Know More About Insurance Options
Students at many colleges today must have a health insurance plan that meets their university’s minimum requirement. UGA offers both a Voluntary and Mandatory plan for students to choose from if they do not have health insurance before coming to college.
The Mandatory Plan is administered through United Healthcare and is required for all undergrad and grad international students, Doctor of Pharmacy students, Grad students receiving qualified graduate assistantship or fellowships, and those receiving qualified training grants. If they have other acceptable health insurance coverage, they have to request a waiver.
Per the UGA Health Codes, undergraduate students are recommended to have health insurance while it is required for all international and some graduate students. This would fall under the Voluntary Plan. The plan is underwritten by United Healthcare. If a student were to purchase annual coverage, the monthly amount is approximately $223. To participate, students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours per term in a degree-seeking program. It is the job of students and their parents or guardians to see how their insurance plans will work with the University of Georgia Health Center and what will be covered. If you are an insured student, but your plan does not cover all services of the Health Center, it becomes your responsibility to cover the balance left by your insurance company.
Regardless, as part of your student’s tuition fees, there is a mandatory health fee that you will pay and probably not even know it. The health fee, medical compliance fee, health promotion fee, counseling fee, are health-related fees that support student activities and support services associated with the University Health Center (UHC). It covers a broad range of health and wellness services.
That being said, it is wise that your student is covered. Deciding on which health insurance plan your student should be on may require a degree in economics. There are many variables to consider when choosing:
- Does your current health insurance cover your student? If so, consider what your cost is to keep them on your plan. Check the list of medical insurers that participate with UGA.
- Is the monthly premium you pay for your child pre-tax or after-tax?
- Will you save money by purchasing a separate plan or perhaps the UGA health fee is as much coverage as you feel your student will need?
- Are the offerings marketplace insurance or subsidized?
Does your current insurance cover your student at an out of state college? Or if studying abroad? Many student health plans include a national network of health care providers and pharmacies, providing coverage regardless of the distance from campus or home. Plans are aligned with the benefits of their college’s Student Health Services for accessible on-campus care. If needed, a Student Health Service can refer students to the appropriate off-campus in-network provider for more extensive or ongoing care.
Your student will 100% need some sort of health care while at college, whether it be pink eye, the flu, or some minor injury, things happen, so it is wise to be prepared. Before choosing the route to go, it would be smart to speak with a financial planner, a certified public accountant, or a UGA HR Employee who can answer any and all questions about the best plan for your student. Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.
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