…When You Need Answers
Here is the important contact info you need to have. Over the years there have only been a few times that I, as a parent, have felt the need to call the campus to resolve an issue. Generally, I try to have my kids handle it themselves. However, knowing where to call for any one of these many issues can be daunting and Byzantine. So we’ve tried to compile as much of a one-stop shopping resource as possible.
For instance, when my student accrued a certain amount of parking tickets and was having a difficult time paying them online, she called the Transportation and Parking Office to figure it out. More information and other reasons you may have to make a call and contact this office are noted below.
Another example: When a friend had reason to believe her son had been hazed by his fraternity during rush, she got in touch with The Office of Sorority and Fraternity Affairs. Call 352-846-3171 or email the Director at rlane@ufsa.ufl.edu.
Fortunately, that situation was managed, but her next step would have been to call the President’s office.
President W. Kent Fuchs. His office is located at 226 Tigert Hall, P.O. Box 113150, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone: 352-392-1311
Email: president@ufl.edu
We realize that finding the right place to call isn’t always so simple. To streamline your navigation, we have listed several of the offices and how to use them. Many of our blogs offer guidance for specific issues, so we have linked those, too.
If a student sees and wants to report suspicious persons or incidents, and unsafe conditions, they can report it to (352)392-1111. If an emergency occurs, dial 911.
In addition to routine appointments, SHCC offers Nursing Triage and a Priority Clinic for urgent situations needing immediate attention. In order to make an appointment, which is required except in the event of that urgent illness or injury, you should call at 352-392-1161. The Student Health Care Center (SHCC) link also lists all the departments with their phone numbers, so you can direct your call to the specific department you need. Note: If your student has not filled out medical release forms prior to your call, they will not release any information about your student. Make sure your student has signed these forms, preferably before leaving for school their first semester. See our blog on Sick at School.
Dean of Students Office (DSO)
Heather White, Ed.D. is the Associate Vice-President & University Dean of Students. You can call her at 352-392-1261 or contact her by email here: HeatherW@dso.ufl.edu. The DSO is located at 1404 Union Road (Peabody Hall, 2nd & 3rd Level) 352-392-1261, 202 Peabody Hall, PO Box 114075, Gainesville, FL 32611.
This office oversees student transition and safety, new student and family programs, and other similar issues. U Matter, We Care is an umbrella for care-related programs and resources for students and employees. It includes a program to train people to recognize the signs of distress and to provide help. It also includes a website of care-related resources, as well as a centralized phone number 294-CARE and email address umatter@ufl.edu.
Office for Student Financial Affairs
Students can go here to request information about financial aid, scholarships, disbursement, eligibility, verification, and general financial questions. To reach the office by phone, call 352-392-1275 or check this link to contact the office or person most directly attached to the area of your concern. The address is 1478 Union Road (S-107 Criser Hall) Gainesville, FL 32611. The director is Donna Kolb, dkolb@ufl.edu.
The UF Computing Help Desk provides Information Technology assistance for students. If, for example, your student is having technical difficulties with Canvas and any attendant technologies, this is the place to get in touch with. For more information about assistance with specific technologies, you can also check our blogs on Technology Services at UF and Computer and Phone Repair.
Help Desk support is available in person (check their hours here) and 24/7 via phone 352-392-HELP (4357) or email helpdesk@ufl.edu.
Phone: 352-392-2161
The Housing Office is open Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm. If your student is having problems, they should start by contacting their Resident Assistant or Area Desks. The Area Desk Staff for each Residence Hall may be found here. The Director of Housing Residence Life is Calvin Mosley. You can email him at cmosley@ufsa.ufl.edu or call 352-392-2161.
If your student is having issues with laundry, pest control, cleaning issues, plumbing leaks, doors, locks, air conditioning, Cable, Internet, Furniture, they can log on via the corresponding link on the UF Housing and Residence page linked above to submit a request.
Student Disability Resource Center
For students that have any type of disability requiring special living/learning and campus accessibility accommodations, sponsored courses, course substitutions, extra time on exams, and more, this is the office that provides that assistance. To schedule an appointment with the Resource Center, call 352-392-8565. The Assistant Dean/Director is Gerry Altamirano. His email is galtamirano@ufsa.ufl.edu, his direct line is 352-392-8565 x11817.
Here is our blog on Student Accessibility Resources
Transportation and Parking Services
If your vehicle gets towed from UF property, then the student will want to contact the Transportation office during business hours at 352-392-7275. After 5:00 PM, contact must be made via the University of Florida Police Department (352-392-1111). If a student receives a citation, it can be paid in person or by mail at the Transportation and Parking Services Customer Relations Office, which is located at 1273 Gale Lemerand Drive. Its hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Payments may be made at the TAPS Customer Relations Office by cash, check, money order, credit card (Visa/MasterCard) or debit card. Students may also pay online here.
