Where Will They Live- Managing the Gap
How will you manage the dreaded gap? Although it feels like you just moved your students into their dorms, you now have to move them out. The worst part, aside from the grueling heat, is that some may be returning in just a few weeks to move back in somewhere. And, if they have to be back early in August, whether it be another dorm, sorority or fraternity house or an apartment, having to schlep their stuff back home to return in just a few weeks seems a little silly. I know how many carloads it took to get our daughter moved in and, frankly, I am not prepared to rent a U-Haul to get her home and back again. So, my first piece of advice is to recommend that they start bringing things home over Spring Break or if you visit, take home a few things that they really aren’t using. I guarantee there is something.
Spirit Week starts the week before recruitment. If they will be living in the sorority house, they are all set. If they are staying in the same apartment they lived in the previous year, then all should be fine too. If it is a new apartment, it will depend on how quickly the complex can flip the apartment and have it ready for move-in. Of course, an earlier move-in date than specified on the lease might mean paying a fee. Some apartments charge by the day and others have a flat rate; they generally change each year.
Some sorority sisters that have apartments already may open up their apartments to sisters that are basically homeless for Spirit Week. Other girls will bunk in their sorority house, but that can get very crowded. Sometimes students with apartments will rent out rooms for that week. Lastly, some girls have suggested finding an Airbnb in the area. It should be less expensive than a hotel, which is another option.
The next question is what to do with all their stuff. If they are living on someone’s couch during Spirit Week, they will need to store their things or perhaps have them brought up to school later when they can actually move into their new place. Or, and this is my preference, leave their things in short-term storage for the few weeks between semesters. Some companies will pack and move for them too. UCF recommends quite a few options for this. Check them out here. One of the least expensive options is Basic Bins, which will drop boxes, pick up, store and deliver items. You may want to check out our blog on Moving Out for other moving and storing companies.
Check to see if your dorm, sorority or fraternity house or apartment will allow you to move in early. Some will, for a fee, of course. The fee for the early move into a dorm is approximately $30 per night, which is much less than sharing a hotel and you don’t have to worry about where to store their belongings.
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