Volunteering with passion is key.
Is volunteering the path for you? When you first go off to college, you will find that there is no shortage of opportunities to participate in social activities, sports, the arts, and recreation. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out where you fit as a Hoosier but have no fear; you will find your place and meet amazing people. That being said, please be sure to take advantage of the many volunteering possibilities that IU offers. Volunteering truly changes a person. There is so much to gain from helping others and it speaks to your character as well.
Giving back to the community is important! Let’s face it, we all have had some form of help along the way in our journeys in life so why not give back your time, effort, money, or just your listening ears to those who need a little help. Another advantage is volunteering looks great when applying to graduate schools or jobs post-grad.
We always recommend volunteering for something that you are passionate about. I have always been so passionate about helping animals so in college I volunteered for the local humane society. Not only was I doing a good deed, but it truly made me so happy. I had the opportunity to save puppies’ lives before they tragically got killed. I fostered dogs for several months throughout college and not only did I have adorable puppies running around my apartment, but I learned how to be a stronger, reliable, independent woman. As much as I wanted to volunteer to help others, it truly made me a better, more caring individual.
Some majors at IU require students to volunteer in some way. If you are a student in the Indiana University Health program there are plenty of opportunities for volunteering. There are also a variety of benefits that are included if you are a volunteer which is a huge plus.
Indiana University provides extensive lists of volunteer opportunities that all students are encouraged to take part in. It might be helpful to start a volunteer project specific to your major. Students can volunteer for children, youth, and families by being a mentor and doing activities. If you are pre-law, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer for centers fighting for community justice which has a lot to do with legal issues. In Bloomington, there are also endless opportunities to help teach and tutor children who need help as well as taking part in therapeutic activities to help individuals.
The City of Bloomington Volunteer Network is a great resource to stay up to date with the Bloomington community. This platform allows students to see what local Bloomington organizations are in need of volunteers. Whether it’s being a soccer coach or picking up groceries for the elderly, there are endless amounts of volunteer opportunities. We recommend staying up to date with this calendar which shows when and where local Bloomginton volunteer opportunities are happening.
IU has its own volunteering program called BeINvolved which allows IU students to get involved in the community in many ways. IU provides 618 different organizations that students can lend a helping hand too. Whether it’s on the IU campus or in the Bloomington community, volunteering to help others will help make the community a more thriving place. No matter where you choose to share your time, you are sure to learn so much about yourself.
Give back, share, and serve!
Madison Stutman, Intern
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