Dance The Night Away
Do you dance? When my kids were in high school, they each did some sort of volunteer work; all noble and worthy. Then they got to college and their involvement in philanthropy expanded tremendously and brought them each an amazing source of altruism and a whole lot of fun. Some of it was through Greek life, but at UCF the largest student-run philanthropy is Knight-Thon; the University of Central Florida’s Miracle Network Dance Marathon and it is for everyone.
Knight-Thon is a 20-hour dance marathon and year-long fundraising effort directly benefiting the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children. There are many opportunities for students to get involved starting when they first step foot on campus and not just as a dancer. Some sororities encourage involvement, but once students see the impact they make on the children and families’ lives, they will be counting down the days until next year. My son never danced, but he and some of his fraternity buddies participated yearly in other ways. There are many ways to participate without dancing. Students create teams to raise money year-round through fundraising events and personal appeals; the culmination being the Marathon which takes place this year March 28th – 29th, 2020 in the Additional Financial Arena. The events from fall through spring, educate, inspire, and unite UCF’s campus and community.
The Last Dance
To inspire students to remain standing on the dance floor, some of the Miracle Children are welcomed onstage alongside their families, and bravely share their stories of diagnosis, defeat, and hope. This is about when our kids get hooked and why they do it year after year. Of course, the weekend is packed with fun too; bounce houses, hypnotists, food, free merchandise, and entertainment.
Each year a theme and monetary goals are announced at the beginning of the fall semester. This year the theme is “This Is Why” and there is literally no financial goal setting with the idea that the campus and community have such tremendous potential that a number is not needed.
This year, 2020, even with the extenuating circumstances Knight-Thon Refuses to Stop Dancing and Raises $865K.
The simplest way to donate is to recycle your plastic containers. $0.05 goes back to Children’s Miracle Network! This is a great way to recycle and raise money for kids! From my perspective, I could not have been more proud of their participation and that this event truly puts into perspective how blessed they truly are.
FYI: UCF Knight Thon 2019 raised $1,288,360.23 in support of Children’s Miracle Network!!
Here is a list of things students should bring if they are participating as they aren’t able to leave the arena. It is a long night, so it is important to be prepared.
- a fanny pack that you can fill with some of the following…
- portable phone charger
- Advil/Tylenol of their choice for headaches (it gets really loud)
- deodorant
- protein bar or any other snack
- change of clothing
- makeup bag with face wash
- toothbrush
- mints
- throat lozenges (it gets loud and students really love to scream and cheer)
Students can also invite friends and family to stop by as visitors for a donation. They are able to bring them food, snacks, etc. and can see what Knight-Thon is really like as well! For more information or to donate. Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.
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