Time To Get Involved!
One of the most exciting parts about going to college is getting involved and finding new passions and hobbies all while having fun. When students first come to IU, they are often overwhelmed by the huge campus filled with over 33,000 undergraduates. To make a big university feel small, get involved! There are so many on-campus opportunities to take advantage of so students just have to find what interests them.
Of course, class and assignments come first, but getting involved on campus in some way is pretty important as well. When applying for jobs, they typically also want to hear about your involvement at the university. First, joining a club helps students build a community and network. Meeting people will help students transition into college go smoother and these connections and friendships can last forever. Joining clubs and organizations allows students to discover their passions and strengths, and to make connections for future resumes and employment.
Another important aspect of joining a club or organization is time management. Students should only take on what they can handle and, while being busy is great and exciting, you do not want to fall behind on work. When getting involved, it’s important for students to understand the time commitment you have to make and then make a decision that benefits them in all areas.
At the University of Indiana, there are more than 750 clubs, fraternities and sororities, and sports that students can possibly take part in. One of the best ways to find these opportunities is to look through all the student organizations IU has to offer. Seriously, there is an organization that every single student on campus would be interested in. I strongly encourage students to also get out of their comfort zone and try something new. You never know, joining a cool, unique club may spark and interest and be a pathway for your future career!
For first-year students, you should consider attending Hoosier Experience events. This is a program where you attend various events in different categories from Academics & Careers to Equity & Inclusion. In the past, IU has held a Student Involvement Fair. No date for 2020 is available yet but keep checking back. Many opportunities to get involved may be virtual.
- IU Corps– These IU run service groups help students get involved with helping the community and giving back. Many service groups address global issues while also going on unique service trips around the world to help communities. This is a great experience to not only lend a helping hand but to also get service hours.
- Recreational Sports– Always wanted to play sports in college without the stress or huge commitment? Join a club sport and it will be the perfect opportunity to be on a team. Team practice is typically only 2-3 nights a week and any student can join the team. Take a look at all the different sporting clubs IU has to offer.
- Global and International groups– If students are interested in researching and learning about the world around us, one of the global international studies groups would be perfect.
- International Business Association– If students are in the Kelley School of Business I would definitely recommend joining this organization. Students get the opportunity to learn about businesses beyond the US borders with many workshops, internship opportunities, and cultural events.
- Eskenazi School student organizations + studio art guilds– Students who are passionate about art must join this organization within the Eskenazi school of art to have the opportunity to collaborate with art students, plan events, and learn from other artists.
- IU Student Government– Students who believe in positive change on campus while wanting their voice to be heard belong in the IU student government.
- Greek Life– Since 1845, students have been involved in greek life at IU. More than 8000 students are involved in sororities and fraternities.
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