parents can book a stay at when visiting their students at UMD. When considering where to stay, there are a few things for parents to consider. Some may want to stay on or close to campus, or some may want to be a little further and take advantage of the great city of Washington D.C. that is a short drive or metro away from the university. Others may be interested in hotels with more specific amenities such as free breakfast, Starbucks in the lobby, or even pet-friendly hotels. Whatever you may be looking for, College Park and D.C. have plenty of options with rates that work for everyone! Since you will be doing this for at least four years, I recommend staying at the same brand hotel each time so you can […]
Beauty & The Beast, keeping it right.
Is That How Your Favorite Fairy Tale Begins? When getting ready to go to college, you plan your dorm room, pick out classes, figure out a meal plan, etc. One aspect of college that is just as important is self-care! From getting a mani-pedi to getting your hair cut or dyed, there will be times where you need to treat yourself while taking care of yourself. While away at school, it is important to know where to go when your student is in need of a touch-up. Though they may not be regulars at these beauty salons and barbershops, students will need to go from now and then or for special occasions such as Greek formals, banquets, or interviews. Here are some recommendations for various go-to salons and barbershops in the area. Make sure to bring your UMD ID with you because many of these establishments offer special student discounts. Hair Salons If […]
Advice I’d Give My Freshman Self
What Every Freshman Should Know You only get to be a freshman in college once, so before you go, I want to share some advice. The beginning of your first year in college is overwhelming, stressful, but most importantly exciting. Looking back, you want to have the best memories and have made the year something you will keep with you for the rest of your life. When getting ready to go to this unfamiliar place for the first time, everyone, and I mean everyone, will want to give you some sort of advice. From your parents and grandparents to your neighbor and hair lady, people of all sorts will want to share some helpful tips and words of wisdom. Being someone who just completed their freshman year this year, here is the advice I would have given to myself: Go in with a completely open mind. Your first year of college is […]
Are You Ready for Some Football
The Best Season, Football Season The University of Maryland is a member of the Big Ten Conference, meaning Fall football is highly anticipated. UMD is a huge sports school and all the home games are super fun and a big deal. If you are planning on taking a trip to College Park for a Fall football game, there are some things you should know before you make your way down to the Maryland Stadium. HaveUHeard that all UMD students get free tickets for home football games? Students can register online with their UID to request tickets for all home football games. All rules regarding student tickets are found in the Student Ticket Policy. Student tickets are for the student section, so if you are planning on attending a game with your student, be sure to purchase a regular ticket for them as well so that you all can sit together. For parents […]
Being Thrifty
Need to Stay on a Budget? Be Thrifty! Being a college student, it can be stressful to be thrifty and stay on budget throughout the semester. There can be interviews, social events, and many occasions for a new outfit. In between, living in a rental, I like to redecorate my room and living space with my roommates. Spending money at the mall, popular house décor stores, Target, or discount stores, such as Homegoods, can add up quickly. Fortunately, I have discovered the various thrift stores located in College Park. No matter what type of item you are looking for, these stores have it. From clothes, bedroom decoration, or appliances, they have it all. Buying second-hand allows students on any budget to get everything they could possibly need for class, their living space, and professional events. Thrifting isn’t just a hot trend right now. It’s an amazing way to stay in style while […]
Books, Books, Books
Time for Books! Now that our sons and daughters have settled into their dorms and are getting ready to begin classes, the reality begins. The whole reason they are at college is to learn and take classes, meaning they will need to have the necessary tools to do so, including books. Textbooks can be very expensive, so it is important to make informed decisions when picking out books to buy or rent. There are various ways to purchase books and many different forms to choose from. From going to the bookstore on campus or purchasing books second-hand online, there are several different cost-efficient ways to get all of your students’ required materials. Considering that textbooks can cost as much as a few hundred dollars each, it is smart to check out all of your purchasing options for each book. HaveUHeard that UMD is a member of the Open Textbook Network (OTN), an alliance […]
Brunch is Breakfast plus Lunch plus Fun
“Brunch is breakfast without an alarm.” — Unknown Most college kids sleep late. It’s a well-known fact so, going out for breakfast on weekends, in particular, may not be an option. Brunch, however, is generally a good option on weekends and there are quite a few choices not far from UMD’s campus. If you can get your student out of bed early and breakfast is what you want; check out our blog Wakey, Wakey Eggs & Bakey. Below are some of our favorite brunch spots around the College Park area. Bagel Place: This is my favorite bagel place in the area! Located right across from campus on Baltimore Avenue, they have every kind of bagel you can imagine. In addition to bagels, this brunch hotspot offers various coffee drinks, soups, pizza bagels, and more. Busboys and Poets: This restaurant has brunch options for everyone and has so many items that are vegan […]
Dress for Success and Be Ready for Adulting
Time to look the part! As they get closer to graduation, one of the greatest changes our students are about to experience is abandoning their shorts, t-shirts and yoga pants, as they begin to dress for success in their new roles, or as my older daughter stated, for adulting. Dressing for success can be daunting in different ways, but the one that stands out most may very well be its cost. Dressing professionally begins with the career and internship fairs students are attending. These events require a certain dress code that needs to be followed. For the young men, this may mean a suit and tie and for the young women, while they have more options, it may mean a suit, pantsuit, skirt, and blouse, or dress. That’s not to mention shoes. All events require conservative, professional attire, and recommend you come neatly groomed and avoid distractions such as strong perfume or […]
Dropping a Class? Maybe?
Dropping, When Is it Time? Dropping a class is nothing to be afraid of, but make sure you know the best time to do so. Every student will come across a class that is too difficult or too much for them. For my own daughter, Accounting was not right for her at the time she signed up. She decided to take a difficult business course along with several other classes that were challenging and had heavy workloads. She tried her hardest; she went to office hours, spoke to the professor about tips, and participated in group study sessions. After her first exam grade came back, she knew it was time to drop the class and try again at a different time. When dropping a class there are important dates and information you must keep in mind in order to make an informed decision on how to move forward. Dropping a Class At […]
Eating Healthy
Eating healthy can be done at college! Eating healthy is something that takes a bit of work while on a college campus. Meal plans, rushing to and from classes and activities, budgets, the amount of burger, pizza and fast-food restaurants surrounding UMD, and, of course, late-night food runs, definitely compromise your plan to not gain the Freshman 15 and stay in shape. While it can be a little challenging, eating clean and healthy can be done! Below are some great choices for healthy eating while in College Park. Casey’s Coffee– Located on Campus Drive right off of South Campus, Casey’s Coffee has so many healthy options. They have salads, wraps, smoothies, and more great food options. Cava– Located right on Baltimore Avenue, Cava is a Mediterranean chain that has great bowls, salads, and pita wraps. Saladworks– This salad place is located right in the Stamp Student Union. Students can get quick and […]
Eating on a Budget is More Than Just Ramen
Teach Them To Budget And The Rest Is Easy Eating on a budget is something important to teach your students before they head to college. Teaching them to have the mindset to budget, save money, and spend their money responsibly is an important life lesson regardless if you are at college or not! While it may take them some time to adjust, students can find many ways to make it work at the University of Maryland. Learning money savvy tips and tricks to save money on food while away at college can end up saving a good amount of money in the long run. One of the best ways to save money when eating at college is to have your student take advantage of the dining halls. Considering that all freshmen have to be on a university dining plan, they might as well use it for all their eating needs. All resident […]
Career Showcase: A Student Perspective
How to Align Your Studies With Your Future Career Plans Do you know what career you want? Going into your first year of college, you may think you know exactly what you want to major in and pursue as a career or you may have not the slightest clue. Both of these views are totally fine, and you will come to find that the University of Maryland offers many resources to help you figure out your path. Making a decision that will shape the rest of your life can be overwhelming yet exciting, and with the guidance you will be on your way to success. One great way to explore different career paths is UMD’s career and internship fairs. This is a great way for students to connect and network with various organizations and companies. There are many career fairs throughout each semester, some are major and school-specific and some are open […]
Economical to Extravagant Off-Campus Living
The Next Step to Off-Campus Living College Park has plenty of options when it comes to living spaces. From apartments, houses, and townhouses, the choice is yours! Before you know it, it will be time to have a conversation about where your student may want to live next year. This conversation will be brought up in October or November of your students’ freshman year. Yes, this may seem early, but it is necessary planning if you want your choice of an apartment or house. Before you sign that lease in December or early on in the following year, it is important you check out all your options. Some students prefer certain buildings, cost of rent, locations, amenities, and policies, so knowing all about each location is imperative. Apartments and Townhouses Landmark Apartments– In my opinion, this would be my first choice in apartment buildings. Located right above the Target on College Avenue, […]
Favorite Apartment Rentals!
Abundant Rentals – Renters Rejoice! Most students cannot wait to move into rentals! Whether you are choosing to live in an apartment freshman year or as an upperclassman, there are plenty of great options. Below are some of the more popular apartment rentals and complexes students live near UMD. Some provide buses to campus (which can be important since parking on campus can be a nightmare), some have facilities that rival a fancy hotel (pools, hot tubs, volleyball courts, lounges), some provide reserved parking spots for a fee, some are gated and provide constant security, and all have various options from studios to 4 bedrooms. There are many perks of living in an apartment, such as your own room, possibly your own bathroom, and a kitchen! When deciding which building to actually live in there are several factors you must consider. The location of the rentals is something important to think about. […]
First time Finding a Roommate at UMD?
The Hunt for the Perfect Roommate One of my first thoughts after committing to the University of Maryland was “How am I going to find a good roommate?” It’s a common fear of many new college students. Though it can be a stressful time, do not worry, there are many options for finding the perfect roommate. Another thing I did upon committing was adding myself to all the different Facebook groups for incoming freshmen. Facebook is a great way to connect with people from all over that will be going to UMD in the Fall. Joining the University of Maryland Class of 2022 allowed me to see and get to know a bunch of my peers. In these groups, people post pictures of themselves, a short description of themselves, and list some traits they are looking for in a roommate. I would suggest is to include your Instagram or social media platform […]
Fix it! Fix it Good!
If it’s Broken, You Must Fix It Things break, it happens! Whether you get a flat tire, your bike breaks down, or you get an inevitable screen crack you are going to have to repair it. But if or when it does happen, it is best to be prepared. Considering it is very common to have either a car or bike on campus, knowing where to go in case they break down or need a quick fix-up is extremely important. If you ask some UMD students, you are likely to get several options of places to get your belongings fixed. It’s a hassle having to figure out which is the closest or quickest repair shop, so we have some suggestions for places your student can go both in College Park and the surrounding area. Listed below are some of the repair shops that your UMD student can go to. Bicycle Repairs Arrow Bicycle […]
Flu Season Ahead, Wash Your Hands!
