Apply for LEAD Academy.
Looking for a leadership opportunity while at UCF? You may want to consider applying to be part of the LEAD Scholars Academy. UCF’s LEAD Scholars Academy is a two-year academic leadership development program. The program emphasizes academics, community service, and leadership. Scholars commit to many hours of community service each year.
Acceptance into the program is pretty competitive; we are talking an average SAT score of 1342 or ACT score of 28, a high school GPA of 4.2 and have done a fair amount of leadership activities and community service along the way. Students interested should apply as early as possible. Applications also include a resume, essay, and a project. If selected students will need to commit to the program and pay a one-time Student’s Association (LSA) fee of $125. They must also attend one of the LEAD Scholar sessions offered during Orientation. If you are selected early enough, you will be invited to attend a special LEAD Scholars Orientation session (usually in June).
There are benefits to being part of this inclusive community at UCF. It is the only academic and co-curricular leadership program in Florida. LEAD Scholars offers many opportunities in academics, leadership opportunities, student organizations, research, and campus life. Some program benefits include:
- Access to LEAD Lounge for studying, networking and professional development
- $200 fellowship every semester you remain in good standing
- Priority class registration
The LEAD Scholars Living Learning Community is located in Neptune (dorm). Students living in this LLC program will receive:
- Connections with LEAD Scholars Academy faculty
- Networking opportunities with LEAD alumni and upperclassmen
- Resources to fulfill necessary LEAD Scholars requirements and learn about your personal leadership development
Accepted scholars will receive 8 hours of elective credit earned through their leadership classes. Becoming part of the Academy will mean being prepared to be a social change agent in a global society and cultivating invaluable campus partnerships. As though being a Knight wasn’t enough, maybe you want to be a Lead Scholar as well.
Here are the available programs:
- The Civic Engagement Scholars Program: teaches students how to engage with the community and leadership, service, political engagement, active citizenship, and more.
- The Global Leadership Program encourages students to become a more globally-minded leader. This includes volunteering with cultural or internationally-focused service agencies.
- The Inspire Women’s Leadership Program provides UCF students with empowerment opportunities and leadership enhancement. Networking, mentoring, experiential training will prepare students to hold leadership positions on campus and in the work arena.
- The Lead Out Loud multicultural leadership program: aims to empower students to embrace diversity, strengthen life skills, and become involved with leadership opportunities.
- The LEAD with Pride Program: focuses on leadership topics relevant to the LGBTQ+ community. Students learn how to be more inclusive and empathetic leaders or allies.
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