…When You Need Answers, You can Call!
However, knowing where to call for whatever the issue can be daunting. For instance, trying to decipher how rush works or how to get financial aid issues worked out can be difficult and hard to figure out who to contact. Be aware though that, unless your student has given you permission to call or is sitting with you, some departments won’t speak to you, the parent.
Check out our blog What You Should Do Before Heading to UGA! to download different legal documents. These documents give parents’ permission in different medical and legal scenarios, hopefully, you will never need to use these documents, but they are good to have just in case. This is a compiled list of all key phone numbers for the University of Georgia. Each number provided is either connected to an official office or faculty member (emergency numbers not included). These numbers are helpful for both students and their parents in times of need or for information.
President of UGA:
Jere W. Morehead president@uga.edu 706-542-1214
The Office of the President at UGA is located at:
Administration Building
220 South Jackson Street
Athens, Georgia 30602
We realize that finding the right place to call isn’t always so simple, so we have listed several of the offices and what they are used for to make your navigation simpler. Many of our blogs address issues that you may be looking for guidance about too so we have linked those too.
UGA Police Department
University of Georgia Police Department
286 Oconee Street, Suite 100
Athens, GA 30602 (706) 542-2200
The non-emergency number listed is for reporting suspicious persons, incidents, unsafe conditions, and general concerns. For emergencies always contact 911.
UGA Office of Emergency Preparedness
This is the department that coordinates UGA’s emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation activities to protect the students, faculty, staff, resources, and infrastructure of the University as a whole.
Director: Steve Harris
(706) 542-5845 sharris@uga.edu
Hodgson Oil Building, Suite 200 South
286 Oconee Street
Athens, Georgia 30602
The Health Center provides an opportunity for students to book Doctor’s appointments online that are quick, on campus, and affordable. Below is their weekly schedule. Typically they encourage online interaction and appointment booking but will gladly take phone calls and answer questions. The number to call, 706.542.1162 and the email contact@uhs.uga.edu.
Their address is on campus and has both a bus stop and a parking lot in front of it, making it very easy to get there, 55 Carlton Street, Athens, GA 30602. When the health center is closed St. Mary’s Hospital and the Athens Regional both have emergency rooms right near campus.
M, T, W, Th, F the clinic is open from 8 am to 5 pm, and on Sundays, they are open from 12 pm to 5 pm. The clinic is closed on Saturdays. The pharmacy hours are the exact same as the clinic hours; M, T, W, Th, F from 8 am to 5 pm, Closed on Saturdays, and open from 12 pm to 5 pm on Sundays. Prior to coming to UGA, there are forms that must be completed to be able to receive treatment from the UHC, so make sure those get done. For more information, see our blog Sick at School.
Bill McDonald is the UGA Dean of Students, his phone number is 706.542.7774 and his email is bmcdonal@uga.edu. The dean of students’ office is dedicated to ensuring student happiness, health, and general quality of life. The Student Affairs Building is 325 Tate Student Center, Athens, GA 30602. Jan Davis Barham is the Associate Dean of Students and her contact information is 706.542.7774 and davisjk@uga.edu.
Office of Student Financial Aid
The financial aid office has a phone number (706.542.6147) as well as walk-in hours to discuss any financial aid issues or questions that you may have. The OSFA office is located at 220 Holmes/Hunter Academic Building, Athens, GA 30602, and their office hours are Monday-Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. If you are unable to make it in person to the office, their email is osfa@uga.edu and is considered a 24/7 resource that is answered as soon as it is seen. All financial aid help can be found in your Athena account under the “Financial Aid” tab or under the “Student” tab in the “Student Account” area.
UGA’s Enterprise Information Technology System is the central information technology organization for students, faculty, and staff at the University of Georgia. They work to provide support for campus-wide technology services: wireless and wired networks, email, student information systems, software, and more.
The EITS help desk is an online free resource available to students, and if you cannot figure it out based on the information on the website, there is a phone number 706-542-3106, a chat feature, and an email helpdesk@uga.edu available to you. There is also an option to request IT support if you are unable to figure it out on your own.
The UGA Libraries also have features that allow students the ability to loan technology as needed. For more detailed info, read our Technology Needs at UGA blog and we even have suggestions for Computer and Phone Repair.
Housing and Residential Life
Phone: 706.542.1421
Email: housing@uga.edu
The Housing Office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Students may also contact individual Residential Hall communities. Students are advised to go to their Resident Assistants with initial problems, before contacting the higher-ups. The Executive of Housing and Residential Life is Linda Kasper, 706-542-8318, linda.kasper@uga.edu. Her office is located at Russell Hall, 515 Baxter Street, Athens, Georgia 30602.
