Online Test Taking for Today’s Students
Technology has changed the way students take tests. My daughter was able to extend one of her holiday breaks by scheduling her exam at home. This latest test-taking at USF is known as Proctorio.
Students don’t have to reserve a space or anything like that since Proctorio is built into the class platform on Canvas. The use of proctoring is determined by the professor of the class, as not all online classes use it. The student must have a working camera and microphone either built-in or hooked up to their computer in order to use Proctorio, all of the directions are pretty straight forward after that.
Students will know if their class is using online proctoring by reading through their syllabus. They will also be provided with instructions and a confirmation that the online exam will be proctored prior to the exam.
The possibility of technical problems arising can happen. Students should make certain they are using the Chrome browser and have the proper extension installed. When students have a problem, they are instructed to inform the professor. The professor will then will re-open the test and add more time and/or curve the exam accordingly. A screen recording, as well as a recording of the student taking the exam, is sent to the professor upon completion and submission of the exam.
They can also contact Proctorio support; should they still have problems, they can also contact the USF help desk at Help@usf.edu or call 813-974-1222. In my experience, when I’ve had a problem with the software, I just continue taking the exam and then email my professor after, so they know how to address the problem.
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