When You Need Electives
At orientation, before freshman year had started, advisors asked that students declare a major. My daughter left there practically in tears, feeling as though the pressure was on and her course needed to be set. There was a course catalog, per se, in front of her, but she felt limited to just the pages within her major. We encouraged her to explore. Take all different sorts of electives, because you just never know what may spark an interest and possibly change an intended path for something even more grand and exciting.
Sometimes students’ schedules are just so jam-packed that an easy and fun elective is the perfect way to round out a schedule. Electives can serve many purposes: fulfill an individual’s major requirement, supplement more rigorous courses to complete a minor, fill a schedule, or simply to have fun. For those who have the time and space in their schedule for a fun and easy elective, check these out:
- Intro to Theater (THTR – T100) – Another fairly easy and fun class that covers a fine arts core requirement.
- Speech (COLL – P155) – All freshmen need this class to move on to sophomore year, luckily it is very easy and requires only four speeches under 6 minutes.
- Ballroom and Social Dance (SPH – I 109 ) – These skills might last a lifetime.
- The Music of the Beatles (MUS – Z 401) – Music majors as well as all others will enjoy this one.
- Religion and Popular Culture (REL – R 1-2) – Religion becomes an entirely different topic when combined with pop culture.
- American Political Controversies (POLS – Y 100) – Gaining more and more popularity, with four tests and no homework.
- Stars and Galaxies (AST – A 105) – If the thought of different galaxies a million miles away piques your interest or if you just want an easy grade this class won’t disappoint.
- Jewish Cooking (JSTU – P 180) – Regardless of your religious faith, or background, who doesn’t love a good bowl of matzo soup. Simple comfort food.
- Videogame Industry: System and Management (MSCH-C 200) – Every gamers dream course, and they talk about employment within the industry after graduation.
- Bowling (SPH – I 117) – Great practice for that league they may join someday. The bowling alley is actually located right in the middle of the campus.
- Intro to Audio Technology (MUS – A 101) – Another fun and easy class, especially if you have ever daydreamed of producing a hit track.
- Electronic Music (MUS-Z 291) – Another fun class offered by the school of music.
- Intro to Music Theory (MUS – Z111) – Easy while covering the basics of a fairly complex subject.
- Introduction to Folklore (FOLK-F 101) – Very easy grading.
And Athletics…
There are also quite a few classes that are both fun to take, which will force you to exercise and are for credit. Check out classes like:
- Racquetball
- Aerobic Conditioning
- Soccer
- Ballet
- Golf
- Basic Weight Training
- Indoor Tennis
- Flag Football
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Volleyball
- Soccer
- Basketball
Electives often fill quickly so make a list of the top few electives you would like to take including the course code. This allows for quick searching on the day and time registration opens. As with any class, it is a good idea to check out the professors beforehand. Some electives that include materials will cost money to participate. There are always CLEP exams too. These aren’t necessarily easy, but they can bring students closer to graduation without taking an actual class. Basically, CLEP exams allow students to receive college credit for what you already know by earning qualifying scores on any of the many examinations. It is brilliant, really.
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