HaveUHeard of These Fees?
You can’t get away from the fees! There is no denying that college tuition, in and of itself, is a huge expense; however, on top of the cost, HaveUHeard that UMD has extra fees that all students may have to pay to the university. The total cost of tuition at the University of Maryland is made up of required tuition and fees, room and board for students choosing to live on campus and buy a meal plan, as well as the mandatory fees UMD charges. One main fee is the technology fee. This is a flat-rate fee of either $153 for full-time students or $76.50 for part-time students.
The extra fees go toward various campus needs such as transportation, services, and specific facilities. They are mandatory and help pay for things around campus. The auxiliary fees that are charged to full-time students each semester include:
- Athletics: $199.50
- Shuttle Bus: $111.50
- Student Union: $171.50
- Student Activities: $40.00
- Recreation Services: $199.00
- Performing Arts & Cultural Center: $45.00
- Student Sustainability: $6.00
- Health Center: $43.00
- Student Facilities: $9.00
- Total Fees: $977.50
HaveUHeard that there are some courses that charge an additional fee? These mainly apply to labs, studios, or materials. They are noted on Testudo and can run anywhere from $30 to $60 per course.
Another element of tuition students should take note of is the differential tuition for juniors and seniors majoring in Business, Engineering, and Computer Science that has achieved 60+ credits. The explanation for this additional charge is that it enhances the educational experience of specific high-demand programs by using the funds to add more course sections, expand career services, enhance the value of the degree and attract more top in-state students, thereby strengthening the national standing of UMD.
Students can qualify for the differential tuition grant if they meet the following criteria:
- Students attending UMD who have a $0 – $8,000 Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
- Students attending UMD on full and partial scholarships through Banneker/Key
- Students who are Frederick Douglass Scholarship recipients
Newly admitted freshmen who transferred in 60+ Advanced Placement (AP) courses will be offered the differential tuition Grant during their first year only to offset Different Tuition charges
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