When Additional Help is Needed
Students who attend UNF, face the same challenging classes, taught by respected and renowned professors, than any other competitive college. Using tutoring assistance to keep up with studies is an excellent idea. They are no longer in high school where a student can often coast by; succeeding at UNF requires taking classes seriously. At the same time, there are many opportunities to get involved and enjoy these four years including basketball games, Greek life, and outdoor activities.
A student needs to be able to balance all of this, which can prove daunting to many. But since the admissions process has grown more selective, the understanding is that many of these students have already been faced with balancing academics, social and civic activities. If your student mentions that they are having trouble in classes, there are many places that they can turn including speaking to their professor.
On-Campus Tutoring
UNF has a wonderful tutoring program on campus that covers many of the subjects taught including sciences, math, and world languages. These tutoring sessions are free and available to students via Zoom through the SASS program Student Academic Success Services. For a complete list of sessions, times, and locations. Click here to make an appointment.
UNF has a program Supplemental Instruction, SI which is a class taught by an SI leader. A Supplemental Instruction (SI) leader is a student who has previously taken the class and done well. For example, in our intern Sarah’s financial accounting class, the SI sits in on her lectures so that he knows where the students are in the class. The SI then offers weekly sessions via the SI schedule. Going to one is like a smaller tutoring session led by the SI where he goes over and discusses what was taught in class, offers supplementary practice problems, and can answer any questions. For the tutoring schedule, have your student check canvas.
Many students often have classes that require a great deal of writing, UNF has a Writing Program and Center that my daughter used her freshman year that helped her organize her thoughts into a concise well thought out paper. The writing center offers tutoring and workshops to assist the students no matter what the project may be. During the fall semester, all writing consultations will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. Please read about there virtual writing consultations here.
Other Options
UNF offers online tutoring via Smarthinking to all students currently enrolled in the following online programs: Doctor of Nursing Practice Online, Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics Online, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Online and Master of Science in American Sign Language. Students can interact with tutors in a wide variety of subjects, via one of Smarthinking’s services, including scheduled and drop-in one-on-one tutoring, offline question submissions, group peer sessions, and writing reviews.
Textbook rental and purchase company Chegg offers Chegg Study, a great tool for help with homework. Learn from step-by-step solutions for 2,500+ textbooks in Math, Science, Engineering, Business, and more. Also, students can get answers in a pinch from experts and subject enthusiasts for your courses, 24/7, and stay ahead in their classes for $14.95/month or $99.95/year. Students have found success in working with their specialists. For more personal help, they also have a Chegg Tutor which gives more one-on-one help. Chegg Study is $14.95 for a month or $99.95 for an entire year.
Students also speak highly of the Knack App, a peer-to-peer tutoring approach that allows students to find peers through the app that have done well in particular courses and schedules on their time. They offer package pricing but it equates to approximately $25/hour. They do offer discounts for higher hour packages including a semester pack and a yearly pack. There are many options for your students to choose from to find what works best for them.
Fiverr is a great place to look for a tutor. Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services that started in 2010 and got its name from the original price of jobs being $5 per task. When looking for a tutor on Fiverr make sure to look for highly-rated sellers who have a lot of reviews and also a top-rated or level one seller.
EasyBib by Chegg – With EasyBib Plus, students can use the plagiarism checker to find missing citations, and fix them before submitting their paper. Also, easily catch writing style and grammar errors with easy-to-understand explanations on how to improve their writing for next time. No matter what citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago etc.), EasyBib Plus will help create the right bibliography. Right now, students get a 3-day free trial of the product.
If your student is looking for a place to study and is having a hard time finding it. Our Best Places to Study blog to help them find their spot.
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