Summer Can Be the Most Fun Season!
Prepare for an exciting summer if you plan on attending FAU Summer B. It is by far the favorite semester of many Owls (myself included). It’s likely going to be a summer filled with firsts; first college class, college party, and new friends. It’s also likely that it’s the first time you can make most of the decisions for yourself like eating cereal for dinner or staying out late. While my roommates and I were nervous to take on all these new experiences, FAU does a great job of making the transition smooth.
Florida Atlantic University is a large campus and it’s growing every day. One of the first things my roommates and I did was explore our new home and find our classrooms. My RA was extremely helpful and answered all of my questions (trust me I had quite a few). Her room was right down the hall and it was always open to her residents.
Typically, students take one to two classes during the Summer B Session. Summer Classes move at a faster pace than classes during the Fall and Spring. It’s a good idea to get familiar with FAU’s Wimberly Library at this time since it is less crowded. This time is the perfect opportunity to scope out the best study spots. Read our blog on the best places to study here. It is also wise to form study groups from the start. Not only will you do better in the class, but it’s also an easy way to make some new friends.
Since most students only take a few classes over the summer, there is bound to be some free time. Summer B is a great time to explore some amazing places in your new home, Boca Raton. From beaches to restaurants, Boca has a lot to offer. Check out this list of great places to visit here. Be sure to check out FAU’s rec center; there is a beautiful pool, gym, basketball courts, and a full schedule of fitness classes.
Summer B will fly by quickly so enjoy it while it lasts! Go Owls!
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