Choosing a major is not only a big decision but a difficult one.
For assistance in selecting a program of study, FSU has many resources to aid in student’s decision making. A unique thing about FSU is its exploratory program. Those who are not ready to commit to a specific department are able to receive guidance from advisors to figure out what major is best suited for them. Coming out of high school, I was uncertain about what career I would pursue. The advisor I had was extremely helpful and gave me great advice on exploring my own options. Essentially, they help to narrow down what it is that you want to do and then suggest that you take an intro or low-level courses to see if that is something you would be interested in. Did I mention that they even hold a pizza party for when you decide on a major? After confidently declaring a Psychology major, I was ready to journey through this rigorous course of study. In this transition from exploratory to psychology, I felt as if it was time to take advantage of Nole’s network. I knew how beneficial it would be to attend a career fair in order to have the opportunity to network with prospective employers.
Just by devoting a couple of hours to the All Majors Career and Internship Fair could land you a job offer before you even graduate! It is held in the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center, which is conveniently within walking distance from the dorms and the campus. Students do not have to register in order to attend the fair. This is a great opportunity to meet face to face with representatives from corporate, non-profit, and government organizations. It also allows you to market your skillset and search for an internship or career position. The job fair that I went to expose me to up-and-coming businesses that I would not have known about if I didn’t attend. I was given a name tag and a brochure containing information about which vendors were participating. Since the fair was not limited to one major, it broadened my career horizon. I was able to not only learn but apply for positions that targeted people with that same degree that I was pursuing. This event helps students to connect with employers. It gives them a chance to meet with companies who seek candidates for any open positions that they may have.
- At present, the career fairs and in-person advising are all happening virtually. The Career Center is also offering virtual drop-in advising Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. For more information about all that FSU offers to help students searching for a job, they can check in with Career Services and register to take some virtual workshops through the Nole Network.
First impressions are crucial. It is important to dress professionally since you will be meeting a handful of people that could be your future boss or mentor! Students have many choices here from the FSU’s Professional Clothing Closet to Thrift Stores to taking advantage of retailers that offer discounts for students with their college ID. You can read about that list here. Regarding preparation for this event, a student should make a list of what employers they want to communicate with. By doing this, they are able to make the most out of their time. A list of employers that will be in attendance is usually available a few days before.
A little something more…read those newsletters. For instance, our psychology intern got this from advising: “feel free to drop by my office in the Psychology building, A207A, to get help with résumés, cover letters, internship/job searches, or to discuss questions related to graduate school.” They have drop-in career advising hours from Tuesday 9-12, Wednesday 9-12, and Thursday 1-4 in PDB A207A. If those hours don’t go with a student schedule, then they can just email and they will find a time. The newsletter pdf also has internship and research opportunities and events. This can be for anyone interested in Career Liaison, Biological Science, Neuroscience, and Psychology.
HaveUHeard that LinkedIn has a version specifically designed for students looking for their first jobs? The LinkedIn Students app is free and lets you research jobs, view companies where alumni from your schoolwork, and connect with more people. You can create an account and get started right away without spending a dime.
This can be YOUR year if you just apply yourself. See you at the All Majors Career and Internship Fair! In the meantime, check our calendar of events for more specific networking opportunities.
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