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Are U Ready For Some Football?
With most large universities, planning on attending the school’s football games starts in the summer. The big rivalry games cause hotel rooms to be booked months in advance. Well, at USF that is not as much of a problem because “their” stadium is actually the Raymond James Stadium, home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. It is about 20 minutes from campus and where the Bulls call their field “home”. The 2020 season starts in Texas on September 5, 2020.
As a USF grad myself, I have been attending Bulls football games from the very first season (1997). Because they are played in an NFL stadium, fans benefit from comfortable seating, great food options, and yes, beer. Since the stadium is off-campus, they do sell alcohol at games. Another plus is the areas to escape the sometimes, severe heat and even rain. Speaking of weather, USF’s football season coincides with the hurricane season in Florida. Unfortunately, the Tampa Bay area is affected at least once a year.
Every home game, the Bulls Stampede can be seen starting in the parking lot of RayJay (nickname for the stadium) with the football players, coaches, and staff greeting fans as they walk into the stadium. Tailgaters love to line up to watch the Herd of Thunder (USF’ Band) lead the team in. The 2020 schedule. Here is the latest schedule:
- 10/03 – at Cincinnati
- 10/10 – East Carolina
- 10/17 – at Temple
- 10/23 – Tulsa
- 11/07 – at Memphis
- 11/14 – at Houston
- 11/21 – Navy
- 11/27 – UCF
Tickets on Sale NOW!
Season ticket deposits are on sale now, as well as individual game tickets. A Boundless Bulls Pass is available and is a great deal at $175 total for 10 ticket vouchers for any seven of the home games. That’s just $17.50 per game! The Horns Up Pass is the most flexible ticket option. You can choose from $250 sideline view tickets or a $600 Club Pass ticket for all seven home games. There are also special tickets for military and large groups.
Students should download the app for student tickets and all of their tickets will be in one place. For football games, students can swipe their USF ID card at the gate to enter the game. Don’t forget to remind your Bull to sign up for the Student Perks Program where they earn points for attending sporting events. Ticketmaster, StubHub, and Vivid Seats offer USF Football tickets as well. And, of course, you will want to pregame before each game. We’ve got that information here.
What to Wear
In some of our other USF blogs, we have mentioned the Florida heat. Football games are hot, sticky, and if you are not prepared, you can be miserable. A noon game will require you to have sunscreen on, a hat, and drink lots of water. That being said, any Green and Gold gear will work, especially if it has the school’s logo on it! Did I mention the weather? An easily fold-up poncho is also great to have in case of rain. So, start planning now and stocking up on all things BULLS. Want some Gameday attire suggestions. We’ve got recommended gameday attire for students and parents.
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