Becoming a Hoosier
If you have a student ready to spend the next four years at Indiana University Bloomington and plan to visit, get ready to get a glimpse of life as a Hoosier. IU’s traditions have been almost 200 years in the making. The Sample Gates are your welcoming entryway to IU, located in charming Midwestern Bloomington, approximately 50 miles south of Indianapolis. The university is set in a beautiful environment of rolling hills and limestone quarries. Considered by many as one of the most beautiful college towns in America. I may be partial seeing as I am from this area of the country but I think you will fall in love with the campus and its laid back Midwest attitude.
Did You Know?
IU was founded in 1820 and became one of the top public research universities in the world. While rankings can never tell the full story of a campus, Indiana University is one of the top public universities in the country, boasting rights to the undergraduate Kelley School of Business. Its 1,900 acres boasts an enrollment of over 32,000. You can feel the passion students have for IU’s Big Ten Conference athletic teams as well the Little 500, an iconic bicycle race, drawing thousands of spectators yearly.
One cannot speak of IU without mentioning the Hoosiers, the cream and crimson trident is symbolic but, many wonder what is a “Hoosier”? According to the university website, A Hoosier is not a mascot. “It’s not an animal, a bird, or a mythical creature. A Hoosier is a proud member of the IU family”. Just reminding you that you will need plenty of cream and crimson gear or candy-striped pants to cheer on your favorite athletic team.
IU is home to acres of land covered in trees, flowers, and Indiana limestone buildings, almost all within walking distance to campus, drawing students and visitors alike. Although the surrounding area can be rural, the town has all the best restaurants and shopping from mom and pop owned, to big chain retail options. IU is considered a walking campus but on cold days my daughter opts for the free campus bus; we did it together when I moved her in, seeing as she was not familiar with this mode of transportation, and now uses it readily. Check out the updated bus service on iubus.indiana.edu.
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