Now, What do You Do?
Congratulations Class of 2024… Swoop and Welcome to The Nest!! You can now take that sigh of relief that a decision has been made and they have been accepted. Then take a look at our list of what to do next. First, this may sound silly, but check your admissions letter for accuracy regarding their name, entrance term, address and major. If any changes need to be made it needs to happen in writing or online at myUNF.
UNF does not require a tuition deposit, so the only way to lock in your seat in the freshman class is to register for orientation. Orientation is mandatory for all first-time-in-college students. You can read our blog on Orientation so you know what to expect after being accepted.
Next step is setting up your official UNF email account. UNF will only correspond with you via your official UNF email account. It is essential that you set up your account and check it frequently for important messages. UNF suggests checking the email on a regular basis starting as an accepted incoming freshman. You can access your UNF email account through myWings. If you have never signed in to myWing before, click the “Login Help” link below the sign-in fields and follow the instructions. Once you are in the myWings portal, click the email icon in the top right corner to access your inbox. It is fairly easy once your student has accessed their account.
Before registration, there are several holds that must be cleared on your student account. It is your responsibility to check myWings for these holds and take the necessary steps to clear them. Be sure to check your holds well in advance of your orientation date as well; some such as Campus Clarity may take up to 2 – 3 business days to clear. Campus Clarity is a tool that helps students understand, identify and comply with Title IX regulations on sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, and makes our campus a safer place to study, work and play.
If you are a first time in college freshman, you will meet with your academic advisor during orientation to plan your program of study and register for the appropriate classes. Another crucial part of preregistration is completing immunization forms. Registration cannot happen without this. You can download the form here. By the way, while you are on the health services page, take note of all the amazing services they offer students. At UNF, every student is required to show proof of having health insurance.
After Being Accepted:
Be sure to confirm the following:
- Your residency status for tuition purposes. Read more information about residency on the One Stop Student Services webpage.
- That your student has signed up for Bright Futures.
- Arrange for any final transcripts and scores (AP, IB, AICE, CLEP, and transfer credits) to be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
- Your Florida Prepaid program if you have one (You will need to be familiar with what you paid for with Florida Prepaid as it may only cover certain fees or dorms – although it does not preclude your student from living in certain dorms; they may just have to pay any overage fees.)
To be eligible for financial aid, UNF recommends that you submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) asap. If you were admitted to the Summer or Spring terms, there may be additional documentation required. Read more information about the financial aid process on the UNF financial aid’s One Stop Student Services page.
In order to get the most of your UNF experience, all students are encouraged to live and dine on campus during their first year. We recommend applying for housing early in order to secure your first choice of the residence hall. Check out the housing information. Freshmen are also invited to participate in unique Living Learning Communities (LLCs) where students with like interests are grouped together in the same residence hall and are enrolled in a special topic course. Recent LLCs have been offered in conjunction with Honors, Brooks College of Health, Coggin College of Business and UNF’s Pre-Med Program.
After your child has registered for orientation you will receive some information from UNF. This is mandatory for your students and yourself.
Check out our blogs on Housing, Meal Plans, and Orientation for many more helpful details.
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