Students may appeal their citations here. If the appeal is denied at the first stage, students can request a second appeal. The Statement of Appeal to a University Hearing Authority must be filed with Transportation and Parking Services in writing either at their office or online within 15 calendar days from the issuance of the decision regarding the initial appeal. In order to request a second level appeal, the citation(s) must be paid in full before the request is filed. Second-level appeals are in-person appeals. You will be contacted to schedule an appointment after you submit your appeal. If the appeal is successful, your payment will be refunded.
The Director is Scott Fox and you can email him at sefox@ufl.edu or call 352-392-8048.
Perhaps you have a student that works at UF. The Office of Human Resources is the first point of contact for questions regarding employment, benefits, compensation, payroll, employee/labor relations, and classification. The office may be reached at (352) 392-2477. The building is undergoing renovations so there are several locations where different divisions are currently housed. You can see those locations here.
VP for Human Resources – Jodi Gentry, jodi-gentry@ufl.edu, 352-392-1075
Asst. VP for Human Resources – Melissa Curry, melissa-curry@ufl.edu, 352-392-2477
Calls for Extra Help:
UF Counseling Center (CWC)
UF is on top of this, offering various programs, workshops, training, and suggestions to help students manage the stress of college life. Most of these programs are free to our Gators. Individual wellness coaching is available through Wellness Services and enrollment is free for students using their UFID. Through GatorWell, your student also has access to free programs addressing stress management, relaxation strategies, sleep habits, study skills, eating habits and exercise. The CWC is located at 3190 Radio Road, Gainesville, FL 32611. Their phone number is 352-292-1575.
The Director is Dr. Ernesto Escoto, Ph.D, eescoto@ufl.edu, 352-392-1575.
For emergencies regarding your student, call 911. There are urgent services available 24/7 to students who need immediate attention. If a student is having an urgent mental health need, they should walk in to either the Peabody Hall or Radio Road location of the CWC. There, they can speak with an on-call provider, weekdays from 9:00am to 4:00pm. If a student has an urgent mental health need and cannot walk in for a consultation, they can call the CWC at 352-392-1575 on weekdays from 8:00am to 5:00pm and ask to speak to an on-call provider. If the urgent need is happening after-hours or during weekends, support can still be accessed by calling 352-392-1575.
If you have a student that has experienced a traumatic event and is having difficulty, they should also call the CWC at 352-392-1575 or contact Dr. Meggen Sixbey at sixbey@ufl.edu.
We discuss some ongoing stressors and other healing technologies at our blog on the Stress of College.
If your student or someone they care about that has been a victim of a crime or assault, confidential support is available. They can talk with someone about their options at the Office of Victim Services, located at the UF Police Department, 1515 Museum Road. Victim Advocate services are available 24 hours a day, including holidays. Victims can contact an advocate directly on weekdays (Monday-Friday) between 8:00am and 5:00pm by calling 352-392-5648. To reach a confidential advocate after business hours or on weekends, call 352-392-1111. You can also email the department’s advocates at ovs@mail.ufl.edu
Office of Sorority and Fraternity Affairs (SFA)
Panhellenic (PC), Intrafraternity (IFC), and Multicultural Greek (MGC) Councils all fall under the supervision of the Division of Student Affairs. Sorority and Fraternity Affairs is a professionally staffed office that provides guidance, education, and support to the Florida Greek community. To contact SFA, call 352-392-1671. The office is located in the Reitz Union on Level 3. You can email them at sororityandfraternityaffairs@ufsa.ufl.edu. Should you need to speak with someone in administration, you can contact the following:
Nancy Chrystal-Green, Asst. VP, Division of Student Affairs, 352-392-1674, ncg@ufsa.ufl.edu
Reginald Lane, Director, Sorority & Fraternity Affairs, 352-392-1671, rlane@ufsa.ufl.edu
For basic questions, we have also listed the emails below.
UF Panhellenic Council (PC)
Questions regarding the Panhellenic Council at large: president@ufpanhellenic.org
Questions regarding Recruitment: mvp@ufpanhellenic.org
Questions regarding Panhellenic Preview: amvp@ufpanhellenic.org
Questions regarding Panhellenic activities: avp@ufpanhellenic.org
Questions regarding the Judicial Board/conduct/SSA: evp@ufpanhellenic.org
Questions regarding finances: fvp@ufpanhellenic.org
Interfraternity Council (IFC) — phone: 352-392-1671
Questions regarding the Intrafraternity Council at large: vp@ufifc.org
Questions regarding Recruitment: vpm@ufifc.org
Should it be an urgent matter, you may contact president@ufifc.org
Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
The MGC was established to unite and serve the ethnic Greek letter organizations at the University of Florida. Their office is located at 310 J Wayne Reitz Union, Gainesville, FL 32611. The MGC consists of 14 organizations (seven fraternities and seven sororities), often specific to a culture (e.g., Latinx, Asian, South Asian, and even Multicultural). The primary purpose of the MGC is to unite its member organizations in order to share ideas and provide a support network for students. You can reach them by email via their contact page.
