Oh No…It Happened! It’s Lost.
We have all had the misfortune of losing something really important. Look on the student UGA Facebook page and you will see posts for lost keys, wallets, cell phones, ID’s and so forth. And, while clearly my kids are not the only ones who lose valuables, or had them stolen, it does happen.
HaveUHeard recommends getting your student The Tile, a small lost and found device that you attach to the things you don’t want to lose, be it a computer, bike, keys, luggage, wallets- even pets (attach to their collar).
If your student has lost something, here are the lost and found locations on campus. Each building has their own separate lost and found, so if you did lose something in a building not listed above, I would go to your classroom and check for it, your professor and ask if they have seen the item(s), and then also follow up at the front/desk office for the building.
Dorms: Each dorm building/cluster has a front desk where all items need to be turned in or retrieved from.
UGA also has an open Facebook Group that allows students to post things they’ve lost and the things they’ve found. This is a great way to locate your lost items without having to go to every desk at UGA.
To help when iPhones, iPads, Macs, etc have gone missing, an amazing feature on all Apple devices is “Find My”. This syncs all of your devices together and shows the exact location of each one at any given time, as long as it has some sort of battery power and for non-cellular devices, is connected to the internet.
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