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Career Fairs can be daunting.
The thought of choosing a career can be daunting, however with a little guidance and a visit to a career fair, the path can become clear. Throughout the Spring and Fall semesters, FAU holds several career fairs. These fairs can be generalized or are split up into different fields, for example, there are fairs for nursing, education, and other various degree programs. FAU also holds fairs for students looking for part-time work and internships.
At the urging of my advisor, I went to my first fair during the fall semester of my sophomore year. Some of my sorority sisters joined me as we all wanted to check it out. We made the trek over to the rec center in our best business casual completely unaware of what to expect. We split up as we began to walk around because there were just so many different employers and companies to meet with and learn more about. We decided to first attend the general career fair, which showcases companies that suit various degree programs, so the lines were longer than we expected. Even though the lines were long, it was really beneficial to see what types of jobs I could qualify for after graduation. It was also helpful to learn what each company offered to its employees and see which ones had internship opportunities available to me.
The Career Fairs are held at the end of August, the end of September and through October in the Fall and again in February. For more information on the dates of the fair and the degree-specific fairs, click here.
Before you attend, it’s a great idea to head over to the Career Center. Here students are able to discuss various career options for their majors. The career center will also help you write and perfect your resume. My advisor recommended this to me and it truly helped to calm my nerves knowing I had a properly written and formatted resume. I was also able to schedule a mock interview at the career center, which also prepared me for when I spoke to recruiters at the career fairs. The Career Center will also help you with pointers on creating a professional LinkedIn profile using a professional headshot. A LinkedIn Jobseeker account allows you to view profiles and send InMail messages starting from $29.95 per month. HaveUHeard that LinkedIn has a version specifically designed for students looking for their first jobs? The LinkedIn Students app is free and lets you research jobs, view companies where alumni from your schoolwork, and connect with more people. You can create an account and get started right away without spending a dime.
The Career Center is also home to the Owls Professional Clothes Closet. The Owls Professional Closet provides students who qualify with business attire clothing. Students who are in immediate need of business attire clothing can rent from here as well. There are some requirements to fulfill to qualify for use of the career closet, you can find more information about that here. If you are looking to start building your wardrobe for after college, check out Dress for Success for some tips and student discounts.
The best way to prepare for the event is to do some research ahead of time. Check out the companies that will be showcased at the career fair and make a list of who you want to speak with. For more information about what companies will be attending the Fairs and to register, visit the Owl Career Link.
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