If You’re Worried, Then Call…
Perhaps you’ve dreamed of going to IU only to have been denied admission or have a conditional admission. While calling admissions, and by calling we mean that your student makes the call, is something many feel uncomfortable doing, it may be worth the effort – or peace of mind- to make that call.
So many students sit around the phone waiting for months to hear back from Indiana after reapplying. Why keep yourself in agony when you can just call admissions and ask what the hold up is? They may not always give you a direct answer, but admissions will most likely tell you about how long it takes for acceptance or denial to come back. You never know, if you are extra-extra nice they may even try to speed up the process for you!
Sometimes, if students can show IU that their grades have improved senior year and/or that they brought up that ACT/SAT, IU may be willing to make a deal. If students do not make it into IU for their fall semester, many will take classes at a local school near their home-town and then re-apply for springtime. In this case, it is best to build relationships with individuals in the admissions department so they will tell you exactly what needs to be done in order to get accepted into IU. Questions about this process should be the first call you make.
Oftentimes individuals are apprehensive about calling the admissions departments of any college for fear of somehow being blackballed for phoning. Then, when lack of patience gets the best of us, we find out that the new scores never did actually arrive or they are there but haven’t been sent to the proper parties. It is not uncommon for this to occur, so if you are feeling uneasy about not having heard, there is nothing wrong with your student placing a call (this is the true beginning of advocating for themselves). A simple call inquiring about whether their application is complete and/or if their new scores/grades have arrived will ease their minds (and yours).
And, while they have them on the phone, it can’t hurt to politely inquire as to when they can expect to hear.
This year, in particular, it will be most important to have a great application essay, since testing is hard to come by. It is the only opportunity your student has to stand out as more than grades and test scores. It gives their application personality. Do you have any idea how many essays they read and how they all begin to sound the same? Standout; be different. If they are unsure how to go about doing this feel free to seek help with writing an amazing essay. We recommend Essential Essays College Essay Consulting, assisting students with brainstorming, planning, and writing college essays that will reveal their personality and give their applications a positive edge. Learn about them here.
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