The Flu ends with “U” It’s that season again. Flu season is generally from October through May; peaking in December. Given that the flu is easily spread by coughing, sneezing, and close contact – and what gets closer than dorm life and classrooms – your student may want to consider getting vaccinated. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is even more important than ever to minimize the inherent risk of getting the flu. The UMD Health Center offers flu shots with appointments. The flu shot is free to students that are on The Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), but they also accept various forms of insurance. The University of Maryland also has some tips on flu prevention that students should be sure to look at. Another option to get a flu shot is at: CVS Pharmacy – The closest CVS is located at 7300 Baltimore Avenue, and this location does administer […]
Food for Thought
No Student Hungry, Food for All Much like the national campaign No Kid Hungry®, there are many students at colleges throughout the United States that are barely getting by, some putting their nourishment behind paying for college and all of the expenses that go along with college; tuition, books, rent, utilities, to name a few. The USDA average monthly cost of food for a college-age student for a moderate-cost food plan, following the recommended Food plans, is $223.55. According to Education Data, in 2018: Nearly 25% of high school students considered middle class indicated they were not planning to attend college because of the expense In 2018, an average of 45% of students experienced frequent food insecurity Over 50% of students from 2-year institutions and 44% of 4-year students worried about running out of food Nearly 50% of students could not afford balanced meals Many students who are struggling just to keep […]
Freshman Connection
What Does Freshman Connection Really Mean? Find out the benefit to the Freshman Connection at UMD. We’ve all waited for that moment when you can check the decision a college has made about your child. It’s stressful, hopeful, terrifying. Finally, you get the email that you can check online and see what the future may or may not hold for them. If this is one of their top choice schools, like Maryland was for us, you are almost scared to look. I’ll never forget that moment. I knew with complete certainty that my daughter was going to get in. Her GPA was high, her test scores even higher, she already had 21 credits from scores of 4 or 5 on AP exams. This is our state university! Of course, she’ll get in! So, we clicked. And there it was. You’re in! Oh, wait. You’re in for the spring semester. Wait. What? How […]
Family Weekend
Family Time, Best Time My first family experience with Parents Weekend meant booking a hotel a year in advance except, as it was my daughter’s freshman year, I missed the memo which is why I will encourage everyone else to book reservations for parents weekend in advance or you may be staying at a not so nice hotel outside of town. (Our blog on hotels may help.) Why do we race to find a hotel as soon as possible? Hotels in College Park, and anywhere within a twenty-mile radius, will sell out in minutes for this weekend. Prices will be inflated tremendously (as they are for all football weekends), but it never hurts to remain hopeful that there will be some fabulous deal. Staying close to campus allows you to walk or Uber everywhere as parking can be limited and creates the opportunity to explore College Park. A good back up plan […]
Take a Fun Elective Class
When You Need A Fun Elective When planning electives as a freshman, it can be overwhelming and exciting. Being able to choose any course out of what feels like endless options can be a lot of pressure. When I was deciding which elective to take freshman year, I had no idea where to begin. If you are new to UMD or have a heavy course load, it is a good idea to take a class that is fun and a break from the stress. Electives can serve many purposes: fulfill an individual’s major requirement, supplement more rigorous courses to complete a minor, fill a schedule, or simply to have fun. For those who have the time and space in their schedule for a fun and easy elective, check these out: ARTT110: This is the Elements of Drawing I course and is a fun way to keep in touch with your artistic and […]
Get on the Bus
A Guide to UMD’s Bus System Getting to and from campus can be stressful and can take up a lot of time. Whether you are looking to get across campus or from your apartment building down the road, the Shuttle-UM has your back. Shuttle-UM is one of the nation’s largest university transit services and has a fleet of over 75 vehicles. All UMD students may ride any bus, making it a great option to get around College Park and beyond for those students who do not have a car on campus, and even those that do! When planning on taking the bus, make sure you download the NextBus app. This app allows you to see all Shuttle-UM route updates, alerts, and accurate ETAs in real-time. NextBus also allows you to sign up for automatic text alerts, letting you track your preferred routes. If you’re planning on taking the bus, have your UMD […]
Get Involved
Time To Get Involved! One of the most exciting parts about going to college is getting involved and finding new passions and hobbies all while having fun. When students first come to UMD, they are often overwhelmed by the huge campus filled with over 30,000 undergraduates. To make a big university feel small, get involved! When most students think of getting involved, Greek life comes to mind, but there are so many other on-campus opportunities to take advantage of. Of course, class and assignments come first, but getting involved on campus in some way is pretty important as well. Firstly, joining a club helps your students build a community and network. Meeting people will help their transition into college go smoother and these connections and friendships can last forever. Joining clubs and organizations allows students to discover their passions and strengths, and to make connections for future resumes and employment. One important […]
Getting There – All the Transportation Options
Transportation to and from College Park The first time you are dropping off your student at college is both an exciting and difficult time. Whether you are a drive away from College Park or need to get on a plane, there are several options for transportation in order to help your student move in. After the initial move in it is likely that you will not be going with them as frequently, so here are some ways to get your student to and from the University of Maryland. One of the best aspects of going to school near the capital of the country is all of the airports available to utilize when traveling. When coming or going from the university, there are three international airports your student can choose to go to Baltimore International Airport (BWI), Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA), or Dulles International Airport (IAD). Having three different airports that […]
Grocery Stores
Kids’ Gotta Eat – Where are the Grocery Stores? Whether your student is living on campus or not, at some point they will be needing groceries. UMD has so many different grocery store options that are all located close to campus that have options for every budget. The store options in the area that I would recommend are Target, Whole Foods, Giant Food, Lidl, Shoppers, and Safeway. The closest place to get groceries would be the Target on Baltimore Avenue, located right across from campus. This Target is walking distance from anywhere a student can live, both on and off-campus. This is not a full-sized Target but has essentially everything a college student would be looking for, both food and other everyday items. If you cannot find certain groceries that you are looking for and still prefer to shop at Target, there is a full-sized Target located in the Mall at Prince […]
Having a Car at College
Can You Get By Without A Car? No car, yes you can! Yes, you can get by at the University of Maryland without having a car. One common issue at college campuses is that there are thousands of students but nowhere near enough parking spots for all students and faculty. In addition to the lack of parking spaces, it can be very frustrating trying to drive and park on campus, not to mention how often students receive parking tickets. While some students choose to bring their car, there are plenty of ways to get on or around campus without a car! The University of Maryland Department of Transportation Services (DOTS) is the department that deals with both parking on campus and the UMD bus system, Shuttle-UM. If you do not have a car on campus, and even if you do, the bus system is something that all students should utilize! Shuttle-UM runs […]
Health Insurance for College Students
Know More About Insurance Options Health insurance is always a concept fraught with worry. The University of Maryland, along with many other colleges nationwide, requires that students who are enrolled in 6 or more credits have insurance. Upon being enrolled at UMD, they enroll students in the University-sponsored Health Insurance plan, but students who already have insurance can sign the Health Insurance Waiver and remain on their own plan. The purpose of UMD requiring a form of health insurance is to ensure that students have adequate coverage and can avoid costly medical and health center bills. The Student Plan The plan that is offered by the University of Maryland is The Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). This plan is a premium level insurance plan that is provided by CareFirst Blue Preferred PPO through Academic Health Plans (AHP). This plan allows students to be covered by most services they need at the Health […]
Home Sweet Dorm
Turn Their Dorm Room from Drab to Fab You may be surprised at how one can transform a mass-produced, industrial-looking dorm room into a warm and welcoming room or suite. Don’t be alarmed when you first see your students’ bare and cold dorm room, because that will all quickly change. There is plenty of help out there to spur ideas and help you organize. Organization is the primary concern, because after all if your kids are like mine, they will have clothes all over the room and papers everywhere within the first hour after I leave. Pinterest seems to be the holy grail for dorm ideas at UMD. They have endless recommendations in order to create your dream dorm room, so many that your head can start to spin. Do not fear or get overwhelmed! As long as you stick to the important subject of organization first, things will go smoothly. Of […]
Honor Roll Pride – The Highest Distinction!
Did you get a letter? It is that time of year when students receive notifications that they have made a collegiate honor scholar society. The cream-colored linen envelope arrives with its gold embossed logo of said scholar society organization. As a parent, you do a mental cartwheel as you see the invitation. When the initial excitement wears off, read the fine print carefully. At the University of Maryland, making the Dean’s List is something to be proud of. This form of academic honors is awarded based on the students’ given semester’s GPA. In order to earn this honor, students must complete 12 or more credits with a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher. Hard work and dedication need to be put in in order to receive this award, but it is worth it! There are 46 different honor societies at UMD that students can be invited to join. Students who excel in […]
How to Transition as a Transfer Student
Better late than never. Transfer requirements. You’ve gotten your acceptance to be a transfer student at the University of Maryland. Congratulations! What’s next? Will being a Terp be similar to wherever you started? Will it be an entirely new experience? Who knows, but either way you will love it at Maryland! Being a transfer student definitely has its differences from coming in as a freshman, but it’s not bad- just different! Here is what you can expect as you transfer into being a TERP! The first thing you need to make sure you do is to check out the Transfer Checklist. This is crucial for a smooth transition and will ensure you have everything you need to be completed in the correct amount of time. Be sure to check off each box to ensure you don’t skip a step. As soon as you have completed that (or even before), be sure to […]
Spring Sports
So Many Sports, So Little Time While fall sports are an all-time favorite among UMD students and families, there are plenty of great sports to enjoy during the spring! When people think of UMD, they immediately think of football, but sports such as basketball and lacrosse have their time to shine the second semester. Some of the sports in the spring include basketball, swimming, and diving, tennis, lacrosse, softball, and baseball. While sports may change due to the pandemic, students can look out for updates regarding sports and keep an eye on the composite sports schedule. Basketball games are extremely fun at the University of Maryland, especially when the team is on a winning streak. The Big 10 team plays in the Xfinity Center and students and parents are always hyped up creating for a fun atmosphere. One of my favorite parts about attending a basketball game is the Maryland Pride Flag Timeout. […]
Money, Money, Money
Show Me the Money! When Does Financial Aid Get Disbursed? The time has come to pay for your college costs and panic sets in. Time to pony up the money! Whether you are in-state or out of state, you know the costs in advance but it still stings when you see the bill. Show me the money! When does this money get disbursed? For your student’s specific account details, you should log into their account as a third-party user on the FinAid Portal. Here are some specifics: Financial Aid Money After being accepted into the University of Maryland, you will then be able to create your UMD Directory ID. Once you have created this account, you can use your Directory ID and password to access your FinAid account which will show you your financial aid status, billing statement, and all things related to money. Within this account, you can view your […]
Intramural and Club Sports
You Can Still Play Club Sports in College Considering that not all students have the opportunity to participate in UMD’s Big Ten sports, the university has intramural and club sports so you can keep playing what you love! These sports are on a less intense level allowing for a more manageable schedule during the semester. Intramurals are super fun, competitive, low-intensity sports that allow you to play with your team without the pressures that club sports sometimes create. For the Fall 2020 semester, intramural sports will be conducted in a socially distanced manner where students will have to maintain 6 feet from one another along with face coverings being worn at all times. Any student has the ability to join in on the intramural games, and there will even be some virtual activities! Intramural participants have the option to play at either the competitive “A” or recreational “B” level for most sports. […]
Insider’s Guide to Living On-Campus
Here is What You Need to Know You can certainly read about the dorms and places to live on campus on the UMD Housing and Residential Life pages, but we asked my daughter and our interns for the inside scoop about living on-campus…which is probably what you really want to know before you choose where to live when you become a Terp. Yes, you probably know about the common freshman dorms, but there are so many more hot spots on campus to consider when choosing where to live. North Campus: Cambridge Community: This community consists of Bel-Air Hall, Centerville Hall, Chestertown Hall, and Cumberland Hall. These dorms are mostly reserved for students that are members of College Park Scholars, but there are exceptions and regular UMD students can be placed here. These are the nicest of the freshman dorms and have a very large convenience store located in the center of the […]
Wake up Terps! It’s Game Day!
