How To Use HaveUHeard
You’ve landed on the best help for parents and students who attend one of our featured Universities. We are IRL parents who have been through all the experiences with our IRL kids who are students at these schools.
How do we do that? Our posts are written by parents, students and interns who share best practices, easy ways & great suggestions for navigating your journey.
Select your school from the adjacent buttons to the right, or from the Explore U’s navigation dropdown at the top of your browser window. You’ll land on a page that presents our top content categories and tags, for your school, designed to pique your interest and help you with any number of specific issues. Our posts are designed to help both parent and student, alike, enabling and empowering a new-found sense of independence while away at school.
Click away! …and let us know if you have an unanswered question, we’re standing by. (Really we’re here online a lot!)
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