The Flu ends with “U”
Achooooo, It’s that season again – and I don’t mean tailgates and parties. Flu season is generally from October through May. Given that the flu is easily spread by coughing, sneezing, and close contact – and what gets closer than dorm life, sorority living, and classrooms – students may want to consider getting vaccinated with the Seasonal Flu Vaccine. IU makes it incredibly easy for students. Students are welcome to attend any of the health center flu shot clinics with a valid ID. Check the schedule before going.
Yes, for many students it may be hard and annoying to think about a sickness they haven’t even gotten yet but, trust us! Getting sick in college with no parents to help bring you chicken noodle soup in bed is not the ideal situation. Freshman year in my dorm there was one week where almost my entire floor was home every night just walking around sick and miserable with the flu. Getting sick in college also always tends to put students a week behind in school which is just a hassle so try to avoid it at all costs! Make sure you are always washing your hands with soap and warm water to try to avoid any bacteria from getting you sick.
If students do get sick they should know that they can get a doctor’s note so they don’t feel compelled to drag themselves out of bed and trudge to classes. Professors not only appreciate the heads up but also are grateful that students don’t come and share their germs. The flu is highly contagious. Every school has different policies on this, but generally, students are covered with that doctor’s note.
Typical symptoms students can watch for at the onset of the flu as early detection can be beneficial are:
- Sudden onset of high fever
- Headache, muscle aches, and joint pain
- Dry cough
- Chills
- Sore throat
- Nasal congestion and runny nose
- Fatigue – which may last for a few weeks after the flu
Options to get a flu shot
Once students get the vaccine, it still takes approximately two weeks for antibodies to develop in one’s body so IU recommends students get the vaccine in early October. If students do not want to get the vaccine on campus, there are plenty of other locations close by that offer the flu shot:
- Bloomington Public Health Clinic– From September to June flu shots are available the first and third Thursday of each month from 3- 5:30 pm. Make sure to bring your insurance card.
- Kroger– While you’re out buying your groceries hop in line to get a free flu shot, it couldn’t be more convenient than that.
- Minute Clinic– The Minute Clinic located inside of CVS on east third st offers flu shots.
- Monroe County Public Health Clinic– They offer flu shots by appointment Monday and Fridays 8 am-4 pm.
Wishing all of our Hoosiers a healthy semester!
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