Grade Forgiveness to Drop a Class
I’m not sure which class it was; business calculus or accounting, but the horror stories were coming true. When my son called and asked if we would pay for private tutoring, we knew something was up. He studied and studied. He was up for so many hours at some points his contact lenses had given him an infection. Then the call came when he literally asked us what he should do. Should he drop the class or not. No matter how hard he tried he was struggling. I retorted with my infamous line that I only break out when I believe my kids have given it their all, “C’s get degrees.” This would not suffice this time. The pressure he had put on himself was making him sick; worried that his scholarship may be at stake, or that his beautiful cum could be ruined or that he may not even pull the C (which is the minimum grade for required classes in a major). I will spare you the details, but we decided that he should drop the class and take it again (required) when he had an easier schedule, with a more sought after Professor, and start with a tutor from day one. There is no shame in this sort of plan. Sometimes the pressure is just not worth it.
Grade Forgiveness offers a student the opportunity to retake a course and earn a second grade that will be substituted for the previous grade. Students must be enrolled in the second attempt prior to applying for Grade Forgiveness and requests must be submitted no later than the Withdrawal deadline for the term/session in which the course is being repeated. The procedures to drop a course are on the student self-service page at my.ucf.edu
Requests must be submitted no later than the withdrawal deadline for the term/session in which the student has registered for the course being repeated. Consult the web calendar at calendar.ucf.edu. Use the drop-down menu to select the term for all important academic dates. View the policies for grade forgiveness.
There are financial repercussions as well when your student drops a class. Your student will still be fee liable for dropped courses, and it is YOUR responsibility to know the requirements for any scholarships you have, including Bright Futures. New state law requires students with Bright Futures scholarships to repay their award money if they withdraw from a class after the drop and add period – typically about a week into the four-month semester, repayment procedures. Should you have any questions about the impact of dropping a class as it relates to Bright Futures, you can download the interactive tool – BFCreditHourTool (8)
Please check with Financial Aid if you have concerns. Your academic advisor may be able to assist you with some financial issues, but Financial Aid is generally between you and Student Financial Affairs.
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