Your Grade Pluses and Minuses Do Count!
You have gotten into the University of Georgia because of how impressive your high school years were, how hard you worked, and how good your grades were. Believe me when I tell you that the high expectations from UGA do not stop the moment you see acceptance fireworks. They continue until graduation fireworks and beyond. With that said, I regret to inform you that a grade A sometimes does not mean grade A… chances are, you are coming from a high school where an 89.5 and up could even mean an A on your transcript; but I am here to tell you unfortunately, that will not cut it for an A in Athens.
UGA is on the plus-minus grading scale and the system goes as follows:
- A (4.0)
- A- (3.7)
- B+ (3.3)
- B (3.0)
- B- (2.7)
- C+ (2.3)
- C (2.0)
- C- (1.7)
- D (1.0)
- F (0.0)
Each class also has its own numbers that fit that scale based on departmental, professor, and college requirements, so, therefore, an A in one class might be an A- in another and so on and so forth. Upon getting the syllabus, it is usually easy to calculate what grades are needed on assignments throughout the semester to end the class with the grade you desire, and I encourage all students to set goals for their end of semester GPA before the semester even begins.
While it can be discouraging to end a class with a lower grade than expected, it is very important to point out that some professors will round up as long as you have proven yourself worthy of the grade during the semester. If you haven’t been to class all semester, skipped assignments, and blown everything off, I would caution you from emailing and asking for grace. But if you have worked hard all semester, been to class, and turned in all assignments, go ahead, email them… you just might get lucky.
Additionally, most professors at UGA set their own grade expectations and therefore sometimes curve at the end, so keep an eye out for that as well. UGA also offers tons of tutoring options throughout the semester if you do need help in a specific subject, do not be afraid to go get it – your grades matter. For in-state students with the Zell Miller or HOPE Scholarships, do not fret! Both HOPE and Zell calculate GPA differently than UGA and use the scale below:
- A = 4.0 (90-100)
- B = 3.0 (80-89)
- C = 2.0 (70-79)
- D = 1.0 (60-69)
- F = 0 (59 or below)
This means that an A is an A for GPA calculation and keeping of both HOPE and Zell scholarships. Another tidbit of good news is that HOPE and Zell instituted a new rule to promote the taking of college STEM classes where they add back .5 to your GPA calculation for every STEM class that has a grade of a B, C, or D. This “STEM weight” encourages kids to take STEM classes in college and promotes STEM fields while also giving GPA grace to students who are taking these usually difficult classes.
Madeleine Morris, UGA Intern
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