Move it, Move it … It’s Moving Time
If you are, or have, a UGA student living in the dorm, the moving out process is fairly easy, you just have to have all of your stuff out by a certain date. This date changes each year, so make sure you figure it out, mark your calendars, and make sure your parents can make arrangements to come and help you out.
Your Resident Assistant (RA) will typically have a meeting with your hall and give you information about what you need to do prior to moving out and how to move out. At this meeting, you can ask questions about parking, trash, and any other information you may want to know. Make sure you attend this meeting or you will miss some extremely important information. If anything is broken or messed up in your room, make sure you file a work request prior to moving out, or you could risk getting charged for the damage. Hopefully, you documented everything in the room when you moved in with a time-stamped photograph. We suggest when you move out that you do the same so there are no questions about damages.
If you are out of state, my recommendation is to get a storage unit for most of your stuff… it makes no sense to pack everything up in May only to move it back in August. Most storage units in Athens will do a month to month rental so you can cancel it after you clean it out in the fall. The most popular, most highly recommended, and most used by UGA students are:
- Chase Street Self Storage: 1150 N. Chase Street Athens, GA 30601
- Elbow Room Self Storage: 925 Danielsville Road Athens, GA 30601
- StorageMart: two locations
- 251 Collins Industrial Blvd, Athens, GA 30601
- 3985 Atlanta Hwy, Athens, GA 30606
If you live in-state, I recommend just taking stuff back home when you can, including spring break. Throughout the second semester, I took trips home with my winter clothes, shoes, random decor, and stuff I wasn’t using and that made it so much easier to move everything left on the last date in a timely manner and we only needed two cars. Moving slowly in stages will make your final move out smooth, efficient, and fast.
There are some tips and tricks that I figured out while moving that helped the process move along much better and that I recommend to everyone.
- The first tip is to bring trash bags and throw stuff away. If you know you won’t use it after this, either donate it or throw it away. There is no point in hauling it home only to throw it away there.
- The second tip is to post your stuff on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist and have your buyers come to pick it up directly from your dorm room. I posted both my mini-fridge and futon a week before we moved out and the buyers met me at my dorm. Please use safety tips when doing this. Do not meet a stranger on your own. Doing that made it so much easier because I did not have to worry about hauling it home and finding a place for it, especially since I knew I was not using either in my apartment the following fall.
- The last tip is to bring totes and storage bins. There are so many items from my dorm room that I will not need again until August, so we just packed them in storage bins and took them directly to our basement. That way we can just go grab them and take them to my apartment when I move there in August and they don’t take up space in my room. This also helped stuff not get damaged during the move out process.
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