Support, Empowerment, and Connection for Hispanic-Latino Students
Campus diversity amongst Hispanic-Latino students has grown considerably over the years and colleges vie to maintain an inclusive atmosphere; allowing all students to gain exposure, perceptions, global awareness, and a willingness to collaborate peacefully and freely. Whether serving as a forum for communication, helping students build strong social networks, or simply in pursuit of a welcoming space amongst other Hispanic or Latinx students; UMD undoubtedly has a place where you will find your connections.
The University of Maryland has various organizations for Hispanic and Latinx students that are sponsored by professional societies, while others focus on diversity, mentoring, networking, college achievement, or are purely social. In addition to the many organizations, UMD offers Latin American Studies courses for all students to take. There is undoubtedly a place where all students can find their connections. Check out the various resources and clubs offered.
Check out the various resources offered:
- La Familia: This is a great program that has been created to assist first-year Latino/students with their college transition by providing one-on-one guidance and support through the use of peer mentors.
- Latinx Student Handbook: A handbook for Hispanic students that offers guidance, direction, and assistance. This handbook allows for quick access to everything about every Latinx organization, campus resource, scholarships, internships, and more.
- Office of Diversity & Inclusion: This is an office that provides leadership on issues dealing with sexual harassment, affirmative action, recruitment, retention, race relations, and more.
- Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMSE): OMSE offers students the opportunity to participate in a vast array of academic and professional programs on campus. They also offer free walk-in tutoring and college success prep.
Clubs and organizations offered to serve the Latinx and Hispanic communities:
- Association of Latino Professionals in Finance & Accounting UMD Chapter: ALPFA has a chapter at UMD and in Washington, DC that provides many programs and benefits to aspiring Latino students interested in accounting, finance, or related career professions.
- The Coalition of Latino Student Organizations (CLSO): The Coalition serves as an umbrella organization and is made up of all Latino/a student organizations active on campus, as well as faculty, staff, and students at large.
- Hispanic MBA Association: The Hispanic MBA Association (HMBAA) is a student-run initiative established to foster the involvement of the Hispanic MBA community at the Robert H. Smith School of Business. The HMBAA organizes career development events and promotes the rich and diverse culture of its members.
- La Voz Latina: This newspaper is committed to providing the Latino/students a representative and informative voice among all other publications on campus. The editorial board welcomes contributors throughout the year, regardless of personal identity
- Latino Student Union: LSU provides students a place to express Latino culture at the University of Maryland. The LSU serves as a home away from home to students who may feel lost on a campus as large as College Park.
- Latino Honors Caucus: The aims of the Latino Honors Caucus include unity and networking among Latino Honors students and those interested in learning about the Latino culture, encouragement of Latinos to enter the Honors Program, and service to the surrounding community.
- S.C.O.R.E.: S.C.O.R.E. (Student Community for Outreach, Retention, and Excellence) is established for the expressed purpose of recruiting, retaining, and supporting underrepresented minority students (Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, etc.) in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers: SHPE aims to increase the number of Hispanic Engineering and Sciences students at the University of Maryland. In this effort, SHPE collaborates with industry to promote the advancement of Hispanic engineers and scientists in the education and private sector.
- Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science: To increase the presence of Latinos and Native Americans in the science, by providing mentorship at different academic levels, networking and a support group for Latino graduate students who are pursuing post-graduate degrees in the science as well as to recruit more Latino undergraduates to pursue post-graduate degrees and careers in the science. Faculty Advisor: Edgar Moctezuma, emoctezu@umd.edu.
- The University of Maryland Latina/o Alumni Network: LAN’s purpose is that of promoting the interests and welfare of the University through the advancement of the interests and welfare of its Latino/alumni. To support and learn more about this initiative contact, Gerson Elias, at elias.gerson@gmail.com.
UMD has sororities and fraternities that specifically recognize Hispanic students:
- Gamma Phi Sigma “Hermanos Unidos” Fraternity: This Fraternity brings together strong Latino Men in order to empower them through their community and volunteering.
- La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity: This Hispanic fraternity was established in 1982 to address the shortcomings of academic institutions in meeting and addressing the needs of Latino/students in higher education.
- Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority: This academic sorority was founded in 1975 to aid in the scholarly and cultural advancement of all minority women.
- Sigma Lambda Upsilon Senoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority: SLU was chartered in Spring 2000 with the purpose of creating an organization that would provide sisterhood and support while promoting academic achievement, community service, and cultural enrichment.
- In addition to all of these great resources and organizations, you will also find there are scholarships and internships available to the Hispanic and Latin community. The Hispanic Scholarship Fund is one of the several opportunities where students can apply.
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