Individual Colleges of UF
It’s always good for your student to follow up the chain of command if they are having an issue within their college. But, should they find broken links in that chain, below is the contact information for individual colleges.
Fisher School of Accounting
Dean: John Kraft 352-392-2398, john.kraft@warrington.ufl.edu
**Starting August 1, 2020, Dr. Saby Mitra will begin his tenure as Dean of Warrington College of Business
210 Gerson Hall or P.O. Box 117166, University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-7166
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Dean: Dr. Elaine Turner, 352-392-1961, returner@ufl.edu
2020 McCarty Hall D or P.O. Box 110270, University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-0270
College of the Arts
Dean: Onye P. Ozuzu, 352-392-0207, oozuzu@ufl.edu
101 Fine Arts Building A, 1389 Stadium Road or P.O. Box 115800
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-1930
Heavener School of Business
Dean: John Kraft 352-392-2398, john.kraft@warrington.ufl.edu
**Starting August 1, 2020, Dr. Saby Mitra will begin his tenure as Dean of Warrington College of Business
Associate Dean: Alexander D Sevilla, 352-273-3252, alex.sevilla@warrington.ufl.edu
Heavener Hall 333 or 1325 W University Ave or PO Box 117160
Gainesville, FL 32611-7160
M.E. Rinter, Sr. School of Construction Management
Director: R. Raymond Issa, Ph.D.,352-273-1152, raymond-issa@ufl.edu
- Acting Director, School of Architecture: Frank M. Bosworth, Ph.D., 352-392-0205, fbosworth@ufl.edu
- Director, Historic Preservation Studies: Morris “Marty” Hylton III, 352-294-1438, mhylton@dcp.ufl.edu
- Associate Dean, Interior Design: Margaret Portillo, Ph.D., 352-392-0252, mportill@ufl.edu
- Chair, Landscape Architecture: Maria C. “Tina” Gurucharri, 352-294-1441, guruch@ufl.edu
- Director, Landscape Architecture & Planning: Kristin Larsen, Ph.D.,352-294-1482, klarsen@ufl.edu
- Director, Urban & Regional Planning: Kristin Larsen, Ph.D., 352-294-1482, klarsen@ufl.edu
- Directory, Sustainability and the Built Environment: Bahar Armaghani, 352-294-1428, barmagh@ufl.edu
304 Rinker Hall or P.O. Box 115703, University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-5703
College of Design, Construction, and Planning
Dean: Chimay Anumba, Ph.D., D.Sc., P.E., 352-294-1405, anumba@dcp.ufl.edu
331 Architecture Building or P.O. Box 115701, University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-5703
College of Education
Dean: Glenn E. Good, PH. D., 352-273-4135, ggood@coe.ufl.edu
140 Norman Hall or P.O. Box 117042, University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-7042
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
Dean: Cammy Abernathy, 352-392-6000, info@eng.ufl.edu, caber@mse.ufl.edu
300 Weil Hall, 1949 Stadium Road or P.O. Box 116550
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-6550
College of Health and Human Performance
Dean: Michael Reid, Ph.D., 352-294-1614, michael.reid@ufl.edu
200 Florida Gym (FLG) or 1864 Stadium Rd
Gainesville, FL 32603
College of Journalism and Communications
Dean: Diane McFarlin, 352-273-1228, dmcfarlin@ufl.edu
2096 Weimer Hall or P.O. Box 118400
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-8400
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Dean: David E. Richardson, 352-392-0780, der@ufl.edu, dean@clas.ufl.edu
2014 Turlington Hall or P.O Box 117300
Gainesville FL 32611-7300
School of Natural Resources and Environment
Interim Director: K. Ramesh Reddy, 352-294-3154, krr@ufl.edu
103 Black Hall or P.O. Box 116455
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-6455
College of Nursing
Dean: Anna M. McDaniel Ph.D., RN, FAAN, 352-273-6324, annammcdaniel@ufl.edu
G-205 HPNP Complex or PO Box 100197
Gainesville, FL 32610-0197
College of Public Health and Health Professions
Dean: Michael G. Perri, 352-273-6214, mperri@phhp.ufl.edu
1225 Center Drive or PO Box 100185
Gainesville, FL 32610
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