It happens to all of us, including our kids. As though a full schedule and trying to maintain a social life isn’t enough to cause a little stress, our students have already completed mid-terms and before you know it, they’ll be preparing for finals. Fortunately, FSU is on top of it, offering various programs, workshops, training, and suggestions; most of which are free to our Noles.
**While classes have been forced to go online, most of the usual opportunities for counseling and stress reduction may not be available. However; FSU is prepared with other counseling options, including their Renew programs. You may also want to check out ways to Excell in Online Classes to avoid some of that stress.
The Anxiety & Behavioral Health Clinic is committed to providing state-of-the-art treatments for our students who may be suffering from anxiety-related problems. They offer cognitive behavioral therapy. There is both, group or individual counseling available, but there is an in-person assessment fee of $100. In addition to standard treatment, students can look into research participation options, which may include receiving free or low-cost treatments. The cost of each standard treatment session is determined on a sliding fee scale, based on income. They do not accept insurance.
RENEW (Realizing Everyone’s Need for Emotional Wellness) is an advocate for mental health for our students too. RENEW offers students ways to improve their academic habits and work towards being a better student and learner overall, as well as tackle issues that include stress and relationships. They also hold events on campus for students to blow off steam and focus on positive things, such as Stress-Buster Day (which often has puppies!), Nole Your Health, and Love Your Body Day!
Students can also look for presentations on campus that are usually 15 minutes to 1 hour. These Outreach Topics are plentiful and generally related to the various kinds and causes of stress students may incur. Some topics include Juggling Life’s Stressors, Dealing with Stress and Depression, and Making the Grade. By following the FSU Counseling Center on Facebook and Twitter (@FSUUUC), students will be able to see when relevant workshops are coming up.
Check out some of these apps that can be thought of as portable stress management tools. Each one works differently and is focused on various issues that may be the cause of stress or simply offer ways to reduce it. One of our family’s favorites is Headspace, a meditation app. There is also an organization on campus, Coping Through College, whose sole purpose is to help our Noles manage college life. Whether students are stressed, lonely, overwhelmed, nervous, or homesick, they will provide guidance. They organize campus walks, massages, trips, yoga, socials, and more.
Students should also keep their eyes open for free Stress Buster events at the end of each semester, just before finals. This is a great time to take a break from studies, work, and classes. Usually, on the Union Green, there will be free massages, prizes, and therapy dogs, amongst other de-stressing activities during the weeks before finals too. There are, of course, the regular standbys, like using the amazing fitness facilities on campus. My kids personally enjoyed some of the fitness classes or jogging around campus to release a little tension. Amongst many other classes, there are plenty of yoga and meditation classes on or near campus as well. To learn more about the fitness options at FSU check out our blog on Staying Fit while at school.
You can also remind your students of the basics rules of preventing stress like eating well and getting enough sleep, avoiding procrastination, and staying away from stimulants (drinking coffee and energy drinks to fuel late-night study binges can inevitably lead to a crash later on). Of course, setting realistic expectations is also wise, but they may have stopped listening by the word procrastination (FYI: There are apps for that too).
On Tuesday, Nov 12, 1 to 2 PM – FSU: Chats at the Counseling Center. This is an FSU Family Program for learning how to have a conversation about how to best support and encourage your student as they navigate managing their mental health. It is obvious that FSU really cares about our Noles and realizes that their lives, like everyone else, can get stressful. The key is learning to work through it.
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