A Student Perspective
Sometimes the thought of choosing a career is scary. Attending a career showcase is important for all students no matter what year of study they are in. At any age, it helps prepare students, giving them the confidence needed when applying for jobs and internships. My advisor always says, “You don’t want your first time at career showcase to be when you need a job.”
I went to my first career showcase in the spring of my freshman year. I was nervous and had no idea what to wear. My friend and I showed up in what we thought was business attire and were immediately overwhelmed by the number of people and lines at the O’Connell Center. Without a plan, we grabbed a map and began wandering. We ended up waiting in line at Exxon and Frito-Lay to talk to the recruiters, and they were very encouraging. They both said that they were happy that we started going to career showcase freshman year because it showed that we cared enough to learn about their companies for when it came time to graduate and find jobs.
Show Up for the Showcase
Career Showcase this semester is currently scheduled for 9/21 – 9/24/20, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, in the Exactech Arena at the Stephen C. O’Connell Center. The best way to prepare for the showcase is to go online in advance to plan out which companies you want to speak with. Check the map for their location because there are long lines and it is very stressful to navigate the event. For information on which companies will be in attendance, use Gator CareerLink.
The university also offers many opportunities to help every student feel prepared. The Career Connections Center located in the Reitz holds seminars to teach students how to navigate the event. There is a resume building seminar, a Networking Tips workshop, and Career Conversation which teaches how to talk to the people interviewing at career showcase. (For details on dates and time go to the crc.ufl.edu.)
Make the Most of Your Links
Although it may surprise you, another way to prep for the Career Showcase is by utilizing LinkedIn. A LinkedIn Jobseeker account allows you to view profiles and send InMail messages, usually starting from $29.95 per month. But HaveUHeard that LinkedIn has a version specifically designed for students looking for their first jobs? The LinkedIn Students app is free and lets you research jobs, view companies where alumni from your school work, and allow you to connect with more people, perhaps even before meeting them at Career Showcase. You can create an account and get started right away without spending a dime.
There is also the CISE biannual job and internship fair held by the University of Florida Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering. Registration for the event, virtual this year, should open in the Fall.
The University of Florida offers students professional clothes for rent through the Gator Career Closet so that students can look their best when interviewing for these jobs. They also offer free professional headshots taken by a student volunteer during the fall semester. The photos are taken in the Molm Family Gator Career Closet lobby on the ground floor. Read our blog Dress for Success for suggestions on what to wear and to see which retailers offer student discounts. You can also check the Thrift Stores in town.
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