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FSU C.A.R.E. program may be worth applying to…
Sending your child off to college is exciting. Sending your child that will be the first in your family to receive a college degree maybe even more so. FSU’s CARE Program’s mission is to guide students who have been disadvantaged by economic or educational circumstances. Generally, these students will have been targeted in middle or high school to pursue higher education, but if this is a goal for your family, why not reach out to the Center for Academic Retention & Enrichment (CARE).
If accepted to the CARE Program, students will begin with the Summer Bridge Program that is designed to help ease students’ adjustment to college life and build a foundation for academic success. Students will be required to apply for financial aid and those with financial need will have 100% of their need for the Summer Bridge term met from non-loan sources. Last year’s accepted students came to FSU with a high school weighted GPA of 3.5-4.2, SAT scores of 1060-1190, and ACT scores of 21-25.
The CARE Program also offers its own Tutoring & Computer lab with a small group and individual sessions, and Unconquered Scholars Program that provides additional academic and personal support to students previously in foster care, homeless, wards of the State or relative care. CARE also supplies participants with personalized financial aid counseling, academic advising, and life coaching, among other advantages and support systems encouraging success throughout their time at FSU.
Gadsen, Leon and Duval Counties offer pre-collegiate programs for targeted students, but the CARE Program is open to all Florida residents seeking support for first-generation college students.
Interested in learning more about the CARE program? Click here.
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