Trouble, It Happens…
I began our conversations about walking alone at night, binge drinking, hazing, and drugs, among other things many months my kids left for college. I felt confident, as most of us do, yet, some of us may still get the phone call we dread. It happens. Your student got into trouble; now what?
Remain calm, because most likely your child is freaking out and frankly, someone has to be the voice of reason. Yes, they may have done something stupid and immature, but let’s remember they are new to this freedom and still navigating their way around adulthood. Hopefully, it is as simple as a housing contract dispute and the FSU website can point you in the right direction as to where to find legal advice.
There have been students who are pulled over and ticketed for not having their school address on their license. That will not hold up in court as non-resident college students attending college in Florida may drive in Florida without having a Florida driver’s license if they have a valid license from another state or country. For resident college students, a Florida Statute exempts students while at school in Florida so they are allowed to keep their home address.
SGA Student Assistance Center/Student Legal Services provides a list of local attorneys and legal resources. They also offer assistance with taxes (for free) and how to navigate IRS issues. They do not, however, offer any legal services to students anymore.
It is important that your students be aware of the code of conduct (that they have signed) and abide by the rules of the University’s’ guidelines. They take student behavior seriously and will act accordingly if your student breaks the rules. It may be difficult to find the bright side of whatever issues your son or daughter may have gotten into, but it will undoubtedly promote growth and maturity.
If they do get in trouble and you need to contact someone at the University, here is a list of important contacts to have on hand.
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