Get Ready For the Big Game With These Attire Tips! The best feeling for any college student, particularly if you’re a Terp, is waking up knowing it’s gameday. There is so much preparation that goes into game days: where to tailgate, who to squad up with, and most importantly what to wear. Showing up to tailgates and games is more than just rocking red, white, black, and gold; it’s showing your school spirit and how much you love your school. It almost feels like a school-wide competition: who can get the most spirited? With this list, you’ll be sure to place first. It is important that whenever you are shopping for game day attire, you look strictly for your school colors. You don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb wearing the one color that doesn’t match with anyone else. The best part about UMD’s school colors is that it is […]
Is a Grade A Really an A?
Those Pluses and Minuses Do Count! Going the extra mile to get an A in a class instead of an A- or getting a B+ instead of a B can be very worthwhile while at the University of Maryland. The hard work you put into getting the grade you truly want in a class will be rewarded with plentiful job opportunities and graduate school options. College grading systems can be especially confusing when coming straight from high school. The biggest difference between the public school and college grading scale is the plus/minus addition to the traditional As and Bs. These pluses and minuses affect your GPA with the exception of an A+ and an A. Therefore, it is important to understand the grading system and strive to get the best grades possible! Grade Scale A+/A: 4.0 A-: 3.7 B+: 3.3 B: 3.0 B-: 2.7 C+: 2.3 C: 2.0 C-: 1,7 D+: 1.3 […]
It’s Time for Dinner in College Park
Time to Eat Dinner Any ideas for dinner? Like any college town, College Park is full of amazing dinner dining options. Whether you are looking to eat late or early, there’s a restaurant for everyone when visiting UMD. Burtons Grill – If you are looking for a more upscale dinner, Burtons Grill is a great option. Serving American style food, you can order anything from a nice cheeseburger to a juicy steak. Busboys and Poets – Not only is Busboys and Poets a full-service restaurant, but it is also a bookstore, coffee shop, and bar! Known for having vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options, this is a restaurant that the whole family will enjoy. Cava – This Mediterranean food chain is an all-time favorite among UMD students. If you are looking for a fast and delicious dinner, this is a great option. Hanami – If you are in the mood for some delicious […]
Lunch Bunch
Mid-Day Munchies- What’s for Lunch? The best part of lunch is the break it gives you in the middle of the day! But it’s even better when you’re enjoying a meal as well. Like any city, there are literally hundreds of dining options in College Park from fast food to fast-casual, from family-style to fine dining. The more time my daughter spends there, the more places to eat we have discovered. Food is a big draw for us, can you tell? Your lunch choices will often depend upon whether you are touring with a prospective student, which will probably be in a dining hall or at a fast-food restaurant or making a visit to your established Terp, who will undoubtedly be clamoring for a good meal. Some things to consider beforehand are price and time. It is not unusual for there to be a considerable wait at some of the more popular […]
Meal Plan and Other Ways to Eat
Burgers and Pizza and Fries…Oh my! All parents can use a guide to meal plans. at UMD One of the biggest concerns on our minds when sending our students off to college is how will they eat? Will they eat enough? Are they eating healthy? When you think of a college diet oftentimes foods like ramen, delivery pizza, and ice cream come to mind (AKA the dreaded Freshman 15), but that is not always the case anymore. While they do have the option of pizza and ice cream, college campuses offer a variety of options for students that will never have them leaving hungry. At the University of Maryland, they offer several options for meal plans that fit all different types of students. On-campus there are four different dining halls, various convenience shops, cafes, and food courts that all students can utilize. Freshman- The Easy way At UMD, it is required that […]
How Will Students Stay Safe, Sane and Happy this Fall
Where is a Safe Spot at College? Safe, Sane, and happy, is that possible? As colleges are doing their best to come up with ideas as to how to keep our students safe and healthy as they reopen campuses, we can only hope that our students will adhere to those rules when they leave their classrooms. Let’s face it; it is not easy to enforce social distancing among a population that has a tendency to want to gather. Isn’t one of the best parts of college, socializing? We realize we can’t replace a good frat party or tailgate, but there are alternatives to fun near campus and since outdoor fun appears to be the safest alternative these days, we have come up with open-air ideas. Given that we are living under such unprecedented circumstances; we always reco55mmend double-checking on hours, etc. before heading out as activities may be modified or limit the […]
Move-In Day, Be Ready, Be Prepared
Move-in Time Has Come! UMD move-in day is a lot of work. When the day finally comes, it will be emotional, exciting, and nerve-wracking. The day will consist of unpacking many bags and boxes, decorating, and realizing what you have forgotten or are missing. Everyone’s experiences are a little different but here are a few tips to make your move-in day a drop easier. Fall housing assignments are released on July 24, 2020. This means students will find out who they are living with and where. When filling out the Housing form, students can request specific dorms and make their request to live with a particular student or choose to go with a random roommate. Students may request a roommate beginning May 15- June 15, 2020. This can be done on the Student Housing Portal. For the Fall 2020 semester, move-in is scheduled for August 27-30, 2020. Upon receiving your housing assignment, […]
More Veggies Please – Vegan & Vegetarian Dining
You Really Do Want to Eat More Veggies! At the University of Maryland, there are plenty of options for vegans, vegetarians, and those students that just enjoy eating their veggies! While there are plenty of options for unhealthy eating and treats on and around campus, the university works to have options for everyone and encourages healthy eating. My youngest daughter is a vegetarian and I worried that there were not enough food options for her, but she is always able to find food that she can eat and enjoy. On-Campus Options Since Fall 2016, every UMD dining hall offers many vegetarian and vegan selections. All dining halls have a dedicated vegan station, so students lookout for that area! 251 North: This is the North Campus Dining Hall and it has its own vegan buffet. Students are offered vegan/vegetarian salads, sandwiches, and veggies burgers. Tell your student to be on the lookout for […]
Moving In – Move it Move it Move it
Get Your Hand Trucks Ready to Move! Once your student has been given their move-in date and dorm or residence assignment, the process of handling what can be a stressful, labor-intensive, and often expensive moving process begins. Traditionally, female students tend to take a full-on decorating approach complete with wall décor, signs, picture frames, string lights, desk accessories, and many other decorative items. Male students do not quite go that full in and often just want a comfortable bed, maybe a poster or two, and perhaps a rug. It is quite humorous after each drop-off, whether it is for summer or fall, to see my friends’ postings on Facebook and Instagram and see the obvious difference between guys and girls completed dorm room. This may be a sticker price shock moment. According to the National Retail Federation, back to college spending averaged $976.78 in 2019. This is big business with college checklists […]
Need Advice? Get Some Advising
Advice Guide to Getting an Advising Appointment Academic advisors are some of the most helpful people you will interact with during your time at the University of Maryland. Having a strong relationship with your advisor is a great way to get advice and work toward your educational and career success. While it may be difficult to get an appointment at busy times of year (the busiest times are the beginning and end of the semester), UMD offers several options to meet with an advisor. Each student will be assigned an academic advisor either during freshmen orientation or after undeclared major students decide on a major. The various schools at UMD have their own perspective counselors that specialize in advising students within that school. Students can find who their advisor is on their individual college page and schedule appointments through that page. For those students who have yet to declare a major, they […]
Orient Yourself at Orientation at UMD
A Guide to Orientation Orientation will align you with all UMD has to offer. Congratulations! Your child has been accepted to the University of Maryland! One of the first things to do following accepting the admissions offer is to set up your Directory ID and register for New Student Orientation. Orientation is a time to get to know all about the university your student will be spending their next four years at. From learning how to navigate campus to figure out how the dining halls work, you and your student will be learning a lot in two days. Get ready to take notes, fill out paperwork, and explore College Park. Orientation can seem overwhelming regarding all the new information you are receiving in such a short period of time. It is important to always breathe and not panic because whatever information you miss or may forget can all be found online! Other […]
Parking at UMD
Getting That Last Parking Spot! When getting ready to go to UMD in the fall, an important topic to bring up is whether or not they will bring their car to school. It is important to think it through and consider where they will keep it if they do decide to have their car on campus. Yes, it will make runs to the grocery store and mall easier, but parking can sometimes be a huge hassle on and around campus. The University of Maryland has several parking instructions and regulations that students should make sure to look at, considering how common it is to get a ticket when driving at UMD. The first thing to consider when thinking about bringing a car too school is whether you are even eligible to do so. All students with 30 credits or more and commuter students are eligible for registering for on-campus parking. For many […]
Places of Worship at UMD
Continuing Worship Traditions For many students, transitioning from home to a University can be an unnerving experience. Being able to find a place of worship and continue the religious traditions they may have had at home can be the key to a smooth transition. Fortunately, the University of Maryland is very diverse and offers many different options for faith, worship, and community. Whether or not you are looking for a specific religion or type of service, or just want a spiritual experience, UMD has what you need. Start with the Interfaith Programs and Spiritual Diversity if you are looking for something spiritual. This falls under the Division of Student Affairs and their purpose is to provide resources for the UMD community to engage in interfaith collaboration, spiritual development, and learning. This program also advises and supports students and organizations interested in spiritual topics and interfaith dialogue. Past events have included dialogues, lectures, […]
Planning to Sublease an Apartment at UMD?
