Continuing Worship Traditions
Moving to college for most people means that they are no longer able to go to the church they’ve always gone to with their parents, families, and friends. Finding a new place of worship is hard, and this list will provide new students with places to get involved with people who are like-minded and share similar beliefs. Athens has many places of worship that fit the needs of most religions and worship aspects, so finding your place is so easy among the many options.
On-Campus Worship
- Adventist Christian Fellowship: A Seventh-Day Adventist group but open to those who do not go to UGA or follow this belief.
- Alpha Omega Campus Ministry: A campus ministry devoted to living for Christ.
- ASEZ: This organization works directly with the World Mission Society Church of God supporting community service projects (such as blood drives, food banks, and clean world movements) and community outreach programs. It offers Bible studies that allow students a deeper understanding and knowledge of the mysteries and prophecies of the bible. It provides an opportunity for students to interact with other members with similar beliefs.
- Asian American Christian Fellowship: A Christian organization sensitive to the needs of the Asian-American students on the campus of the University of Georgia.
- Baha’i Student Association: A student-run organization of the Baha’i Faith on campus. Holds interfaith devotional gatherings on campus, do service activities in the Athens community, have study circles and discussions, and host social events to promote the fellowship of the group.
- BAPS Campus Fellowship: The purpose of the organization is to unite students on the UGA campus and provide opportunities to learn about Hindu heritage and culture. It will foster group discussions and community service projects. The topics in the discussion will be both practical and pragmatic such as work-life balance. In addition, it will foster ideas of how to keep a balanced life in college, while practicing the Hindu Faith.
- Baptist Collegiate Ministries: A Baptist Campus Ministry centered around connecting with students spiritually and spreading the Word to Athens and UGA.
- Catholic Student Association: Serves all Catholic students at UGA by fostering spiritual, social, personal and educational growth through a variety of programs. Request that all students register each year with the Catholic Center.
- Chabad Jewish Student Group: provides vibrant Judaism to the students at the University of Georgia.
- Chinese Student Christian Fellowship: A group of Chinese UGA students with Christian beliefs that assemble to strengthen students in spiritual growth through the participation of bible study, gospel choir, praise dancing, and worship services.
- Christian Students UGA: A Student group from various backgrounds that believe in Christ.
- Christus Victor Lutheran Church and Student Center: Offers weekly Sunday worship, midweek and Sunday morning bible study, service projects, retreats, and intramural sports.
- Cru at UGA: Meet weekly. Introduces students to a relationship with Jesus Christ. It offers Bible study, dining hall get-together, peer studying, and help.
- Daughters of the Throne: For young women. Offers bible study,
- Delight Ministries at UGA: A college women’s community that serves together, learns together and does life together while chasing the heart of God.
- Disciples on Campus: A community of faith affiliated with the Christian Church. Meet at 7 pm on Wednesdays at the Grubb House (behind First Christian Church in downtown Athens), have dinner, and share in communion.
- ELCA Lutheran Campus Ministry: Serve the community of Athens and the students of the University of Georgia. Worship each week at 8:45 and 11:11 at Holy Cross Lutheran Church (800 Westlake Drive), and on Thursday evenings at 8:00 pm at the Presbyterian Student Center (1250 South Lumpkin Street) on the UGA campus.
- Muslim Student Association: A place to bring Muslims together. Affiliated with MSA National and represents the University of Georgia chapter. A non-profit organization that deals with the needs of Muslim Students on-campus Open to any person no matter their views or beliefs.
- Orthodox Christian Campus Ministry: Connects UGA college students in faith, practice, community, and values with the ancient faith of the Orthodox Church throughout their collegiate journey. Meets on Mondays at 8:00 pm. switching between fellowship activities and “Dawg Talk” each week during our semester schedules.
- Orthodox Christian Fellowship – Connects Orthodox college students—and those interested in the Orthodox Christian faith—to Christ and His Church. Meets every week (historically on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, new day TBA) for dinner and a discussion of the Faith, OCF involves itself in various service projects, including feeding the homeless and participating in RealBreak trips to minister in various countries.
- Pagan Student Association at UGA: The primary focus is the community, advocacy, and education. Offering a non-threatening environment where beliefs can be discussed openly, strive to build a strong community on campus and throughout the world where pagans and non-pagans can learn, network, and have fun.
- Presbyterian Student Center: A community of students sharing the same faith supporting one another. During the Fall and Spring semester, they meet on Tuesdays for worship and dinner.
- Wesley Foundation: Offering Prayer and worship for UGA students. Worship Wednesdays at 8 pm Freshman ministry meets on Mondays
- YoungLife A non-profit ministry affiliate with a wide range of Christian denominations including Protestant and Catholic.providing young adults with role models, safe activities
Off-Campus Worship
- Emmanuel Episcopal Church
- St Gregory the Great Episcopal
- Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Jewish Synagogues
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