If your student is having issues with laundry, pest control, cleaning issues, plumbing leaks, doors, locks, air conditioning, Cable, Internet, Furniture, they can complete a Housing Work Request Form to get that repair made or issue sorted out.
For students that have any type of disability that requires special accommodations, campus accessibility, sponsored courses, course substitutions, this is the office you will want to be familiar with. The director is Erin Benson, eew@uga.edu, 706.542.8719, and her office is located at 114 Clark Howell Hall, Athens, GA 30602. The main email for the DRC is drc@uga.edu and their phone number is 706.542.8719. You may also read our Student Accessibility Resources blog for more specific information.
Transportation and Parking Services
If your vehicle gets towed from UGA’s property, contact the University of Georgia Police at 305-284-6666 because there are a few different authorized commercial towing firms that could’ve carried out the towing action.
Students may appeal their citations. Typically, parking in a No Parking zone or Permit Only lot is what will get you a citation at UGA. Parking citations must be appealed within 10 calendar days of citation issuance and must be submitted via electronics, fax, or mail. Once the appeal is submitted and processed, no further action is needed until a decision is issued, so any evidence or documentation must be submitted with the appeal. Notifications of appeal decisions are made via email or mail. Rules and Regulations regarding appeals. The offices are open from 7:30 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Parking Services can be reached at 706-542-7275 and Transportation Services can be reached at 706-369-6221.
Perhaps you have a student that works at UGA. The office of HR handles all issues relating to employment, benefits, compensation, payroll, employee/labor relations. This number is helpful for anyone employed by the university, 706-542-2222. The HR Associate Vice President is Juan Jarrett and he can be reached by phone 706-542-2621 and email jarrettj@uga.edu.
The counseling center offers opportunities to make appointments online through this number 706-542-2273 or a walk-in appointment. Mental health is a very important part of a successful college career. UGA prioritizes resources that will assist students in taking care of themselves. It is located in the University Health Center at 55 Carlton Street, Athens, GA 30602 and is on the second floor.
The following numbers are health and mental health resources for college students.
Interpersonal Violence 24/7 Confidential Hotline & Support: 706-542-SAFE. This hotline is geared at sexual abuse and violence prevention. UGA students can and should call this hotline if they feel in danger, upset, or in need of someone to talk to.
UGA Suicide Prevention CAPS Hotline: During Office Hours – 706.542.2273. After Hours: 706.542.2200
National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255 or 877-784-2432 (Spanish)
National Poison Control: 800-222-1222
The Cottage Sexual Assault Center & Children’s Advocacy Center: (24/7 hotline) 877-363-1912
Project Safe – Abuse (Adult): 24/7 Crisis Line – 706-543-3331
DFCS Child Protective Center – Report Abuse (Child): 855-422-4453, Project Safe 706-543-3331
Community Connection Information Referral Helpline –
Social Service Agency 211
You may also want to read our blog on The Stress of College.
All three, Panhellenic, Interfraternity Council, the Multicultural Greek Council fall under the Division of Student Affairs and are located in the Greek Life Office in the Tate Center. They are responsible for governing, assisting, and guiding all of the different Greek Organizations at the University of Georgia and can be contacted at greeklife@uga.edu or 706-542-4612. The Vice President for Student Affairs is Victor K. Wilson and he can be reached at 706.542.3564 or wilsonv@uga.edu. His office is located at 306 Memorial Hall, Athens, GA 30602.