Here’s How to Sublease – The Supply is Greater Than the Demand Sometimes you have a change in plans or an unexpected opportunity. In college, you have to learn to go with the flow and not miss any chances to learn something new or explore a different part of the world. Have U Heard what happens when you are obligated to pay rent at your apartment or you only need housing for part of the year? You sublet or sublease! First of all, what’s the difference between a sublet and a sublease? Technically you are in a sublease if you turn your apartment over to someone and do not plan to return. A sublet is similar except that you have the intention to return. These are usually during the summer or winter break. Most people at the University of Maryland commonly use the term sublet, so for the sake of consistency that’s […]
Retail Shopping
Retail Therapy makes Starting College Easier! College Park is full of retail therapy! Though your child is at college to attend class and do work, there is always a point in time where your student will need a thing or two, especially at the beginning of the semester. When preparing to come up to school, a good tip is to pre-order what you can in advance. Pre-ordering allows you to pick what items from a store you want in advance, and when you are ready to pick up your items they are already placed together and ready to go! Some of the best places to do this sort of shopping are Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, and Walmart. Another favorite and go-to of mine, Amazon, is a lifesaver to all college parents and students. Amazon can deliver right to your child’s dorm in a period of a couple of days. For those who […]
Roommates and Residential Life
Roommates and Learning to Live With Others Their first time with roommates? For many students, going off to college means moving away from home and living with someone you do not know that well in a small space. Dorm life can be both exciting and frustrating, and having a roommate that you get along with can make a world of difference. While your student does not have to find the perfect match or their lifelong best friend, having a roommate that you can co-exist with and agree on ground rules, is very important. My daughter committed to the University of Maryland a little less than two weeks before the deadline of May 1st. Considering she took her time to make a decision, most of the girls that she knew of who were also attending UMD in the fall, already decided to room with other girls. My daughter was panicking to find a […]
Safety Matters
Safety Is A Top Priority At UMD The University of Maryland takes safety very seriously. As a parent, our top concern is that our child is safe at all times while they are away at college. Knowing there are so many sources or protection for UMD students takes worrying off your shoulders. In addition to the on- and off-campus police and services that allow you to get around safely, the use of technology has changed the landscape of how they impart information to students. Automated texts and emails are immediately sent out to students notifying them of anything going on both on and around campus, in addition to posts on various social media platforms. On-Campus Security – The University of Maryland has university police that are state certified and have the same authority of any other sworn police that serve the campus community 24/7. In addition to this, over 100 student police […]
The ABC’s of a 529 Plan
What does 529 Pay For? When you decide to have kids, your first thought is not how am I going to pay for college, but it might be your second. Raising my children in South Florida, I was familiar with the Prepaid Florida Tuition Plan which is one type of plan. I chose another, the 529 Savings Plans, or what is also known as a Qualified Tuition Plan (QTP), which was fairly new. I wish I had not overlooked this type of tuition plan or had asked their grandparents to invest in a 529 Savings plan, as opposed to gifting them money for birthdays and holidays. Since 1996, 529 plans are a way of saving for college for your student. If you had such a qualified tuition plan or a relative set one up for you, then you and your student are now eligible to access the funds. Lucky you. The funds […]
Where the Wind Blows
Be Prepared for the Wind and Natural Disasters The wind is howling, now what? Growing up in South Florida, I have gone through at least one hurricane every single year. After years of hunkering down in the laundry room- considering that was the room in my house without windows- I thought I was prepared for any kind of wind or storm coming my way… Well not so much, because hurricanes are one thing but when a student moves to Maryland, they have to be prepared to take on the possible hurricane, earthquake, flood, or tornado. For those who have students who are from out of state, the first mention of a potential weather emergency and the unknown sends parents into a justifiable panic. When the news about a potential emergency starts dominating the airwaves, especially in the area to which the storm is headed, parent’s concerns go into overdrive. It is not […]
Graduation Photography for your Terp
Memorialize Graduation Day with Photography The last four years (or so) probably flew by and commencement is around the corner. There is no doubt that graduation is a big deal and one you will definitely want to memorialize. It should be celebrated and remembered! College graduation is a very special day in one’s life, and the desire to celebrate and remember that accomplishment is one that is usually commemorated by senior image photography. The University of Maryland’s campus is so beautiful, so most students choose to walk around with a photographer, taking photos in red and black outfits and then their cap and gown. Students get photographed in popular places on campus (definitely the Mall and Testudo), as well as places that are specifically special to them. For commencement, UMD uses GradImages, an outside company, to take pictures of each graduate in three places as they cross the stage. If you register […]
Taking the Campus Tour
A Tour Can Help You Make Your College Decision *About your campus tour – All Visitor Service Desks and Facilities are closed until further notice, but there are a variety of options for virtual visits to UMD* Taking a campus tour is an essential step to help your students decide where they will make their home for the next four years. Some students like to tour before they apply, while others tour schools after they have been accepted. When my daughter was applying to schools, we did both; however, the tours after the acceptance letters were received were very different from the initial visits. Taking the tour after being accepted helps to pinpoint the pertinent things that will help your student make their final decision as to which school to attend. Of course, my daughter loves being a Terp, but your student may have specific things that will help them weigh out […]
Searching for Scholarships
Scholarships Can Be a Huge Help Once your student makes the official decision of attending UMD in the Fall, the idea of actually paying tuition looms. Hopefully, you have prepared in some way but fear not, finding scholarships can help with the cost of college. Every year, I hear stories about thousands of dollars in scholarship money that are never applied for. It does take a lot of work and time to research scholarships, apply for them, and to validate the authenticity of them. But that work can pay off at a reduced cost. Some are quite competitive, some last for four years, and some are downright silly, but pay for something. Some scholarships require essays and believe it or not, those are the ones most avoided; therefore, have the least amount of people applying. Don’t steer away from these; seek help with the essay instead. It is also recommended to apply […]
Sports Fun at UMD – Go Terps!
Go Terps! Everything About UMD Sports Everyone really loves sports. And one aspect of the University of Maryland that can be a deciding factor on where to attend college is their sports. UMD is a member of the Big 10 Conference, meaning sports are HUGE here. Being a huge sports school is fun and playing other Big 10 schools brings about competition and even more fun. Whether you’re a sports expert or have no idea what is going on, you are bound to get caught up in the enthusiasm and excitement and fall in love with the games. Also, if you see the Maryland flag coming down behind you at a game, you better get in there and go crazy with everyone. There are some important things that you should know, like where to get tickets and where the best place to sit is. Student Tickets HaveUHeard…UMD students get in FREE to […]
Away for the High Holidays UMD
Celebrate High Holidays with a New Community Generally, our kids get to come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but for those who celebrate the upcoming Jewish High Holidays, it may be your first one without your student at your holiday table. While it may feel strange having that empty seat, it can feel better to know that they are celebrating the high holidays with a new community of their peers. There are options for Jewish students at UMD. You may want to let them know they exist and then hope that they will choose to participate. Time Off Not all colleges give days off for every holiday and it doesn’t look like UMD is any different. Students can certainly inform their professors, in advance, of their absence for the high holiday, but chances are class will go on and they will be responsible for any work. Even if they do get a […]
Make the Call to Admissions
Should I, or Shouldn’t I Make the Call? Sometimes making the call will alleviate your stress. One of the most nerve-wracking times is waiting to find out if you have been accepted into the college of your dreams. The University of Maryland will send you an email to notify you when your admission decision is ready to be viewed on your MyCoalition account. After following the instructions in the email, you will be able to view your admission decision online. I remember on the day my admission decision came out it took me almost two hours to finally see if I was accepted due to the high volume of individuals logging on at the same time. After those two hours of nervously freaking out, I saw the one thing I have been waiting for (impatiently) these past months: my acceptance to UMD! At UMD they offer acceptance to the university for the […]
Sick at School and How to Cope
Mom…..I’m Sick… We all know that feeling we parents get when our kids are sick. Will they be ok? How many classes will they miss and how much work will they have to make up? Who will take care of them if we’re not available? These questions are always important but compounded when your child is at school, living on campus, potentially hours or days from home. During my daughter’s first semester at the University of Maryland, she got sick. A lot. Just when something would pass she’d start having other symptoms. I felt like she couldn’t get out of her own way, and I felt terrible that she was suffering alone and trying to navigate health care in a new place. Getting sick at school is nothing new. College students don’t sleep enough, aren’t necessarily taking great care of themselves, and are living with hundreds of other students with many germs. […]
So Your Student Wants to Be a Terp
Who Wouldn’t Want to Be a Terp? That’s understandable-a Terp, or a student of UMD, is the state of Maryland’s flagship university and amongst the top 25 public schools according to U.S. News & World Report in 2020. The University of Maryland is a great university right down to the beautiful red brick buildings and deep-seated traditions and is brimming with opportunity. The question is, how does your son or daughter become a Terp? UMD is a school that gets more and more competitive each year, and today they are very selective looking not only at grades and test scores but student involvement, leadership roles, and an essay that stands out. The Terp Truth… This past year, around 40% of freshmen who applied for the fall semester were admitted into UMD. For the Fall 2019 freshman class, UMD received over 33,000 applications and took a class of 4,300 students. For the students […]
Staying at UMD for Thanksgiving
Make Thanksgiving a Friendsgiving Managing Thanksgiving plans is always a challenge. Although UMD is officially closed and classes are canceled from November 25th-29th, 2020, not all students will be going home for the holiday. Flights can be incredibly expensive around this time. Some students may have to work, and others may go home with a local friend for a little turkey dinner. But perhaps, instead, you’ve decided to switch things around a bit and this year go to College Park for Thanksgiving. Whichever way it works out; there is plenty to do if you are going to be at UMD for Thanksgiving this year. Let Someone Else Do the Cooking! Many restaurants put together a great traditional meal for Thanksgiving. Some are less traditional but sound delicious. Check out some of these: Old Maryland Grill: 7777 Baltimore Avenue, College Park MD 20740 Founding Farmers: 1924 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20006 Old […]
Safest Places to Visit Your Student This Semester
We Still Love to Visit Our Terps Let’s face it, these are crazy times! No matter how different things look at Maryland this semester, one thing is for sure: we all still love to visit our Terps. This school year may look a little bit different, but there are plenty of outdoor spaces to spend time together safely. Dining In College Park, you really won’t find too much more than quick and easy “bar food” type restaurants. However, most are offering at least a small amount of outdoor seating. If you want to spend time and enjoy a meal with your student, the following are some of the places with outdoor space available. Looney’s Pub of Maryland offers a large menu including traditional bar fare like nachos, burgers, and wings, but you can also get Maryland favorites like crab dip and shrimp tacos. Looney’s has great happy hour specials and you can […]
Sorority Girl – The How To Scoop
Sorority, It’s More Than Parties Personally, joining a sorority was something I always knew I wanted to do. From watching my camp counselors as a kid to seeing my friends a year older rush the year before I had the chance, I was always interested in being a part of Greek life. At the University of Maryland, girls rush the second semester, allowing you to have time to consider if you want to rush and to get settled into college and the new lifestyle that comes with it. I had a great time first semester and made wonderful friends, but I felt that I didn’t know many people other than my close group of six girls. When the beginning of the second semester came around, I was thrilled to begin the rushing process. After a long but important five days, I was able to find my new home. Going through the recruitment […]
Student Accessibility Services at Maryland
Accessibility Accommodations for all Students For students with a disability, Accessibility, and Disability Services (ADS) can help. The University of Maryland is committed to giving accommodations to students in need in order to ensure equal access to all services, programs, and activities. ADS is a part of the Division of Student Affairs and Counseling Center. Whether it’s ADHD or physical impairment, UMD provides great care and consideration for providing access to all. The University of Maryland has a variety of services that work to ensure that students are accommodated and accessibility needs are met In order to receive these accommodations and services, students must go through the eligibility and registration process. Any student who has documentation is eligible to apply for reasonable accommodations, as well as individuals with one or more physical or mental impairments that interfere with major life activities. At Accessibility and Disability Services, accommodations are determined during the registration […]
Getting Fit and Staying Fit While in College
Keeping Fit – Keeping Freshman 15 Off Keeping fit, what’s the secret? So you find yourself at college, having loads of fun and with the ability to eat pretty much whenever you want. So many local restaurants deliver, too! Suddenly you notice the freshman 15 creeping on. What do you do? Fortunately, Maryland has the answer to what ails you, no matter what you like to do. The fitness opportunities on campus are endless. I would be remiss if I didn’t start with RecWell. RecWell stands for University Recreation and Wellness and is literally a one-stop-shop for fun and movement. They have thought of so many things you never could have. Check out free play, where you can take a jog around Lake Artemesia when you have time, or play ultimate frisbee on LaPlata Beach. Not your thing? There are so many clubs and intramural sports it will be hard to choose. […]
Study? The Best Places to Study at UMD
Finding a Good Place to Study is Important for Students Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to studying. Whether you like to study alone inside or in groups at the local coffee shop, the options are plenty. Finding the best place to study both on and off-campus is essential for all students. Though it may not be the most fun activity to do, it is something that is extremely important and will lead to success. Listed below are all different options of studying locations that UMD students swear by. On-Campus Study Spots At the University of Maryland, there are several libraries and study areas that students love to utilize. Every student has their preference of study spots, and some students prefer to study in buildings that they have the majority of their classes. Adele H. Stamp Student Union- Another hot spot that is full of different places to study, the […]
Technology Needs at UMD for Free!
