A really great roommate experience!
Finding the ideal roommate(s) can be tough and a hassle. I’m here to tell you about my personal experiences and how to avoid getting a disastrous roommate. I remember being an incoming freshman and dabbling back and forth on whether to pick a stranger for a roommate or my best friend from high school. I ended up doing both—picking a random girl to live with me in Dorman hall for summer C and taking on the fall semester with my best friend by my side in Gilchrist Hall.
A lot of people warned me about the complications that involve living with your best friend, yet I still chose to live with her for Fall/Spring. By all means, I am not saying this was a drama-free year, but I enjoyed living with her regardless. It is up to you to determine if living under the same roof as one of your favorite people is something you can handle. I even made a cost-benefit analysis to decide if it was the right choice for me…It is a lot harder decision than you think, so make sure you’re making a rational choice, not a split decision.
Although some people don’t have the best experiences with a random roommate, I can be the one to vouch that I created some of the best memories with someone I barely knew. She is someone that I now consider a good friend.
I went about this like any other naïve high school graduate. I joined the FSU Official Class of 2020 page on Facebook and immediately attached the most flattering pictures I could find of myself and a short generic description of myself. The majority of students find their potential roommate and friends through the Facebook page. If I could go back in time and change my description, would I? Absolutely.
My parents always taught me to be a leader, instead of a follower. It is as if everyone follows a script when they write their post, “I like to go out, but school is also my number one priority.” My advice to you is to include what you are actually interested in and your priorities, that way you can find someone most suitable for you, not the façade you put on. You can tell a lot about a person with who they surround themselves with, so keep that in mind when you’re lurking their social media.
Another thing you should take into account is their priority number. This essentially determines where you will be living on campus. Lower numbers have the first choice to choose from these luxury residence halls! Honors students are required to live in Landis hall, but sometimes will be put in the other residence hall attached to Landis which is Gilchrist. Regardless of how old the two are, I loved living in the dorms and didn’t have any problems.
I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor, Happy roommate hunting!
Willow Weintraub, Intern for HaveUHeard
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