UGA Individual Colleges – It is always good for your students to follow the chain of command if they are having an issue within their college. And following that chain should work, but if not, here is the contact information for each individual college:
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences:
- Dean: Samuel L. Pardue, caesdean@uga.edu, 706-542-3924
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences:
- Dean: Alan Dorsey, atdorsey@uga.edu, 706-542-3400
- Associate Dean: Martin Kagel, mkagel@uga.edu, 706-542-2840
- Associate Dean: Jean Martin-Williams, jfmartin@uga.edu, 706-542-3400
- Associate Dean: Michelle Momany, mmomany@uga.edu
- Associate Dean: Thomas Mote, tmote@uga.edu, 706-542-3613
- Dean: Benjamin C. Ayers, busdean@uga.edu, 706-542-8100
- Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs: Henry Munneke, hmunneke@uga.edu, 706-542-8414
- Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs: Mike Pfarrer, mpfarrer@uga.edu, 706-542-3749
- Dean: John L. Gittleman, ecohead@uga.edu, 706-542-2968
- Associate Dean for Research and Operations: James (Jeb) Byers, jebyers@uga.edu, 706-583-0012
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: John Drake, jdrake@uga.edu, 706-818-4452
Mary Frances Early College of Education:
- Dean: Denise A. Spangler, dspangle@uga.edu, 706-542-3818
- Associate Dean for Faculty and Staff Services: Edward Anthony Delgado-Romero, edelgado@uga.edu, 706-542-4107
- Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education: Ellen M. Evans, emevans@uga.edu, 706-542-4395
- Assistant Dean of Finance: Andrew M. Garber, agarber@uga.edu, 706-542-7486
- Associate Dean for Academic Programs: Stacey M. Neuharth-Pritchett, sneuhart@uga.edu, 706-542-3813
- Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Anneliese A. Singh, asingh@uga.edu, 706-542-8884
- Dean: Donald J. Leo, donleo@engr.uga.edu, 706-542-1653
- Assistant Dean for Student Success & Outreach: Stephan Durham, sdurham@uga.edu, 706-542-9480
- Associate Dean: Ramaraja Ramasamy, rama@uga.edu, 706-542-4101
College of Environment + Design:
- Dean: Sonia Hirt, Sonia.Hirt@uga.edu, 706-542-8113
- Associate Dean of Academic Affairs: David Spooner, spoonerd@uga.edu, 706-542-0063
College of Family and Consumer Sciences:
- Dean: Linda Kirk Fox, lkfox@uga.edu, 706-542-4879
- Associate Dean for Academic Programs: Patricia Hunt-Hurst, phunt@uga.edu, 706-542-4860
- Associate Dean for Extension and Outreach: Allisen Penn, allisen.penn@uga.edu, 706-542-4860
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources:
- Dean: Dale Green, wdgreene@uga.edu, 706-542-4741
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Robert Bringolf, bringo@uga.edu, 706-542-4284
- Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs: Gary Green, gtgreen@uga.edu, 706-542-6556, 706-296-3029
- Associate Dean for Outreach: Kris M. Irwin, kirwin@uga.edu
- Associate Dean for Research: Scott Merkle, smerkle@uga.edu, 706-542-6112
Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication:
- Dean: Charles N. Davis, cndavis@uga.edu, 706-542-1704
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: María Len-Ríos, lenriosm@uga.edu, 706-542-2409
- Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies: Jeff Springston, jspring@uga.edu, 706-542-7833
- Dean: Kelly M. Smith, Kelly.Smith@uga.edu, 706-542-1914
- Associate Dean for Science Education, Research and Technology: Michael Bartlett, mgbart@uga.edu, 706-542-5390
- Assistant Dean for Student Affairs: Duc Do, duc.do@uga.edu, 706-542-7287
- Assistant Dean for Experience Programs: Lori J. Duke, ljduke@uga.edu, 706-542-5315
- Assistant Dean, Augusta University Program: Susan Fagan, sfagan@uga.edu, 706-721-0130
- Dean: Marsha Davis, davism@uga.edu, 706-542-0939
- Dean Emeritus: Phillip L. Williams, pwilliam@uga.edu, 706-542-0939
- Assistant Dean for Outreach, Engagement, and Equity: Grace Bagwell Adams, gbagwell@uga.edu, 706-713-2701
- Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives: Eric Dahl, ericdahl@uga.edu, 706-542-7759
- Senior Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Affairs: Timothy Heckman, heckman@uga.edu, 706-542-1155
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Erin K. Lipp, elipp@uga.edu, 706-542-1221
- Assistant Dean for Strategic Planning: Jessica Muilenburg, jlm@uga.edu, 706-542-4365
School of Public and International Affairs:
- Dean: Matthew R. Auer, matthew.auer@uga.edu, 706-542-2059
- Dean Emeritus: Thomas P. Lauth, 706-542-2930
- Dean Rusk Scholar of International Relations: Amanda Murdie, murdie@uga.edu
- Associate Dean: John Anthony Maltese, jmaltese@uga.edu, 706-542-2941
- Dean: Anna M. Scheyett, amscheye@uga.edu, 706-542-5424
- Dean Emeritus: Maurice C. Daniels, daniels@uga.edu
- Associate Dean: Shari E. Miller, semiller@uga.edu, 706-542-2328
College of Veterinary Medicine:
- Dean: Lisa K. Nolan, Lisa.Nolan@uga.edu, 706-.542-3461
- Executive Assistant to the Dean: Barbara Dyer, Barbara.dyer@uga.edu, 706-542-3461
- Dean: Peter B. Rutledge, borut@uga.edu, 706-542-7140
- Dean: Suzanne Barbour, graddean@uga.edu
- Assistant Dean: Judy Milton, jmilton@uga.edu
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