Here is the Technology You Get for Free! HaveUHeard that Microsoft Office 365 technology is free for all enrolled University of Maryland students? And it’s free for up to five devices. TERPware is the go-to site for students to access all free featured software. Software that is offered on TERPware is Office 365, Windows 10, and various Adobe Creative Cloud Apps. That is a huge cost saving for a college student. To access it, use your UMD ID and password to log in. Office 365 is a cloud-based suite of tools from Microsoft. With it, you also have Microsoft OneDrive which provides cloud storage and sharing files. It can also be accessed from your mobile device. You lose access to your Microsoft Exchange Email and these free programs 30 days upon graduation, so this is something to keep in mind when emailing, creating contact lists, and making documents. While the computer of […]
What is FAFSA?
First Applicants Find Substantial Assets, FAFSA of course! FAFSA is the national Free Application for Federal Student Aid but, based on how aid is distributed, it may as well stand for First Applications Find Substantial Assets. Because aid is distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis, every student that hopes to receive aid for college must fill out this form to even be considered. Every college has its own deadline. UMD’s school code is 002103. UMD’s priority deadlines are January 1st every year. After January 1, applications are reviewed in the order they were received. Of course, if your student did not know if they were accepted back then, but they can speak with the Office of Financial Affairs to update their application if your circumstances have changed substantially from what was reported on the Federal Income tax return for the year submitted. If your student has not yet filled out FAFSA, do […]
Grad School Housing is More Grown Up
Because Grad School Needs Are Different For students heading to Grad School, finding an apartment if they are going to a different university entails completely different criteria. Many students switch schools for their graduate studies, and that means new housing options. Grad School housing comes with its own unique challenges. With expensive tuition and long study sessions, the last thing they need to worry about is finding an apartment at or near UMD. One amazing part about being a grad student at the University of Maryland is that they have two all-graduate student apartment communities that are located on University property. The Graduate Gardens and the Graduate Hills communities are the two on-campus options that are owned by the university and managed by a property management company on the University’s behalf. These grad student exclusive communities are located at 3424 Tulane Drive, Hyattsville, MD 20783, and are located on the west side […]
Graduation at UMD
Remember When… It seems like yesterday that your Terp was an incoming freshman and now, within a few months, they will be graduating and looking towards the next step in their lives. For some it will be graduate school, for some it may be the military and for some, it may be their first job in the “real” world. Whatever it will be, graduation time is a time of excitement and pride! Here are some helpful tips and some guidance to ensure that the time for graduation is a memorable time and not a stressful time. UMD has two graduation ceremonies, one in the fall and one in the spring. Due to COVID-19, commencement is going to be virtual this fall and take place on December 20 at 1 pm. Spring commencement will take place on May 21 and it is still to be determined if it will take place in-person or online. […]
The Next Four Years
Are you ready for the next four? So you have a student ready to spend the next four years at The University of Maryland? That means you will be visiting College Park hopefully sometime soon. If you have never been to this college town located right outside of the capital city of Washington D.C., you may not know all that this college campus can offer. In between Washington D.C. and Virginia, College Park is a town that is the perfect fit for a walkable college campus with university life, but also a short 30-minute ride from the metropolitan city of D.C. What you should know about the University of Maryland The University of Maryland is a public research university that was founded in 1856. The The university is the flagship institution of the University System of Maryland and is also the The largest university in both the state of Maryland and the Washington […]
The Best Apps for Students at UMD
UMD and College Studying Apps Remember when you were in college and everything was easily accessible via apps on your phone? No? Well, me either. Our kids, however, do live in this world and there are literally apps that provide things like food delivery, tutoring services, how to create a budget or the perfect bibliography. Below is a list of the apps I thought most useful. The list is a little lengthy, but today there is an app for everything imaginable. UMD Apps Canvas Student– This is the mobile version of Canvas, the platform where all of your students’ courses will be located. This app shows you: upcoming assignments, grades, semester calendars, syllabuses, discussion boards, and more. Duo- This app is necessary for all students when using two-factor authentication. This will be required for logging on to any UMD software such as Testudo, Canvas, etc. Campus Maps- This is an app that […]
Volunteering Turns Your Compassion Into Action
Volunteering with passion is key. Is volunteering the path for you? One of the best ways to get out and meet people in college is through community service and at the University of Maryland there are loads of opportunities. There are so many benefits to gain if you give your time to others. Giving back is such an amazing way to be a good citizen and it also speaks volumes about your character. Doesn’t hurt on the resume, either! In College Park, there are service organizations that need your help. Service helps to connect you to the community and helps you feel more at home while at school. When you start looking for service opportunities, you’d be remiss if you didn’t check out the Leadership and Community Service Learning page. This will outline for you many different types and categories of service. Consider whether you’d like an opportunity just on a school […]
Controversial Speakers UMD
Is Free Expression Controversial? UMD, like most colleges, wants students to seek knowledge, debate ideas, and form opinions although some may be controversial. Because of the UMD “Academic Freedom and Free Speech” policy, it is not uncommon to see protestors, activists, and religious groups around campus attempting to persuade and educate students on their cause. Being in college allows you to explore and learn from both your peers and speakers and these rights will be protected by the university. During my time at the University of Maryland, I have seen several controversial speakers gathering both on and around campus. Whether they are at the center of campus in the middle of the mall or in the residential area of College Park, both students and non-students have the right to express themselves in whichever way they please. One important aspect of these types of speakers and protesters you should keep in mind is that […]
College Majors to Pursue in Tough Times
Perhaps It’s Time to Consider Majors that are Sustainable Students usually choose a major over a period of time. I have always been a fan of taking a variety of classes until you find the ones that you enjoy most and choosing a major around that. Every school, including UMD, has its more popular majors as well. However; in these unprecedented times, students might want to take recent events into consideration when choosing or changing their major. As with any major event, such as a recession, war, or, in this case, a pandemic, there is a shift in what type of degree a student may want to consider pursuing. Certainly, the job market will look different in the future. Contemplating what jobs were sustainable throughout the pandemic may also help in the decision-making process. For instance, UMD’s School of Public Health has multiple majors that would be beneficial to pursue that apply to […]
Best Coffee Shops at UMD
Coffee, Cup of Joe, a Cuppa, Java The coffee shop is the epitome of the college experience, isn’t it? Most of us need our coffee to get through the day, and a coffee shop can be the best place to study, grab a snack, meet up with friends, or even go on a date. Is coffee just coffee or does it matter where you go? At the University of Maryland, your choice is dependent on your purpose. Probably the easiest place to grab coffee would be in the Stamp Student Union. The Coffee Bar is there on the main floor and available for a quick grab and go Starbucks beverages as well as pastries from the bakery. There is a small place to sit, but it can be noisy, so if you are studying you may want to take your cup to another area of the union for some peace and quiet. […]
Weekend with Dad -Here’s what to do!
Officially Unofficial – Dad is in Town to Visit! Dad’s weekend isn’t exactly official at UMD, meaning that there isn’t one specific weekend that it is called for, but many sororities and fraternities have one. The sorority I am in does not have a specific weekend exclusive for dads, but there are several weekends throughout the year that you are meant to invite your family to. Whether you have a specific Dad’s weekend or not, there are plenty of things to do when your dad comes to town that will make your time with him special. Going to school at the University of Maryland allows you to have endless possibilities for activities to do with your dad. For those dads looking to relive their college experience, there are floods of parents that go out during the happy hour. It is extremely relaxed and always a good time. There is both outside and […]
Moving Out Not As Easy As You Think!
It’s Moving Out Time! For some, the process of moving in is easier than moving out. When your student moves in, they neatly pack their items in a suitcase. Their towels, sheets, comforters, and décor are new, clean and many times still in its original packaging. Moving out? Not the case. Items are shoved in garbage bags; clothing is piled into a suitcase and the suitcase is sat on so that it can be zippered. Towels and sheets haven’t been washed all semester and can practically walk home! Needless to say, it can be just as stressful as moving in. When it comes to moving your student out, there are some options that you can choose from. If you are in-state or have the option of just taking your belongings home, that is a great option. While it can be time-consuming packing up everything and taking a drive home in a car […]
Storage at UMD for All the Things…
Where Will They Put All Their Stuff? How will you manage storage? It’s that time between semesters when they want to bring EVERYTHING home for a few weeks or even the summer. You’re wondering: (a) how will I get it all back here and (b) and where… in the heck… am I going to store it all? After two whole semesters at college, students tend to have a lot of belongings, both necessary and unnecessary. Whether you live in-state or out of state, moving items you only need at university to storage makes a world of a difference and can really relieve some extra stress from moving out. There are several facilities located not far from campus. There are different kinds of storage and one must consider which is best for them. For instance, you can save money by choosing a unit a little further from campus that is not air-conditioned (they […]
Nature vs Nurture
So much more Nature than you think! When you visit the University of Maryland for the first time it is likely you will see the beautiful campus, the surrounding area, and maybe even the great city of Washington D.C. Beyond the campus, College Park has so many outdoor hidden nature gems that are just waiting for you to explore! Whether you are looking to swim, walk, kayak, or just enjoy nature, College Park has something for you to enjoy. Calvert Road Community Park: This is a park very close to campus off Calvert Road. There are picnic tables, tennis and volleyball courts, and a disk golf course. College Park Dog Park: If you have a dog, this park is a great option! Students can spend some time playing with their dogs outside. Key Bridge Boathouse: Kayaking is a great water activity, and there is no better place to go kayaking than in […]
The Stress of College
Keep Yourself Stress-free One of my biggest worries, when my kids left for college, was would they be able to handle the stress of college life. There are a lot of things to juggle when they are away at school for the first time. Besides the adjustment of living away from home, they are now dealing with classes, homework, and exams that are all heading them down the path for their future. Being able to cope with new situations, parties, new friends, can be a lot for many new college students. I encourage you to talk to your child often, even if they don’t want to, just to make sure that they are adjusting well no matter what year they are in. Thankfully, UMD offers different ways to cope with the stress of college. At the University of Maryland, there is a Health and Wellness center that offers various consultations and services […]
They’ve Been Accepted at UMD!
