LGBTQ Campus Support and Resources
College can be challenging for all students which is why finding ways to make connections with others who identify similarly can make a big difference. The American College Health Association estimates that at least 10% of college students identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, asexual, pansexual, or questioning. Although LGBTQ PRIDE is becoming more prevalent, the LGBTQ community often face additional pressures or concerns.
FSU and its surrounding community offer resources and information to both help LGBTQ students navigate the college environment and make connections in a group setting. The first stop would be the Pride Student Union, an LGBTQ+ student-run organization advocating for, empowering, and providing community spaces for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and, queer people in Tallahassee. They are located in the Agency Space on the fourth floor of the Thagard Building while the Union is under construction. For more information, email psu.director@gmail.com.
Ways to get involved:
Students can work on The Public Relations Committee creating content to circulate on Pride Student Union’s various social media pages. For more information, contact fsuprideprcoordinator@gmail.com.
- Pride volunteers work in shifts to keep our LGBTQ+ Resource Center, aka the Pride Center, clean and safe. Volunteers give tours to visitors and ensure that all guidelines are maintained. Volunteer applications open at the beginning of each semester. Contact psu.centerdirector@gmail.com.
- The Resource Committee collects, assembles, and distributes LGBTQ+ information to the Tallahassee community. Contact psu.externalaffairs@gmail.com.
- Events Committee assists in running Pride’s events smoothly and professionally. Contact membership.psu@gmail.com.
- Political Action Committee engages in political activism to advance LGBTQ+ rights on and off-campus.
- FSU often runs Identity Nights; student-facilitated conversations for different identity groups within the LGBTQ+ community. Groups generally meet bi-weekly. If you are interested in joining an Identity Night or learning more, email the Center Director at psu.centerdirector@gmail.com.
Campus Organizations and Resources:
- QTIPOC – (Queer, Trans, Intersex People of Color) is dedicated to creating safe and inviting spaces for queer, trans, and intersex people of color in the Tallahassee community.
- Gender Odyssey is dedicated to the advancement, education, growth, and unity of transgender and gender non-conforming students at Florida State University.
- LGBTheology is a student organization dedicated to creating safe space for self-identified queer, trans people, and allies in the Tally community and conversing on religion & spirituality, to freely practice and find community.
- Allies & Safe Zones is an ally development program to promote acceptance and support of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Pansexual, and Two-Spirit-identifying (LGBTQ+) people. Allies & Safe Zones is coordinated through Student Governance and Advocacy and is offered regularly to the campus community. The program is open to all, regardless of orientation, identity, or expression. For more info email: safezone@admin.fsu.edu
- Pride-U Fellows Program is a two-semester long LGBTQ+ leadership and empowerment program. Participants meet weekly to develop solutions to issues facing the LGBTQ+ community. Applications are released at the start of each Fall semester.
- SGA Diversity & Inclusion Institute is an 8-week program held in the Spring Semester where participants are challenged to gain knowledge about how to support fellow students with various identities to create a more united campus.
Local Organizations:
- PFLAG-Tallahassee – Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United with LGBTQ+ People work together to move equality forward.
- Tallahassee PRIDEFEST is an annual celebration designed to promote peace and understanding among diverse cultures, races, creeds, genders, and sexual identities. It is celebrated every April.
- Here are additional support resources in the Tally community.
- The Career Center at FSU wants to assist the LGBTQ+ community with their career decisions while honoring their values and overall identity.
- FSU began adding all-gender restrooms back in 2013 and continues to do so. Each one and the new additions as they appear will be added to this map.
- FSU’s College of Medicine also promotes recognition of identity, dignity, and equality through their Pride in Healthcare.
Students that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or queer should not only feel secure that they have a safe environment where they can thrive as a student, but they should also feel confident that there is a community that will welcome them to a place they can make connections. FSU works hard to be sure that happens for all its students by promoting advocacy and education as well as creating opportunities for socialization and support.
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