A Guide to Orientation
Your child has been accepted to the University of Georgia! Congrats! The first thing you need to do is to sign up for Orientation. Your student is required to attend a two-day session, and parents have the option to attend if desired. The earlier sessions, the better. These days will be filled with taking notes, filling out paperwork, and getting yourselves familiar with all things UGA.
Orientation can be an overwhelming event because lots of information is being thrown at you in a short amount of time. So, remember to breathe. Don’t panic about remembering every important phone number, code, and piece of advice that the school gives you as I did. It will all be on their website if you need them. I did make notes and highlighted things that I specifically wanted to go over with my child in detail (like healthcare, tutoring, safety…) It’s also a good idea to download the Welcome to UGA app (Apple and Google version) where you will find the slides and can download and print them once you get home. That way you won’t have to worry about missing anything and you can go back to refresh what you heard at a later date.
Prior to Orientation, there are many things that must be done, so be sure to download the checklist. Missing any of these could prevent you from registering for classes. Some of these things can take time, like gathering transcripts from your high school, taking required placement tests, completing part 1 of the AlcoholEdu and Haven, and completing all health forms. Orientation starts promptly at noon on day 1 and ends at 5:00 pm on the second day.
Both you and your student have the option of staying in on-campus housing during Orientation. You must check-in from 10 am – 11:45 am at Creswell Hall as to not miss the start promptly at 12:00 pm on the first day of the sessions. There is a slight cost for this option, but you must bring some of your own items from home. Click here to see what you will need and how much it will cost. The most convenient lodging option for parents is to stay at the UGA Hotel and Conference Center, or any of the local hotels. Check out our blog on Hotels in the area here.
Orientation starts at 12:00 pm on day one, with check-in at the Tate Student Center, but there are mini a la carte options to participate in as well. There will be a resource fair, opportunities to learn more about University Housing and Financial Aid starting at 10:00 am, so plan on getting to campus early.
The most important part of the Orientation is registering for classes. Your student will meet with an Advisor either one-on-one or in a small group. Click here for some tips from the academic advisors to help you be prepared for your session. It can be overwhelming, so remind your students not to worry if they don’t get that ideal schedule. They can utilize drop/add during the first week of classes of the semester. I think it’s also good to remember that whatever they end up with does not necessarily have to determine what they study for the next four years.
UGA asks that all parents and students participating in Orientation take part in their Dawgs or a Cause program. This program helps to bring books to children in the Athens-Clarke County community. Books to be donated can be dropped off at the ticket booth in the Tate Student Center.
Other Suggestions
If you have already found your roommate, try to plan on attending the same orientation session. This way you can also stay in the dorm together and get to know each other better. My niece did this, and it worked out great, knowing who you were going to live with before move-in day.
Meal Plan – I suggest you read our blog on meal plans to get some ideas of choices. You can also register for the plan of your choice at orientation.
Banking – UGA’s banking provider is the Georgia United Credit Union. A checking account is free for students and offers many ways to show off your Bulldog pride. We personally chose to keep our daughter’s account at our home bank. It was simply easier since our accounts are linked. For out of state students, it is smart to check out opening a Georgia account.
Make your hotel reservations early. Rooms will fill fast. Head over to our hotels and restaurants blog for suggestions.
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. You will do a lot of walking and it can be hot in Athens. But, bring a light jacket as some rooms will be cold.
And of course, head over to the campus bookstore or an area store and start stocking up on Bulldogs apparel. Go Dawgs!
Click here for all things related to UGA Orientation.
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