Congrats! You’ve been accepted as a Terp! Congratulations Class of 2024… YOU’VE BEEN ACCEPTED! It IS great to be a Terp for so many reasons. You can all now take that deep sigh of relief that your student’s decision has been made and then take a look at our list of what to do next. Finally, parents can take a huge sigh of relief and then take a look at our list of what to do next. While this may sound silly, first check your student’s admission letter for accuracy regarding their name, entrance term, address, and major. If any changes need to be made, it needs to be done as soon as possible. The first step after deciding you want to be a Terp is to make it official! Your student will need to respond to their offer of admission by completing the Decision Response, located on their UMD Checklist on […]
Transferring to UMD
Better Late Than Never! Transferring Requirements. Maybe transferring is a good idea. Some students leave for college unsure of what to find only to realize that when they get there, it is not the place for them. Perhaps too they never actually went away but had been living at home for college and are now ready to go away. If transferring to the University of Maryland is something your student is considering, they can start by checking out the requirements. For students interested in applying as a transfer student to UMD, there are some requirements. High school graduates who have completed at least 12 semester hours or 18 quarterly hours at a regionally accredited college or university should apply as a transfer applicant. Those interested in applying are encouraged to apply by the early action deadline to receive priority consideration for admission to the university and merit-based scholarships. There is no minimum […]
Trouble in Paradise at UMD
Trouble, It Can Happen Is your student having trouble or in trouble? Are they having problems with a roommate, an apartment lease, underage drinking, academic troubles including plagiarism, parking tickets, and so on? You send your student off to college with the best of intentions. You’ve had the discussion about budgets, walking alone at night, binge drinking, hazing, and drugs. You’ve even discussed being a good roommate and following the University’s code of conduct. But there are situations that do come up no matter how responsible and mature your student. The first thing to do is take a breath and remain calm. Chances are, your student is probably freaking out and is terrified to talk to you. The first step to take is to get all of the facts. Remind your child to obtain and keep all paperwork and information. Go over the dates and processes that they have been given. UMD has […]
Tutoring – can really help your grades
Tutoring Can Be A Huge Asset Students who attend the University of Maryland, no different than any other highly sought-after college, will be faced with challenging classes taught by respected and renowned professors. With that being said, tutoring can be a huge help when extra help is needed. Now that your student is out of high school, they can no longer coast by without putting in the necessary work. In order to be a successful student at UMD and be successful in your future career, it is important to grasp the concepts you are being taught in class in addition to doing well in the class. While it is important to focus on your studies, there are so many opportunities to get involved on campus. From clubs, sporting events, Greek life, and all other social life aspects, it can be a challenge to balance everything and stay on track. Tutoring is the […]
Wakey, Wakey Eggs & Bakey
Wakey! Our Favorite Places for Breakfast! When considering where to go for breakfast, there are so many options that fit everyone’s preference in College Park! From fast-food to fast-casual, from family-style to fine dining, there are dining options that fit the whole family’s taste and price points. Depending on what your plan is for the day, there are various breakfast dining options, so wakey, wakey it’s time for a great breakfast! Bagels and Grinds Located right underneath The Hotel, this restaurant offers both dine-in and carry out. Bagels and Grinds offer items such as bagels, salads, coffee, soups, and more. Bagel Place Right on the main road of Baltimore Avenue, Bagel Place is home to some great breakfast, brunch, or lunch options. In addition to their daily freshly baked bagels, they serve muffins, coffee, deli options, and more. Busboys and Poets in Hyattsville, around ten minutes away from College Park, Busboys and […]
What Not to Bring to UMD
Don’t Worry, You Don’t Have to Bring That When packing and shopping for college, your student may try to bring everything they own claiming that all their belongings are “completely necessary.” This can turn out to be a huge mistake as they will come to find, as most new students do, what they brought was unnecessary and there is not enough room for it all. The University of Maryland provides students with a list of items they recommend to pack and a list of items that you should not bring. It is important to check these lists and make sure you follow them. In addition to the list provided by UMD, I am going to share some items that I personally know there is no need to purchase or bring with you when moving into the dorms this fall. Do Not Bring… Clothes you hardly wear or do not see yourself wearing anytime […]
I’m Not Your Maid
Because Sometimes You Need a Maid I never thought I would be saying this, but sometimes it is a good idea to hire a maid cleaning service for your students’ apartment or dorm. Hear me out…With COVID-19 and flu season, wouldn’t it give you peace of mind to know those nasty germs have been eradicated and may lessen the chances of your child catching what their roommate has? Of course, this is my strongest point, but having seen my daughter’s apartment after a few months of living with three other young women, I have others. Some students simply don’t have the time and are often searching for affordable cleaning help. Here are a few maid cleaning services some of our students have tried.– has many services offered in the area. The average rate is $16.25/hr. College Park House Cleaning– Whether you are looking for a one-time cleaning or a reoccurring […]
Homecoming at UMD
Homecoming- It’s about the game. One of the most exciting events at any college is Homecoming. There is so much to look forward to, so much excitement, and so much fun! At the University of Maryland, Homecoming is a major event where you can show your Terp pride alongside alumni, parents, and friends. The vibe is contagious! At Maryland, Homecoming is a week-long celebration. Be sure to have Maryland gear in all colors as each day will typically have a theme. Check out our Black Red White Show Your Spirit for Terps blog for some great outfit suggestions or the UMD bookstore in the Stamp Student Union if you need to ramp up your wardrobe. Activities and events occur each day, including shows, competitions, crab feasts, and much more. There is something for everyone during the Homecoming week. Keep an open mind and try something new. There are so many events that […]
What You Should Do Before Heading to Maryland
Before you leave… Before you leave to take your kid to college, there are a few items you will want to take care of that are extremely important. Most college students are 18, although a few are younger, which means they are considered to be legal adults. With that comes a whole lot of independence from their parents, regardless of who is footing the bill for their education. So take note before you load the car! Unless they give you permission or their login information, you will be unable to have access to their health records, grades, pretty much anything that has HPPA laws behind it. Talk to your student about signing over permission for the college to speak with you. Make certain they understand that without that signed permission, everything, and we mean everything, pertaining to the college. From medical records to financial aid, it cannot be discussed with any other […]
Rushing His Way – Frat Recruitment
Get Ready for Him to Rush -Frat Recruitment Rush, Rushing, Recruitment, what is like today? Going back to 1978 with the release of “Animal House”, which became one of the most successful fraternity comedies of all time, to 2014 with the release of “Neighbors,” fraternities have been portrayed as groups of Neanderthals that do nothing but party, drink alcohol and abuse drugs. Fraternities have been called out on national television for purported participation in horrific activities. Certainly, if a fraternity house is engaging in behavior that crosses the line, they should, and will, end up either on suspension or maybe even kicked off-campus. But talk with many of the young men in fraternities at UMD, and they will speak of brotherhood, a lifetime of friendships and access to leadership positions on campus. The University of Maryland currently has 25 recognized Fraternities within the IFC. Eleven fraternities have houses that are owned by […]
Where to Pregame at UMD
Get Ready For A Fun Pregame Day! Pregame festivities are one of the most fun and exciting aspects of game day! Pre-gaming generally means drinking before going to an event where the drinks that you will purchase are more expensive. I believe the term “crazy fun” was included in the definition as well. Assuming that you are of the drinking age, there are some fun places that offer great deals for college students on game days. Right across from campus there are several pre-game hot spots. My personal favorites are R. J. Bentleys, Cornerstone, and Rails. These bars show the game on their many screens and serve delicious bar bites and drinks. Another popular place to pregame is at the Frat House parties before the game. If you are involved with Greek life, your sorority will likely be matched up with a fraternity tailgate. The atmosphere in these places is always energizing […]
Sorority Recruitment: What to Expect & What to Wear
Here Are Tips & Tricks on What to Wear Sorority recruitment is more than the clothes you wear. For parents of incoming freshmen, you have probably already heard your daughter mention sorority recruitment. I know girls start looking up, researching, and asking about different sororities and the pluses and minuses of rushing, some as early as Senior year in high school. And yes, Rush can all be overwhelming, and expensive. So, I am going to give you the low-down of all thing’s sorority rush. Get ready for four rounds over five days that lead up to the best day ever: Bid Day! At the University of Maryland, primary recruitment begins the first weekend of the spring semester. Recruitment is organized by the UMD Panhellenic Association. Each girl has the opportunity to sign up online and are then placed in groups with Rho Gammas. Rho Gammas are, essentially “recruitment guides” that have gone […]
Study Abroad Programs for Students
The world is your classroom, so study abroad. *UMD Study Abroad as of right now is unavailable until 2021 due to the global pandemic, but the application process for Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2021 will open on August 1st. Check with UMD for updates on programs as 2021 gets closer. One of the greatest and most exciting opportunities college students can take advantage of is study abroad programs. Being able to change up your classroom at UMD to anywhere from Asia to Europe to even a semester at sea is an amazing life-changing experience. The latest national report on Study Abroad showed that more than 238,332 students from colleges and universities across the United States went overseas to earn credit during their academic years. There are so many factors involved in making the decision, and we recommend you consider everything so that you can perfectly cater to your experience to yourself. […]
Auxiliary Fees for Classes
HaveUHeard of These Fees? You can’t get away from the fees! There is no denying that college tuition, in and of itself, is a huge expense; however, on top of the cost, HaveUHeard that UMD has extra fees that all students may have to pay to the university. The total cost of tuition at the University of Maryland is made up of required tuition and fees, room and board for students choosing to live on campus and buy a meal plan, as well as the mandatory fees UMD charges. One main fee is the technology fee. This is a flat-rate fee of either $153 for full-time students or $76.50 for part-time students. The extra fees go toward various campus needs such as transportation, services, and specific facilities. They are mandatory and help pay for things around campus. The auxiliary fees that are charged to full-time students each semester include: Athletics: $199.50 Shuttle Bus: […]
Graduation Restaurant Reservations
Reservations, The Earlier, The Better! The big day has finally come; Graduation! This is a time to celebrate the graduate and surround them with friends and family. Following graduation, it is common to have a special feast to celebrate this special day. The University of Maryland hosts a commencement ceremony both in the Fall and Spring. Due to COVID-19, commencement has to be held virtually where it can be streamed live across multiple platforms. Hopefully, you have read our blog Graduation at UMD and already arranged your hotel rooms. But, if you are coming up with your entire family, you may want to make your restaurant reservations as many of the restaurants get extremely busy. With that being said, there will be many places that will require reservations for brunch, lunch, or dinner depending on the time of your student’s graduation. To help you out, we are listing the restaurants that take […]
Dance Marathon
You Can Dance If You Want To One of the most popular fundraising events in colleges across the country is Dance Marathon. Dance marathons are student-run philanthropies benefiting children’s hospitals all over the country. This fundraiser is both rewarding and fun! You may have even seen posts on Facebook or received emails asking you to check out a college student’s page. A popular tag is #FTK or #ForTheKids. Children’s hospitals all over the country benefit from college kids getting involved, raising money, and volunteering their time to help children. The University of Maryland has Terp Thon. It is a student-run organization that supports patients and families fighting pediatric illness and injury in our local community. Terp Thon is a part of the Miracle Network Dance Marathon movement. This is a great way to unite the UMD community for the great cause of supporting Children’s National Hospital, College Park’s local Children’s Miracle Network […]
Who You Going to Call?
