Sending it…
If you are planning on sending a package to your student, you want to make sure they get it. There are many reasons that a student receives a package. Whether it is just their usual Amazon delivery or a care package for midterms or because your student is under the weather, there are a few things that will make package delivery simpler. You know your student best, send a personalized note, a picture of your family or favorite food.
Address all mail to residents as:
- Student’s name
- Student’s room or apartment number
- Residence hall or apartment building street address
Building addresses can be found here on IU’s location page. Packages are delivered to each residence hall’s center desk for pick-up. Your student is then notified by email daily until they retrieve their package, no mail service on Sundays.
When putting together care packages, be aware of what is allowed in the residence halls and what is allowed in packages sent by the U.S. Postal Service. Consult the IU Prohibited Items list for information on what not to mail in a package. This list includes cosmetic items containing alcohol (e.g., nail polish or perfume) and medications may have mailing restrictions. For more information, visit the United States Postal Service Shipping Restrictions page.
We actually recommend using UPS (or FedEx) in comparison to USPS as it is just timelier, especially for in-state shipping. For local food deliveries, students correspond with the local delivery service and upon arrival, they meet them at the front of their building. You may want to check out some of the care package delivery sights to IU.
There are three UPS stores in and around Bloomington. Possibly the easiest location if your student is on campus and needs to send packages, have things packaged then shipped or buy stamps is the UPS store at 900 East 7th Street which is located in the IMU (Indiana Memorial Union) and offers both UPS as well as USPS services. They are open daily Monday-Friday, check as hours have changed.
Adding another level of convenience, CVS is now an Access Point Location for UPS. Find your UPS Access Point location, click on the link for some great suggestions. There are four United States Postal Service locations in and around Bloomington, which may be a little more cost-efficient, the closest to campus is located on 520 South Walnut Street, hours may vary but convenient hours during the week being open Monday through Friday 8 am-7 pm, Saturday until 2 pm.
My daughter loved her first care package from OCM which was recommended during orientation, it arrived several weeks after school started her freshman year when she was still feeling homesick, I am a bit of a health food nut and she was pleasantly surprised that the package contained some healthy choices but also contained some of her favorite unhealthy snacks. OCM is linked through IU and has lots of great things other than care packages, including bedding, bath, and decor.
You may want to take a look at our Care Package blog for ideas on what to send and when. A well-timed package just may net you a quick but thankful FaceTime from your student!
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