Dropping, When Is it Time?
Here are the guidelines you should consider when dropping a class. “I need to drop my Business Calculus class.” Not the best words that a parent wants to hear; however, sometimes circumstances present themselves that your student will need to do just this. UNF, as well as other colleges, differentiate between dropping and withdrawing from a class.
Students may drop courses through the registration period preceding the term and during the “Add/Drop” period. The Add/Drop period occurs during the first five days of courses for a given semester. Courses scheduled to meet for the first time after add/drop ends may be dropped the next business day only in One-Stop Student Services. Tuition and fee payment is still due on the regular deadline for all classes. If a student drops a course on or before the last day to drop courses, the student will not be assessed a fee for that course. If the student has already paid fees and then drops a course, the student will receive a full refund for the dropped course.
Students who wish to cease attending a course after the Add/Drop period has ended must withdraw from the course. The withdrawal period begins after the Administrative Drop for Non-Payment and continues through the first 13 weeks of courses (during semesters that are 16 weeks long). The Academic Calendar will have posted withdrawal deadlines.
Withdrawal deadlines vary for courses that occur during shorter semesters and for courses with a non-traditional beginning and ending dates. A “W” will appear on the transcript in place of a grade for all courses from which a student withdraws. A “W” does not impact the student’s GPA negatively or positively. Although students will not receive credit for courses from which they withdraw, the credit hours that would have been accumulated upon completion of the course are added to the student’s total of “attempted hours.”
Students may drop and withdraw online via myWings or in person at One-Stop Student Services with photo id. Requests to drop and withdraw cannot be accepted via telephone or email. In certain cases, authorization from another department on campus may be required before the withdrawal request can be processed.
There are financial repercussions as well when your student drops a class. Your student will still be fee liable for dropped courses, and it is your responsibility to know the requirements of any scholarships you have, including Bright Futures. Most course drops require repayment to Bright Futures and may require repayment to other programs. Should you have any questions about the impact of dropping a class as it relates to Bright Futures, you can download the interactive tool – BFCreditHourTool (8). Please check with Financial Aid if you have concerns. Your academic advisor may be able to assist you with some financial issues, but Financial Aid is generally between you and Student Financial Affairs.
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