Campus Guide to Resources for Multicultural Students
The University of Georgia is committed to the inclusion of BIPOC students (Black and Indigenous People of Color), allowing all its students to gain exposure, perceptions, global awareness, and a willingness to collaborate peacefully and freely. Because of this, there are tons of different organizations that honor and cater to the needs of different minority groups. UGA is extraordinarily diverse, having tons of different types of minds coming together to create a campus with respectful ideas and viewpoints that create a diverse place.
Students are supported through varying resources at each school. While there are quite a few national associations, often colleges have localized branches that provide a more personalized experience. While each groups’ overall goal may differ somewhat, the overall goal of all the on-campus organizations is to encourage a welcoming space for black students to make connections.
UGA has an entire branch known as Institutional Diversity which is charged with embracing diversity and inclusion on campus. They are located in the Holmes-Hunter Building on North Campus and are full of a council and representatives that serve as an advisory board that aims at welcoming all students and their similarities and differences. They have specific programs in this office, and those are GAAME: Georgia African American Male Experience, Georgia DAZE, LEAD Fellows Program, Peach State LSAMP, Perspectives, and UGA Ready. They also hold different events throughout the year, scholarships, and summer programs.
There are also both the National Pan-Hellenic Council and the Multicultural Greek Council at UGA which are 2 greek councils specific to BIPOC students. The National Pan-Hellenic Council is full of 7 different historically African American sororities and fraternities. The Multicultural Greek Council is made up of 12 different organizations that strive to reach unity through diversity, this is done through connecting on common goals and promoting cultural advocacy.
The Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council at UGA are both welcoming all students with open arms to their organizations. While there has been much controversy surrounding these Councils all across the United States, the UGA organizations have already taken steps in implementing inclusive programs that do not tolerate discrimination by chapters. The Multicultural Services and Programs apect of the Student Affairs Office at UGA has tons of organizations and programs that are culture-specific to allow students the opportunity to be in programs with like-minded people who have similar cultural and/or religious beliefs.
Regardless of who you are, what you believe, or where your cultural roots lie, UGA is determined to make your experience one that is eye-opening and enjoyable for all students.
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