Updates on Latest Plans
Seems like finding the right updates in this unusual time is tricky. I don’t think I have ever used the word unprecedented as much as I have since this pandemic began. Actually, I don’t believe I ever used the word pandemic much either. However; it is real and regardless of what these unprecedented times have brought to you and your family, the fall semester will begin before we know it and it is important that we stay up to date on the latest plans and procedures at UMD.
As of right now, UMD will have both online and blended learning classes throughout the rest of the semester. The University of Maryland will delay opening for in-person classes by two weeks then allow students to come on September 14. Updates change, well, frankly, like the wind, but here are some important parts.
- The university has based its reopening process by four key principles
- Prioritize the health and safety of every member of our campus community
- Protect and support the educational and research missions to maintain academic excellence
- Make decisions grounded in our values of equity and inclusion
Provide timely and transparent communication and obtain input from internal and external stakeholders about the proposed reopening plans.
In addition to these principles, UMD is requiring students that are coming back to campus to get tested both before and after they arrive. Testing is a critical part of the reopening plan and tests will be offered on campus. Before coming to campus, students must get a pre-arrival test and submit the results online. In addition to the pre-arrival COVID-19 test, the post-arrival tests are offered on-site at the Maryland stadium. They host both appointment and walk-in testing during the weeks of September 14, 21, and 28. To make an appointment for UMD on-site test, participants must register online. After October 2, testing will be conducted one day every week for about 1,500 members of the campus community. More updates on testing in the future will be forthcoming.
When on campus there will be rules and restrictions to ensure the safety of both students and staff. Some of the basic rules that every student should be aware of include:
- Wear a face covering at all times indoors, and outdoors when other people are nearby
- If you are sick, don’t report to work or class
- Stay at least 6 feet from others at all times
- Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are unavailable
Housing has reduced occupancy, implemented space and amenity restrictions, and increased cleaning and disinfecting. Fall courses are a mix of in-classroom, hybrid, and online. Select courses and labs will be face-to-face and give the option of not attending if students do not feel comfortable or have the ability to come in-person.
There is no doubt that the fall semester will look different starting with the new safety measures UMD has put in place. Students will still be able to participate in organizations, clubs, events, and activities –most virtually and others in-person, and probably outdoors, using proper social distancing. Indoor fitness will be limited in capacity, but there will be virtual fitness options offered as well. As for football and tailgating…. well, it isn’t looking very good, but no decisions have been made yet.
You may want to check out some of our other blogs to help get you through these unprecedented times. Yup, there’s that word again.
- How to Succeed in Online and Virtual Classes
- Online Test Taking
- Should my Student Go Back to School This Fall?
- Want to Get Back the Security Deposit
- Dealing With Uncertainty
- Creating Work and Study Home Space
You can find a more detailed look at Maryland’s Reopening Plan for Fall 2020 but don’t hesitate to reach out to any of these resources above with any questions. We hope your student makes the best of their year and still has a successful academic and fun time, socially distant of course. Stay safe and healthy!
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