A Guide to IU’s Bus System
They’re going to be some of those days when you just aren’t in the mood to make the trek across campus to class. Bloomington does get hot in the fall so with a heavy, huge backpack, as you arrive to class sweating bullets, you’re definitely going to look into the IU bus system. It can also be tiring and time-consuming to find parking around campus, but IU offers free student transit options that allow individuals to get to and from campus and their housing.
When I arrived at IU, I was nervous to take the bus. I wasn’t coming from a big city where it was normal to take the bus so I did not know what to expect. Once I tried it for the first time, all of my fears went away. The IU bus goes all over campus and only accepts IU students, so make sure you have your crimson card. If you don’t know the nearest stop on campus, all you have to do is check the live bus tracking.
There is no need for a car on the IU campus because the bus route goes all over campus, including the dorms! The bus runs every single day, including weekends which gives you a quick ride to campus if you want to study in the library, catch a football game, or enjoy any other campus activities. Monday-Thursday the bus runs from 7:30 am-12 am and 7:30 am-3 am on Fridays. On Saturdays the service operates from 10 am-3 am and on Sundays from 12 pm-10 pm. Next time you decide to take an uber downtown, check to see if the buses are still running, take it to campus and do the short walk from there!
At IU, almost all students ride the bus and I honestly have met a few friends throughout the years during my rides. It can be very stressful driving around campus for hours to try to find parking whereas the total trip of a bus ride only takes minutes, so that’s just a bonus. I completely recommend taking advantage of the transit system right when you get to IU, when you are running 15 minutes late to class, I promise it will be your saving grace!
NOTE: As a result of COVID-19 there are adjusted bus schedules. A route will no longer operate and E route will only run Monday- Saturday. All busses currently have 10 passengers.
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