So, your student wants to be a BULL?
Of course, they do! USF is a great university and a beautiful campus with award-winning architecture. The traditions and opportunities that USF offers, makes it a very competitive school in the south. So how does your son or daughter get to be a bull?
The Truth
Each Florida university seems to raise their admission requirements yearly, adding to the growing competition to get in. USF’s popularity shows in its high standards for admissions and the number of applicants.
The truth is that for every 1000 applicants, only 45 are admitted. With over 30,000 applicants each year, that competition grows. The average high school GPA of applicants is 3.8. Students accepted have an average of 1300 on the SAT and a 29 on the ACT. USF super scores both tests. Your student should take the essay portion of all tests. They will be read and considered. You never know if the reader may be so intrigued by what you say, that they may use that as part of their decision. USF is pretty clear in their requirements, but here are a few thoughts on how your student can tweak their high school preparation.
Students must show a level of rigor in their high school courses. AP and IB classes are great and can show your level of academic ability. A’s are great, but B’s and C’s in a higher class show that you are being challenged and still succeeding.
Grades and test scores are certainly important, but USF wants to see the “whole student” as shown in their extracurricular activities. Being involved in clubs, teams and organizations show that you have a passion for something other than schoolwork. Even better is if you can show that you held a leadership position. That shows that you aren’t just a member, but a leader.
Your application essay should be amazing. Think of all the essays that they have to read. Yours needs to stand out and be different. Some advice my daughter was given was to stay away from things like “how an injury changed my game” or “how a service/mission trip changed my life” or “how I’ve wanted to be a Bull all my life.” Apparently, they get too many essays on these subjects and they are all the same. Ask for help. Most high school teachers would love to help you tweak your writing to make it it’s best. We like Essential Essays College Essay Consulting to take the stress out of writing your college application essays. With their help, it will surely make it go faster and be far less painful. Learn about them here. Frankly, this year the essay will count more than ever given that getting test scores is nearly impossible.
Something else to think about is to apply as a general student; not putting down a specific major. You should definitely check out the majors offered, but being undecided opens you up to try out different classes. This does not apply if you are looking into Nursing or Business schools, as they have specific requirements for their undergraduates.
Also, consider applying for a Summer session. The numbers are not as competitive, and sometimes the requirements are slightly lower.
If USF is their dream school and they don’t get in, they should consider re-taking the SAT/ACT and reapplying to show their new scores. Also, consider other universities in Florida because one may offer a better program for their major.
Go Bulls!
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