Alumni Networking, Perks, and More…
Before you know it, you are walking across the stage at graduation and, with that last step, you are an official Hoosier alumnus. The question is, what does it mean to be an alumnus? Certainly, you will wear your Hoosier pride for years to come, but there is more. Right from the start, you will find that Hoosiers want to help each other. Encourage your students to join the IU Alumni Association for a variety of reasons, but first to network with other members when looking for jobs. I know quite a few Hooser’s that are more apt to hire a Hoosier graduate than “outsiders.”
HaveUHeard that membership in the Alumni Association starts at $100 annually?
Should your students move to another city, they may find many activities there as well. It is a great way to meet people and find a realtor or a roommate. Check social media for alumni pages. Or watch a Hoosier game at one of the many places around the country that also love our Hoosiers. Find a Hoosier Alumni chapter in your state. If you are visiting IU, The Devault Alumni Center is at 1000 E 17th Street, Bloomington.
Being part of the Association provides many discounts as well. Discounts include all sorts of things but are not limited to, career coaching and education, travel, entertainment, fitness centers, business partner offer, gifts, and merchandise, Kaplan Test Prep Courses.
The following free services are also offered:
- Career Expositions
- Resume Referral Service
- Professional Network: A Database for Professional Networking
- An alumni Gmail account
- A digital subscription to the Indiana University Alumni Magazine
- Networking and mentoring opportunities through the Virtual Alumni Community
For more information, visit career.indiana.edu. Current students can even join IUAA and receive discounts and perks as well. It is also a great way to get involved on campus. Some IUAA members enjoy connecting with a Hoosier in their field of study to help guide them on their journey. The Association has many chapters and clubs; another excellent avenue to stay connected wherever you are. Clubs vary based on special interests including:
- Air Force ROTC
- Dance Marathon
- African American Arts Institute
- Asian Alumni
- Singing Hoosiers
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Kelly School of Business
- Jacobs School of Music
- Maurer School of Law
- Herron School of Art & Design
Perhaps, as an alumnus, you are ready to take your first vacation. Who better to travel with than fellow IU graduates. Check out the IU Alumni Association trips. Students can even celebrate their lifelong connection to their alma mater by purchasing an engraved brick to be placed at Glory Plaza, at the north entrance to the stadium, (alumnus get a discount).
The first thing your graduate will probably want to do is order an IU Alumni license plate frame for their car. Being an alumnus provides benefits in many ways. Sometimes they even come with discounts on various goods and services.
Once a Hoosier, always a Hoosier.
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