Students Need to Complete this Credit
In 2016, the University of Georgia created a new requirement that makes all students graduate with an “Experiential Learning” credit. The whole idea behind this credit is giving students the ability to “learn by doing” and involves tons of different hands-on activities and experiences. By developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, students are much better prepared for the workforce or advanced study after graduation upon completion of this program. There are many different ways to satisfy this credit: creative production, study abroad and field schools, internships, leadership opportunities, faculty-mentored research, and service-learning.
As a visual and experience-based learner, I am very thankful that the University of Georgia has made this a requirement for all students. By it being a requirement, I know I will have to make time in my schedule for the EL credit, and that is not necessarily something I would have done if I had not been forced to do so. These different experiences allow students to gain experience, but also network and connect with professionals in their field of study. To make sure that all students have the same options, the Experiential Learning Office has put together scholarships for students so that they can receive support and are ensured the ability to fully participate in their experience. These scholarships can be applied to supplies, study abroad, and different payments required for your EL program. Overall, every student who has participated in their EL program is so thankful they did and typically participate in more than one of these programs during their time at the University of Georgia.
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