… When You Need, Answers, You Can Call! The important call contact info you need to have. Over the years there have been only a few times that I, as a parent, have felt the need to call the campus to resolve an issue. Generally, I try to get my kids to handle it themselves. However, knowing where to call for whatever the issue can be daunting. For instance, trying to decipher how rush works or even having financial aid issues. Be aware though that, unless your student has given you permission to call or is sitting with you, some departments won’t speak to you, the parent. Check out our blog What You Should Do Before Leaving For UMD to download different legal documents. These documents give parents’ permission in different medical and legal scenarios. We realize that finding the right place to call isn’t always so simple, so we have listed […]
Tax Time – Are You Ready?
What Month Is It Anyway? April 15th is right around the corner. As you are preparing your return or having a CPA prepare your return, do not forget to take advantage of the Education Tax Credits available which can help offset the cost of students’ tuition. Two Credits Available There are two tax credits available to take, The American Opportunity Tax Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit. The AOTC (American Opportunity Tax Credit) was made permanent by the Protecting Americans from the Tax Hikes Act signed in 2015. The AOTC allows credit to be claimed for four post-secondary education years instead of two. The AOTC/Lifetime Learning credits are based on the payment of “qualified tuition and related expenses.” These are the expenses for tuition and academic fees that are required for enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution. Qualified tuition and related expenses do not include student activity fees, athletic fees, insurance, […]
The Benefits of Joining the UMD Alumni Association
Alumni Networking, Perks, and More… Before you know it, you are walking across the stage at graduation, and with that last step, you are officially a Terp alumnus. You may be super excited and a little sad that your “Terp” life has ended. But it hasn’t! The first thing that you should do is join the UMD Alumni Association. By doing that, you have the chance to continue your Terp pride through contacts, fun events, and networking. And it always provides opportunities for you to show off your new Terp swag. Like all associations, they help keep the spirit of the school going, and the benefits are too good to pass up. There are so reasons to join the Alumni Association and joining is extremely easy! You should join as soon as possible because those who recently graduated (up to one year after they graduate) get a discounted membership price called Gradpak. […]
Working While at UMD
Extra Working Cash Can Never Hurt What is your opinion about working while at college? Some students have to work to pay for college or their living expenses while away. Some students consider their schoolwork and studying their only job and are fortunate enough not to have to find work outside their studies. Others choose to work while at school to supplement their spending. Whatever the reason, it is rarely a negative when a student gets a job. Whether it is to pay tuition or housing or plan for their spring break trip, or backpack through Europe after graduation, or even to just augment their wardrobe, working while in school is neither novel nor unusual. The University of Maryland offers students many resources when it comes to finding a job on or around campus. The University Career Center is a great place to begin your job search. This career service website goes […]
Choose or Change Your Major
You Can Change Your Mind and Your Major! What major should you choose? Considering the University of Maryland offers a multitude of degrees; how is one to choose? Most students begin college with some idea of what they want to study, but it is not uncommon for them to change majors. UMD has over 130 undergraduate majors across 12 colleges, so do not panic if you are unsure of what you want to do or the path you want to take. My own daughter changed her major twice and even added one to become a double major! Changing and choosing a major isn’t always easy. There are several ways you can support your student as they are trying to decide or consider changing study focus. One of the main reasons students reconsider or hesitate to declare a major is because they do not understand the career options associated with it. Encourage your […]
First Time Student Loan Borrower
For a Loan, You’ll Need to Do This. It’s all new to you as a first-timer, here is what you need to know about a student loan. What is an Entrance Counseling? In July of 2016, the U.S. Department of Education made it a requirement that in order to have student loans disbursed, all students must complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling. This counseling includes information needed to successfully repay the federal student loans they will be receiving to help pay for college costs. While this may be seen as a waste of time by your student, it is full of great information that they will need to know down the road. If you have not previously received a Direct Loan or Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL), the federal government requires you to complete entrance counseling to ensure that you understand the responsibilities and obligations you are assuming. You must complete entrance counseling before you […]
UMD Coronavirus Updates
Updates on Latest Plans Seems like finding the right updates in this unusual time is tricky. I don’t think I have ever used the word unprecedented as much as I have since this pandemic began. Actually, I don’t believe I ever used the word pandemic much either. However; it is real and regardless of what these unprecedented times have brought to you and your family, the fall semester will begin before we know it and it is important that we stay up to date on the latest plans and procedures at UMD. As of right now, UMD will have both online and blended learning classes throughout the rest of the semester. The University of Maryland will delay opening for in-person classes by two weeks then allow students to come on September 14. Updates change, well, frankly, like the wind, but here are some important parts. The university has based its reopening process […]
Great Grad Gigs
Great Grad Gigs That May Pay for Tuition Finally, you’re a grad, but you need a little side gig to help with costs. Graduate assistants are highly sought after and amazing positions for students. There are tons of different types of positions and opportunities at UMD that revolve around specific work and allow students to work closely with faculty and undergraduate students, participate in research, and see the inner workings of the University. Graduate Assistants (GAs) are graduate students that are looking to take part in an integral part of education. These students who hold assistantships are part-time employment opportunities that include teaching, research, and administrative assistantships. Teaching assistantships have various responsibilities across disciplines and departments. Within a department, the particular assignment depends on the department’s needs and the experience and academic qualifications of the TA. TA’s will be supervised by a member of faculty that will guide them throughout the assistantship […]
Football Season Seats at UMD
Guide to Seats at Capital One Field at Maryland Stadium Everyone should attend at least one UMD football game! Cheering on the Terp football players from the student section will truly be some of your best memories in college. Or, perhaps you or your family want to get season tickets. In past years, Terp games have proven to be pretty exciting and they are anticipating another thrilling season. One of the keys to making it great, however, is knowing where to sit. For instance, the blazing sun can make a big difference in the fun factor of a game. Here are some thoughts about the best seats for football games. Keep in mind that due to COVID-19, there has not been a release on restrictions regarding football games yet but UMD will take every precaution to make sure that the campus is a safe environment for all students. Capital One Field at […]
Campus Resources for Students of Color
Campus Guide to Resources for Multicultural Students Campus diversity amongst students has grown considerably over the years and most colleges acknowledge the need to honor various student groups. Colleges also propose to create campuses that maintain an inclusive atmosphere; allowing all its students to gain exposure, perceptions, global awareness, and a willingness to collaborate peacefully and freely. College campuses strive to support their black organizations and students. Students are supported through varying resources at each school. While there are quite a few national associations, often colleges have localized branches that provide a more personalized experience. While each groups’ overall goal may differ somewhat, the overall goal of all the on-campus organizations is to encourage a welcoming space for black students to make connections. Some organizations for students of color are sponsored by professional societies, while others focus on diversity, mentoring, networking, college achievement, and other types of support. There are many Black […]
Black Red White Show Your Spirit for Terps
We’ve Got Some Great Terp Outfits There is nothing more anticipated at the University of Maryland than game day. Gameday consists of an exciting Big 10 football game, tailgating, and lots of fun. HaveUHeard that UMD is the only NCAA school to have four official school colors? Red, white, black, and gold are the four colors that all terps get to rep on game day. I am all about red, white, black, and gold on game days, but I am also about fashion. It’s important to dress smart for the weather because game days can be very hot in August or possibly snowing in November! Some games at UMD will determine what color you should wear. There are plenty of fun color-coordinated games that you can attend. The university will announce in advance if terps should wear a specific color. Want to know the actual primary colors- UMD gives you the graphics versions. […]
21 and Oh So Fun!
You are 21 and an official adult now! Have fun! As each year ticked off, you waited for the fun of being ‘legal’! And now you made it. And if you are turning 21 during your college year, then you are probably going to want to celebrate and celebrate big. Whether you want to have a night out with friends at the College Park bars or spend the weekend in D.C., the options are endless and plentiful. Being 21 in college means that you can finally get into places you were not allowed in before and the fun can really begin. One of the most popular traditions for girls when they turn 21 is having a “shot book”. A shot-book is a book full of pages that each friend will make for the birthday girl. The page will include sentimental memories and pictures you share with the birthday girl. At the top […]
Entertainment, Fun Stuff To Do!
There is So Much You Can Do For Entertainment! There is more than just football or basketball for entertainment around UMD; in fact, the best part about Maryland is there’s always something to do. Now that’s entertainment! Some of my favorite activities range from sightseeing, walking or hanging out around College Park or Washington D.C., the nightlife, and going out to eat! Bethesda Row– This is one of my favorite areas near campus to go for good shopping and even better food. This outside shopping area has so much to offer including a movie theater, Shops, an Apple store, salons, and many restaurants. Bowlero– Bowling is a great way to stay entertained! Bowlero offers food and drinks to ensure maximum fun! Georgetown Waterfront Park– Georgetown is one of my favorite areas to go when I am in Washington D.C. Not only is it a beautiful place to hang out along the water, […]
Namast’ay yoga in and around UMD
Keeping Peaceful, Zen, and Stress-Free Ahhhhh, yoga, one of my favorite things to do, and by far the best way to get my head cleared is to practice this age-old art. Very few things have been continuously practiced for over 5000 years with continued success. The practice proves that the mind, body, and spirit are healthier. Whether you are looking to get a workout or to stretch and breathe, practicing this age-old art is an excellent way to move your body. I have always practiced occasionally, but since the start of quarantine, I have really gotten into the practice. It helps with meditation stress, anxiety, and just overall make you feel really great in my opinion! HaveUHeard that UMD offers a bunch of classes at the University Recreation & Wellness Center? Everything from yoga to cycling to dance workouts, the university gym has it all! They offer over 100 classes a week […]
Maryland Terps Bucket List – Be Sure You Do These!
