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Graduation Already. Time Flies.
**This is an unusual and unprecedented Spring (2020) and the situation and circumstances continue to evolve daily. Please start all your planning for any event this Spring by first checking here for the updates directly from FAU**
Graduation is around the corner. Remember how when our kids were little we couldn’t envision them leaving us and going off to college? Now, if you are like me, you can’t believe how quickly the time went. It continues to rush by and before you know it, college graduation will be here.
Allow ample time to make those hotel reservations. Similar to football and Parent weekends, graduation weekend hotels are at a premium if you want to stay close to campus. Some people book them a year out in order to get the hotel they want. I literally booked my room a solid year before my daughter graduated. Being in Boca Raton though, we definitely have an advantage if you don’t mind staying a tad bit further from campus. (Don’t know where to stay, check out our blog on hotels.)
Be sure to check the policy with whichever hotel you choose, but if possible, book more rooms and cancel later when Grandpa decides he isn’t up to the three-plus hour drive. It is far easier to cancel than to try to find a room in February for May graduation. I actually booked three rooms, but only used two. Instead of canceling the last one though I passed it to a friend who found herself short a room. There is always someone in need. If you are booking multiple rooms, just a tip; put them in different names because if you have them all in your name, and you need to cancel a room, the hotel may have to cancel the entire reservation. This actually happened to a friend of mine. Boca Raton does have quite a few hotel options in the surrounding areas, however, it is important to remember that South Florida is a popular vacation destination. While there may be plenty of options, it’s still crucial to book early.
August and December graduation reservations may be a tad easier, but there are far more students graduating then than you may think, so don’t hesitate to book early. Besides, in December, there is still a lot going on with students moving out for winter break. The next commencement ceremonies are the weekends of May 7th, 2020, August 11, 2020, and December 17, 2020. You might not know which of these days and time is for your student’s major until a few months before though. Particularly for the May graduation, there are so many students graduating they split it into multiple ceremonies throughout the day and evenings, and information about the specifics of Graduation day.
Graduation is held at Carole and Barry Kaye Performing Arts Center located in the Student Union on the Boca Raton campus. Seating is limited but tickets are required. Guest tickets go by the number of applications received. For deadlines and additional information. Those who respond to email can expect to receive three to four guest tickets.
Disabled or Special Needs Info
Should you require disability accommodations for guests, it is on a first come first serve basis; however, the auditorium staff has always been able to accommodate guests who require special assistance. Graduates requiring special accommodations should contact the Office of the Registrar, 561-297-3050, at least ten days in advance.
Graduation Cap & Gown Isn’t Cheap!
Wondering how much your student will need to pay to rent the cap and gown which is required if they are walking? Prices range from $67.98 to $360.00, depending on the degree level. All graduates are required to wear the cap and gown from the FAU bookstore in order to participate in the ceremony. Ordering your regalia late will result in a $25 late fee.
Reserve, Reserve, Reserve!
Remember to make restaurant reservations as well. Generally, restaurant reservations can’t be made as far in advance as hotels, but due to the crowds, you will definitely want a reservation. I actually called so far in advance they couldn’t make it yet but told me when to call back so I could be one of the first to reserve the date and time I needed. I marked my calendar and all worked out beautifully. Check out our blog on Graduation Restaurants and Restaurants. Keep your gifts, balloons, and noisemakers at the hotel as they are prohibited inside the Carole and Barry Kaye Performing Arts Center. Flowers are available for purchase in the lobby of the auditorium.
FAU does have a live webcast of graduation. Many of my northern family members utilized this option. They also use GradImages, an outside company, to take pictures of each graduate in three places as they cross the stage. If you register in advance, they offer a 20% discount. Finally, we’ve got some great graduation gift suggestions including diploma and tassel frames. Should you need to order a duplicate diploma (lost, damaged, or whatever reason you may have), it will cost you $10 but you can do so.
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