It’s undeniable that most students consider a college’s sports program, celebrations, and fan experience as a non-academic factor when choosing where to spend their next four years. Watching the Bulls in action is exciting… you don’t have to know much about the sport, but you WILL get caught up in cheering them on. Take football for example; how many universities play in an NFL stadium? Only a handful and the perks are amazing! The Bulls call Raymond James their home field and you better know the Bull’s hand sign when cheering, or you’ll feel left out. (Think the “love” sign, but with your thumb tucked in.) Knowing when to cheer, chant, and stand is just as important as knowing when to go get hydrated (with water, of course. Game days can be extremely hot depending on game time.)
Free??? Yes, please! Students get a free ticket to all USF games, with the ability to get guest tickets as well. USF has some big rivalries, and the build-up for those games can be intense. “The war on I4” is a yearly competition with our rival, UCF, which includes all sports. Get your tickets early and get ready for the showdowns!
The Herd Student Perks Program is a cool way for your students to win free stuff just by attending athletic events. Points are earned simply by going to games and grand prizes are envied by everyone!
Raymond James Stadium
Just so you know… Raymond James (or Ray Jay) is an experience in itself. The state of the art stadium houses its iconic pirate ship, harbored in Buccaneer Cove. The loud cannons are fired for each touchdown. A clear bag policy is in effect at the stadium, and all NFL stadium security measures are taken, so be prepared when going through security. And don’t forget, this is Florida. A random rain shower can happen anytime during football season, so bring a poncho.
Getting to the Game
Need a ride to and from the game? Bulls Blitz is your student’s ride there to support the Bulls! A student ID is your ticket to ride, but seating is limited and is first-come, first-serve, so get to the Marshall Student Center Bus Loop early on game day to get your seat. You will return to the same spot after the game.
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