When You Need Electives
At orientation, before freshman year had started, advisors asked that students declare a major. My daughter left there practically in tears, feeling as though the pressure was on and her course needed to be set. There was a course catalog, per se, in front of her, but she felt limited to just the pages within her major. We encouraged her to explore. Take all different sorts of electives, because you just never know what may spark an interest and possibly change an intended path for something even more grand and exciting.
Sometimes students’ schedules are just so jam-packed that an easy and fun elective is the perfect way to round out a schedule. Electives can serve many purposes: fulfill an individual’s major requirement, supplement more rigorous courses to complete a minor, fill a schedule, or simply to have fun. For those who have the time and space in their schedule for a fun and easy elective, check these out:
- Circus – Yes, don’t just attend (see our FSU Bucket List here) the circus; learn to be part of one. Did you know FSU is one of the only universities in the nation with an operating circus?
- Yoga – For the record, this isn’t just about poses and breathing. There are actually papers and readings. It is much more than just stretching a few times a week, but a popular and well-liked class.
- Bowling (PEL 1111r) – Great practice for that league they may join someday. Our interns say is so cool, but we also hear that they really teach you to bowl.
- Coffee, Tea, and International Culture – You will definitely know how to order at Starbucks after this, but you will also gain an understanding of coffee and tea in varying cultures.
- Fantasy Girls: Women and Girls in Science Fiction and Fantasy – Great class for the feminist or anyone for that matter.
- From Ballet to Beyonce: Gender and the Body In Dance and Pop Culture – So you say you can dance? Actually, you don’t have to, but you will learn about choreography, staging, and gender stereotypes.
- Choral Union – Do you like to sing in the shower? Led by master’s students, members will get to participate in an actual choir. It’s just a lot of fun!
- Sociology of Hip-Hop Culture – Apparently there are deeper messages behind hip=hop and rap and in this class, you will learn to analyze them and their effect on society.
- First Responders Course – This is a yearlong course, then a year of volunteering and students must apply to be part of FSU’s Emergency First Aid unit. Imagine being able to save a life.
- International Wine & Culture (HFT2062)
- Professional Selling (MAR3400) – Wonderful post-grad information class
- Fundamentals of Speech (SPC1017) – Professor Ziegler is beyond entertaining and very well-respected by the FSU community. You will learn a great deal while having a wonderful experience.
And Athletics…
There are also quite a few classes that are both fun to take, which will force you to exercise and are for credit. Check out classes like:
- Racquetball
- Aerobic Conditioning
- Soccer
- Ballet
- Golf
- Basic Weight Training
- Indoor Tennis
- Flag Football
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Volleyball
- Soccer
- Basketball
Electives often fill quickly so make a list of the top few electives you would like to take including the course code. This allows for quick searching on the day and time registration opens. As with any class, it is a good idea to check out the professors beforehand. Some electives that include materials will cost money to participate. There are always CLEP exams too. These aren’t necessarily easy, but they can bring students closer to graduation without taking an actual class. Basically, CLEP exams allow students to receive college credit for what you already know by earning qualifying scores on any of the many examinations. It is brilliant, really.
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