Check out these Terp Bucket items to do! If you have committed to becoming a Terp, there are a few things that you might want to check out over your next four years at UMD. Some are just plain fun, and others sort of obvious. Either way, your time at UMD shouldn’t only be about studying. There is so much more to UMD and Maryland. Check out our “bucket list.” On-Campus Bucket Swim in the ODK fountain– This is a must for all UMD students. Swimming in the fountain in the mall is great, super fun, tradition to do with friends. Be in the student section flash mob during a basketball game- The flash mob at basketball games are one of the most thrilling traditions to be a part of as a Terp. Show your UMD spirit and show out for the basketball team! Turf on a Tuesday- Ask anyone, Turf on […]
Register to Vote UMD
How to Have Your Vote Count While At College For students in a new city adapting to a busy college schedule, the voting process can seem daunting. As an 18-year-old freshman, I didn’t even know where to begin to register or where to go to vote! With an election year coming up, taking the time to go to the polls and vote is more important than ever. So, how can you do it? Your vote counts. UMD‘s Initiative “Terps Vote” is the place to go for all things voting-related for Terps. They offer a variety of information from registering to vote to where to vote on election day, including information for students who are residents of Maryland, as well as those out of state. Terps who are residents of Maryland and are not already registered to vote should start here. For out-of-state students, they should refer to vote for tips on how to register […]
Cultural Resources for Hispanic-Latino Students
Support, Empowerment, and Connection for Hispanic-Latino Students Campus diversity amongst Hispanic-Latino students has grown considerably over the years and colleges vie to maintain an inclusive atmosphere; allowing all students to gain exposure, perceptions, global awareness, and a willingness to collaborate peacefully and freely. Whether serving as a forum for communication, helping students build strong social networks, or simply in pursuit of a welcoming space amongst other Hispanic or Latinx students; UMD undoubtedly has a place where you will find your connections. The University of Maryland has various organizations for Hispanic and Latinx students that are sponsored by professional societies, while others focus on diversity, mentoring, networking, college achievement, or are purely social. In addition to the many organizations, UMD offers Latin American Studies courses for all students to take. There is undoubtedly a place where all students can find their connections. Check out the various resources and clubs offered. Check out the various […]
Mother-Daughter Time, The Best Mom Time
There is Nothing Like It! One of my favorite things is when my mom comes to visit me while I am away at school. Facetiming and texting just don’t cut it sometimes and eventually, I need some quality time and a hug from my mom. While the family weekend is great, having quality one-on-one time with your mom is the best and so special. There is so much to do and plenty of great shopping to get in while she visits or during a mother-daughter weekend! Being so close to the capital of the country has its perks and being able to go to D.C. whenever you like is the best. From walking around and sight-seeing at the monuments to the shopping, there is so much to do and see while in town. One of the places I brought my mom when she visited for the first time was Georgetown. Georgetown is […]
Diversity and Inclusion for LGBTQ College Students
LGBTQ Campus Support and Resources College can be challenging for all students which is why finding ways to make connections with others who identify similarly can make a big difference. The American College Health Association estimates that at least 10% of college students identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, asexual, pansexual, or questioning. Although LGBTQ PRIDE is becoming more prevalent, the LGBTQ community often face additional pressures or concerns. UMD and its surrounding community offer resources and information to both help LGBTQ students navigate the college environment and make connections in a group setting. The University of Maryland has been recognized as “Best of the Best” Top 30 LGBTQ-friendly for 2018 by Campus Pride, and the university is proud of its efforts to create a safer, more inclusive campus atmosphere. The first stop for support and resources would be the LGBT Equity Center, a unit of the University of Maryland reporting to […]
It’s All About the Delivery
Delivery is the way To Go! Taking time away from studying can be the difference between dinner or a bag of chips and a soda. Sometimes it pays to turn to delivery services, particularly when they have been studying for hours on end or they aren’t feeling well. It’s good to know that food can be delivered right to their dorm or apartment. Here are some of the ones we found and what they deliver and how they work. As you will see, not every delivery service is for food. Amazon – Seriously, what can’t you get from Amazon. By signing up for Amazon Prime as a student, the first 6 months are free and then there is a discounted membership fee for the next 4 years until graduation. Prime membership includes free 2-day delivery, among many other perks. Eat Street – Delivery and takeout options available. Delivery fees are $2 and […]
Care Packages for UMD Students
Who doesn’t enjoy getting a package delivered? We know you really care, you care a lot about your student and want them to be happy. Whether it is for a birthday, a little something to ease the stress of midterms or finals, a pick me up when they are feeling sick, holiday treats, or congratulations on a job well done; there are many options that will surely bring a smile to your student’s face. Sometimes it is nice to go with the local shops; most all deliver. Then again, there are some excellent national choices too. We have given you plenty to choose from– all of which our kids, interns, or we like. All you have to do now is decide what to send. There is variety there too. For instance; if you are looking for sweets (and who isn’t?) for a birthday, pick me up, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, religious holidays, or […]
Pets in School
Take Your Pets (Dog Or Cat) to College! Dogs are called man’s best friend for a reason! Pets bring so much love and joy to our lives and there’s nothing like a good facetime with your dog when you’re missing home while at college. Practically anytime I talk to my parents, I ask to see my dog. One great aspect of going to college at UMD is that it is a super pet-friendly campus! Whether you are interested in having your own pet at the University of Maryland or just looking to have your family pet come visit you at college, both are great options! I don’t think a day goes by on campus where I don’t see at least one dog. Seeing dogs around campus brings a little extra joy to my day. When having a dog on campus as your own or having your family pet visit, there are plenty […]
Sorting Out College Life – A Guide to Laundry, Dry Cleaning & Alterations
Laundry, Not as Bad as You Think! When your student goes away to school, they may or may not have any idea on how to do their own laundry. No matter how many times you try to teach them, they somehow always end up waiting until they completely run out of clothes until they do their laundry! Despite this, there are plenty of ways to make the process go nice and smoothly at UMD. On-Campus UMD has several washers and dryers in their residence halls across campus. The machines they have are super easy to use and students are able to pay with their Terrapin Express on their UID or with quarters. It costs $1.50 to wash a load and $1.25 to dry a load of laundry. It takes less than 30 minutes to wash your clothes and about an hour for them to dry, depending on the temperature option you choose. […]
Lost & Found – We Can Help Recover Lost Items
Oh, No…It Happened, It’s Lost! We’ve all done it, lost something. As a college student, you will often have a lot going on. From class, studying, social events, and more, losing something is bound to happen. It is important to take proper measures when you lose something, such as canceling your credit card or requesting a new ID. Things can oftentimes be replaced, but you must always be careful and diligent. HaveUHeard recommends getting your student The Tile, a small device that you attach to the things you don’t want to lose, be it a computer, bike, keys, luggage, wallets- even pets (attach to their collar). If you lose something, UMD has several lost and found locations around campus, the locations are listed below. In addition to these locations, each building has their own separate lost and found, so if you did lose something in a building not listed above, I would go to […]
Trick or Treat The Halloween College Version
That Was Then… Halloween, love it or hate it. However, on a college campus, Halloween is sure to be full of ghouls around every corner! One thing’s for sure, your student at Maryland is in for a night of fun and frights on Halloween! This is Now. Halloween on campus is a definite change from the days of old, but you’ll find some old traditions surfacing as well as modern college fun! The campus will be decorated, with dorm rooms and dining halls in festive decor. For University students with children, there is a free family fun party. Here you can paint pumpkins, play carnival games, get your face painted, and even make your own sundaes! Be sure to wear your costumes! HaveUHeard that the campus of the University of Maryland has a haunted past? If you dare, take the campus ghost tour. Decide for yourself if the whispers you hear in […]
Supervise an Easy Budget for Your College Student
This is a budget lesson that will serve you in the future! Some students actually keep to a budget. Well, sort of. I admit, it was hard telling my daughter, as I watched her weekly allowance dwindle, that she better be a bit more cautious or stock up on peanut butter for her next few meals until her next allowance came. I knew though that the gift of teaching her to budget her money would be far more useful than the pain I was feeling saying no or even when she had to stay back when her friends headed out for sushi. At orientation we were inundated with information about all sorts of things; from FAFSA forms to meal plans. No one ever really elaborated on the best way to handle finances when it came to how much to give your new student. Perhaps this is because it will vary based on […]
Sending A Package to Your Student?
Make Sure Your Package Gets There If you are planning on sending a package to your student, you want to make sure they get it. There are many reasons that a student receives a package. Whether it is just their usual Amazon delivery or a care package for midterms or because your student is under the weather, there are a few things that will make package delivery simpler. You know your student best; send a personalized note, a picture of your family or favorite food. You have to make sure you correctly address the package to your student, or you run the risk of them not being able to receive it. Address all mail to residents as: Student’s name Student’s room or apartment number Residence hall or apartment building street address Student mail is delivered to Residence Halls once daily from Monday through Saturday, excluding Federal and University Holidays. Mail is sorted by […]
Computer and Phone Repair
When it breaks it is such an issue… The amount of times I have cracked my phone is too embarrassing to admit! While I try to be extremely careful with my phone, accidents happen. Being in college means that you will be on your electronic devices all the time, so when something breaks that means it’s a big deal. Luckily for us, there are plenty of places nearby that can fix up your computer or phone. Before anything breaks, it is important to have all your files and important information backed up. I highly recommend a backup system for computers. As a Mac user, I presently rely on iCloud. iCloud connects to iPhones as well, making it easy to keep everything important stored together. I can also recommend CrashPlan but some of our writers use Mozy. Both back up your computer daily (or as often as you deem necessary) so if you […]
Lockdown Browser
Online Test-Taking for Today’s Students Technology has changed the way students take tests. With everything going on in today’s world, online classes and tests are becoming the norm. Considering this is now the new normal, UMD is trying to ensure that students are getting the most out of this transition and are staying academically responsible. From Zoom and Webex to Lockdown Browser, there are several resources that UMD staff are now implementing. Lockdown Browser is one tool that is very helpful for professors. This increases the security of test delivery. Once students have installed Respondus Lockdown Browser on their computers, it will make them close all other applications before they can launch it and take the test. They will have to submit the test before they can quit the browser. Teachers will use Lockdown Browser for online tests and for those tests that are completed at home to ensure that no one […]
Budget 101
Learning to Budget! One very important aspect that comes with going off to college is the responsibility of budgeting and being smart about your money. While you are away at college, it is common you lose track of how much money you are actually spending. Before this can even happen, it is smart to have a set budget, whether it be weekly or monthly, and to stick with it! College is meant for students to learn and grow, and one of the areas that come along with this new chapter in their lives is how to manage their finances. It is important to talk to your parents about what they will be paying for and what they expect you to be responsible for. Once you have set these specifics, you can then plan out how you will be spending your money and possible allowances. You should determine on average how much one […]
Birthright Israel –
Young Jewish Adults Israel Trip What exactly is Birthright Israel? Birthright Israel began in 1999 with a bold idea—offering a free, life-changing trip to Israel to young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 and 26 and, in doing so, transforming the Jewish future. Their mission is to give every Jewish young adult around the world, especially the less connected, the opportunity to visit Israel on an educational and inspirational religious experience. Today, Birthright Israel is the largest educational tourism organization in the world, and it aims to strengthen Jewish identity, communities, and connections with Israel. Each trip is 100% funded by 30,000+ donors each year. The experience of Birthright is one that your student will remember always, and the connections made with fellow students on the trip will turn into life-long friendships. And there is no reason to be concerned about political unrest or their safety since every trip is guided and […]
Finding An Internship to jump start your career.
Learn About Your Internship Options You can’t deny the value of a good internship in your career search. No matter how strongly you feel about what you think you want to do, it’s a good idea to work in the field for a while to ensure it’s actually what you want to pursue. An internship can really help you narrow down what you are interested in doing for a career, and finding out you may prefer a different path is so much better to do when you have time to change your mind. Many colleges require internships, and they look great on your resume! However, finding a good internship can be one of the more stressful things a college student has to do. This is no college of yesteryear where internships were not always necessary and very uncommon. It seems these days some students are doing up to four internships during their […]
University of Maryland
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