Check out these Bulldog Bucket items to do!
No student at the University of Georgia has the exact same experience as another, but there are a couple of bucket list things that every student must try during their time at UGA. Below are the Bucket List items that students should aspire to cross off as a student and when they should try to do them.
Swim in the Fountain on Herty Field: This is a long time tradition where students go to North Campus late at night during orientation and hop in the Herty Field fountain. Pictures will be taken, friends will be made, and after doing this, one will officially feel like they are part of the UGA family.
Fall Semester Bucket List
- Walk on Dooley Field @ Sanford Stadium: After everyone is moved in, there will be a HUGE event at Sanford Stadium called the “Freshman Welcome”, this will be a time to meet friends, eat food, and take the iconic “super G” class photo on Dooley Field. There will then be a time for you to run around the field and take your own photos with your friends… although it will be blazing hot, go! It is so fun!
- Go to a football game (home and away): This one is a must for all students, you have to experience a Georgia Football game at least once as a student. It is insanely fun to be in the student section, surrounded by your friends, cheering for the dawgs. The same goes for away games, nothing beats road tripping with your friends to see the dawgs play, so try to make this happen at least once while you are a student. Also – you will never again in your life be able to buy Georgia Football tickets for cheaper than you can as a student, so take advantage of that now!
- Iron Horse Picnic: Getting to the Iron Horse is somewhat of a trek, but the mystery and secrecy that surrounds it make it a major hub for student visits. It is exactly what you would think, an iron horse statue out in the middle of a field… During the fall I recommend taking a blanket, some fast food, and watching the most beautiful sunsets possible.
- Saint Simons Island Frat Beach (Greek Tradition): Frat Beach is one of the most fun Greek Traditions at the University of Georgia. Since UGA’s fall break is the Friday before the Georgia vs Florida game, all of Greek Life heads down to Saint Simon’s beach Thursday night and wakes up Friday morning to head to the beach dressed up in costumes, hanging out, and celebrating Halloween/the Dawgs. Then, Saturday morning, some students wake up and head to Jacksonville to attend the game while others crowd living rooms and restaurants to watch the dawgs together.
Spring Semester
- Fraternity Spring Party: Many people think that Fraternity spring parties are only for Greek life to attend, but in reality, all are welcome. These parties span from March to April and have different themes, different bands, and are at different times, so when March rolls around, keep an ear out for the dates and themes and come ready to party, dance, and hang out with tons of people.
- Baseball Game: If you are a baseball fan, you definitely want to get a hold of the schedule and plan to make it to a few games at Foley. They are free to all students and are tons of fun to attend with friends!
- Basketball Game: Both men’s and women’s basketball games happen at Stegman Coliseum and are free to students if they present their student IDs at the door. This is a very easy way to be a part of sporting events on campus and cheer on your peers. Another cool thing about basketball games is the cool giveaways they do for students throughout the season. Make sure you at least go to one as a student because they are such fun!!
- Gymnastics Meet: These also happen at Stegman Coliseum and are free to students. They are so fun and interactive and give students fun activities to do during the winter!! These gymnasts are amazing, so make sure you at least make it to a meet as a student.
- Spring Break with your friends: Wherever you choose to go and whatever you choose to do, make sure that at least once, all of your friends get together and go on a Spring Break trip. These trips create the best memories and are so much fun. Even if it is just once, make sure you try to do something with your friends for Spring Break. You can make them as expensive or as cheap as you’d like, and there are so many places to go to. Start planning early though, because popular places will book up fast!
- Walk Milledge Avenue: Milledge Ave is the road in Athens that has most of the sorority houses and some fraternity houses. Even if you are not in Greek life, walking this road is a great workout and also gives some pretty scenery and gorgeous houses to look at. The fall and springtime are the best times to walk this and it is accessible to all the dorms and places on campus! Walking down Milledge will allow you to see friends, puppies, and make great memories!
- Botanical Gardens: Most people forget about this one, but the Botanical Gardens are some of the prettiest grounds on Georgia’s Campus. It is a little bit of a trek to get to, but you can either walk or run the trails and see all of the beautiful plants, flowers, and trees that are grown there.
- Attend a Georgia Theater Concert: The Georgia Theater is one of the oldest venues in Athens, and it houses concerts every week. These concerts have seat tickets and standing room tickets available and are usually pretty cheap concert tickets. It is a smaller venue, so it is up close and personal to your favorite artists. Make sure you check the age requirements on the tickets because some are 18+ and require ID to be shown at the door.
- Snellibrating: This is one of the most iconic things you can do as a student at UGA. The Snelling Dining Hall is open 24 hours on Sunday night after 12, Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, and Thursday night, but at midnight it switches to breakfast food. So whether you have the midnight munchies, are hungry after a long night of studying, or need some food after a night on the town, Snellibrating is eating at Snelling after midnight and is such a fun thing to do with your friends.
- Watch a movie at Tate Theater: The Tate Theater is a free way to watch movies on campus and UGA lets you bring in food to eat and enjoy the show. They play up to date movies, so they get packed quickly, so make sure you check the schedule so you get a seat and don’t miss the beginning of the movie!
- Ring the Chapel Bell: This is a longstanding tradition at UGA, once you have finished your finals, crazy hard assignments, or difficult weeks, you go to North Campus and ring the bell to celebrate it being over or getting a good grade on your assignments.
For 21+
- Have a “perfect week”: A “perfect week” is where you go out to bars downtown 7 nights in a row, this is an accomplishment that many people pride themselves in, and is one that takes planning, perseverance, and a lot of sleep beforehand.
- Attend Power Hour @ Bourbon: Power Hour occurs at the Bourbon Street Bar every night from 10-11, this is where wells (mixed drinks) are only $1 from Monday night to Thursday night. On Friday and Saturday night, they are $2. These are the cheapest drink specials downtown and therefore, Bourbon is the perfect place for you to start your evening on the town.
- Finish a Pauley’s beer card: Pauley’s Crepe Bar has cards with all of their beers on it, and every time you finish a beer, they will cross it off your card. Upon finishing your whole card, your photo will go up in the restaurant downtown. This is such a fun way to try new beers and in turn, get your face up in a restaurant downtown for completing a very rigorous and time-consuming task.
Madeleine Morris, UGA Intern
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